Grunther got extremely distressed upon seeing it, stating that this was the hole that had eaten his hand. The halfling found three pressure plates on the floor in the next hallway. Adventurers are sought out and sent to the jungle peninsula of Chult, where they must face . Following a passage to the east, the adventurers discover a grand chamber, fifty feet across that plunges into darkness below. When they did, they looked back and on the lower level they spotted a Tomb Dwarf wearing a mask similar to the devil face at the tomb entrance. They all tried to pressure each other into drinking to witness more of these effects. Now I just need to know what to replace it with. 0000069972 00000 n JavaScript is currently disabled. Apparently there was a gas pocket in the next room. 0000049357 00000 n My party isnt there yet, but I plan on changing the players size, should they roll a 3; medium -> small or vice versa. Calmer heads prevails and the heroes decided to take a short rest after acquiring the Triangle-head from the skeleton nearby. This was our second session in it, and they decided to do Obo'lakas tomb after one of them accidentally triggered the 6 wights by himself in the previous session, so they were already somewhat weakened. It's not a bad idea with the right party, but I don't think mine is Granted, making our evil fallen aasimar suddenly a protector would drive her crazy. 0000026400 00000 n This does introduce the possibility of killing a player who thinks he's out of danger, but the more dice, the closer the damage will stick to the average, and the increased danger will be offset by the sense of both drama and fairness. The first drink of the fountain was our parties Gnoll Bloodhunter, who rolled a 3 and became a woman. * He informed her that she was dead, that she was just a skull now. Crossing around the balcony the party noticed another of the weird mask-wearing dwarves looking at them from the floor below before moving out of sight. Watch the full live session here: Yellow Musk Zombie. Next they focused their attention on the sarcophagus, which they correctly assumed was the zorbo Obolaka. With a shattering crash, the skull rises from the box, exploding in flame, attacking the adventurers. Bow as the dead god intoned. They used the wooden ladder to cross back over, though noted a hallway led toward the east. Koopa noticed a small skull floating inside the crystal box, and then a female child's voice spoke to him: "What's happening? 41 necrotic damage. 0000012191 00000 n Only 8 left in stock - order soon. Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world. After a scan of your list, I am thinking of another approach. Hey everyone. 0000063446 00000 n LOL. Three marble maidens stand in the fountain holding pitchers out of which water flows. Finn ran up to the skeleton, punched it three times, destroying it, and retrieved its square-shaped skull. While Koopa ripped up the grate, Finn looked through a glass window at the end of the hall into the next room, but it was dark and he couldn't make out much more than a sarcophagus in the center of the room. "You guys watch as the cleric turns to dust." All with official Dungeons & Dragons digital content! The issue is that one of my players is trans, and I feel like a gag about changing genders just for player laughs would be highly insensitive and runs the risk of at best making someone uncomfortable or at worst seriously pissing people off. He cast augury as a ritual, asking Illmater if pushing the first button would be a good idea. To the north, the adventurers discover a slab of worked stone, whose edges are marked by relief carvings of skulls. Tomb of Annihilation Dare to defy death in this adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game. He took a drink, and the water turned to acid in his mouth, spitting it out (making the CON save) but still taking 26 damage! This vaulted tomb is overgrown with moss and creepers. My current thought: The creature's physical ability A rusted iron grate is set into the corridor floor. Its very Alice in Wonderland. Finn raised his holy symbol and turned all the spiders to dust; the floating skull retreated to the back of the room where she was quickly dispatched by Dak and Nori. Khaless, level 9 Half-Drow Assassin Rogue While Dak threw a rope down to Koopa and helped the tortle out of the pit, Finn reset the trap, jammed the pit closed, and opened the stone door. They were being watched. Uncertain what to make of the chests, the adventurers descend into the pit, recover the skull cap of the skeleton and move on. The talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone whos ever been raised from the dead. Gillian, level 9 Triton Bard of Whispers The girl shrieked in horror, shattering the crystal box. Three marble maidens stand in the fountain holding pitchers out of which water flows. He found a stone door blocking his way, an iron lever set into the door, and a stone skull leering down from above. 0000004102 00000 n As it does so, swarms of spiders appear from the cracks in the walls. There's a lot of that, and your time in-game actually matters in this campaign, so prepare to manage your . Failed the save. And a childs voice filled his head, Whats happening, whos there?. Most of them needed the Advantage just to make a DC 10 Athletics check to cross the room, avoiding the pull of the magnet, and reaching a circular room with a fountain in the middle. Andor smashed through the sarcophagus and the mummy was quickly put down, but not before it hit Andor with a Rotting Fist attack. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! Koopa, inside the first chest, suffered an immense blast of force damage; Grunther had all of his non-magical metal items decay into dust; and Gresh endured a burst of cold damage, which he was fine with, being a silver dragonborn as he was. 52 0 obj <> endobj xref To the east, the characters discover an alcove running the length of a narrow tunnel, each featuring a bestial statue standing or squatting above a basin of oil. Once again, if the player disagrees, offer the more neutral alternative. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. From Session 71 of our Tomb of Annihilation live play D&D campaign. Yareck lifts the staff out of the tomb. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Lets Play Ori and the Will of the Wisps #3, DMs Guild Review Scourge of the Nightingale Part 1: A Song of Love. Send a suggestion; Uninstall Wikiwand; Upgrade to Wikiwand 2.0 Our magic isn't perfect. A sibilant voice whispers in your ear: Let me help you! This subreddit serves as a helpful place for any DM's running the Tomb of Annihilation module. Dak, Finn, Koopa, Gresh, and Nori brought the name "Falon" to Candlekeep, where Gresh's wife, Alyssa, told them what she knew of him: "Twenty years ago the famous explorer Falon T'selvin contracted his adventuring band to a mysterious mage perhaps this was Desatysso? George, level 9 Tortle Battle Master Fighter/Rogue They could see all the way down through four floors, three of which had winding staircases with balconies. The record I found ended with, 'And so the two remaining companions of Falon returned with him to Beregost, the town of Falon's birth. We use necessary cookies to allow our site to function correctly and collect anonymous session data. Through great use of the Wand of Fear the heroes were able to narrow down the wight attackers and whittle them down one at a time. The town of Nashkel, a few days down the road, was utterly abandoned. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 0000009589 00000 n Pulling aside the heavy undergrowth, they see a similar entrance to the one they just found with old bones littering its threshold. You should check them out. Plus there's a human who would then become a variant human, throwing most his stats out of whack and granting him a feat suddenly. He guess correct. Billie had a split second to decide as he ran across, held onto the lever but didnt pull it. Billie also acquired the Staff of the Serpent here. Create your D&D Beyond account today, and start using the guided character builder. And they only reason the heroes found the 9th one was because that cube (Unkh) when in this tunnel, illuminated the edge of a secret door at the far end of the tunnel. Spying a chest on cliff ledge above a large chasm, the adventurers create a magical stone walkway to reach it, only to discover that the chest is, in fact, a mimic. 0000026898 00000 n Freelance Writer You are using an out of date browser. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Tomb of Annihilation Board Game - Standard AS-IS at the best online prices at eBay! We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Mannix whipped out a hammer and pitons to nail into the side of the wall to help, though near the end the magnet-statue pulled the hammer out of his hand, nearly striking Gillian and Khaless, and disintegrating when it hit the statue. I believe he has possessed me of a sort. Here they looked in through a thick window and saw a stone sarcophagus with six corpses sitting in thrones, as well as a skeleton with a triangle-shaped thing on its head. 0000026375 00000 n They didn't know where that flesh golem had come from, or the frequency in which more might arrive. Finn used his slippers of spider climbing to reach the stone door. 0000025709 00000 n (Leads to: Sandfall Cell) Sandfall Cell Each player loses 2 life unless they sacrifice a creature, artifact, or land. Koopa drank water from the fountain, and felt pretty ill afterward. Carefully traversing the hallway, the characters manage to avoid several poison dart traps as they approach the devil face. I was thinking of replacing it with changing the PC's race and having a secondary table to roll on to determine a random race. Doubling back, the party overcame an adamantine propeller trap using their immovable rod. Pulled towards it, one of the characters finds their suit of armor turns to a pile of powdered rust. Starring: Wipe your feet, enjoy your stay, please die horribly, etc. Previously on Tomb of Annihilation Tomb of Annihilation Session 71: The Rotten Halls p1 Starring: I've decided to just take that feature out. But Chenin and Ohgram failed over and over, and over, and over again. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. To the right appeared to be a balcony and stairway leading down. I think it was the spirit of Moa. Dak noted the shards and flakes of rusted metal on the floor around the statue's feet. The Magic Fountain (chapter 5) Hey everyone. Tomb of Annihilation Session 72 Recap Eric Watson, Tomb of Annihilation Session 83 Recap Eric Watson, Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden Session 79 - Doom of Ythryn p4. 0000050149 00000 n Immediately, all of the eyes on the bronze disk turn to them and the corpses on the thrones begin to rise. Going through the north door, Dak and Finn found a rusting statue of a knight standing at the west end of a hall, gripping a large iron shield. But while he was investigating the next room, Ohgram decided to try himself. In darkness, it hides. Inside the room, George could see a network of tiny tunnels all along the walls, with hundreds of spiders crawling within. OB01LAKA1S TOMB MAGIC FOUNTAIN This vaulted tomb is overgrown with moss and creepers. Also to help players remember Inspiration, I'll award it every short or long rest. Plus, sign up for the newsletter in order to get the latest info on Dungeons & Dragons products, events, and special offersand help stay informed! September 3rd, 2019, Release Date: On their floor, stairs led down, and three other archways led to different hallways, including the west leading back to the original green devil face intersection. Another five days of travel saw the companions at the edge of the Snakewood. Now they could fully investigate the room: Through some trial and error, the heroes learned that someone had to get into each of the three chests to turn the interior key. Why cant I see anything? Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. It began to don on them that they had made a mistake. 0000014707 00000 n Therin most likely wont be first in line again any time soon. Press J to jump to the feed. 0000029644 00000 n Instead of breaking through the window, George and Therin lifted up the nearby iron grate, and the party began dropping down into the claustrophobic water tunnel below. Descending the steps a ways, the adventures find a bronze plaque fixed to the wall that reads: The ring is a path to another tomb. trailer <]/Prev 306697/XRefStm 1527>> startxref 0 %%EOF 100 0 obj <>stream A Guide to Tomb of Annihilation (pay what you want) Tomb of Annihilation Companion SlyFlourish Guide DMs Workshop Guides Using Adventurer's League Modules Adventurer's League Official Modules World Timeline Through the Events of the Adventure List of Magic Items and their locations in ToA Recommended Materials Preparation p[XRiCpQ5Q .% endstream endobj 99 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[5 47]/Length 20/Size 52/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Don't play it. Buy the book from Game Kastle to support the D&D Compendium! The dead abhor sunlight. Following the passage back to the T-intersection with the green devil face, the companions explored the balcony and stairway. Here Billie carefully placed the nine puzzle cubes in opposite sides with the neutral one going into the center. 0000069273 00000 n The changes appear in recent printings of the book. Astone sarcophagus rests on a stepped dais in the mid-Any creature that drinks from the fountain experiences dle ofthe floor. Tomb of Annihilation Spoilers, Tomb of Annihilation - Valindra's role (spoilers), Advice for running Tomb of Horrors with a twist (+), Tomb of Annihilation Post-Mortem (Spoilers), Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. After some initial confusion, everyone opted to stay inside and ended up dealing with the poisonous gas. After encountering Mr. Withers, aka the Dungeon Concierge, the party explores most of the first level of the Tomb of the Nine Gods (the Rotten Halls), performing admirably except for one magical fountain they just couldnt resist. How about it switches their subrace? However, I am different. The party investigate the stone skull and realized there was an entire room beyond it, with the mouth acting as a short tunnel-door. This is a list of the 13 traps in the Tomb that kill you at 0 HP - unlike virtually every other effect in the game. The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger . The creature looks up at them with disinterest and continues walking through the muddy water. hbbbd`b`` 6 endstream endobj 53 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/Pages 2 0 R/StructTreeRoot 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 54 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -297.0 -391.5]>>/PageUIDList<0 82778>>/PageWidthList<0 594.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 594.0 783.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 55 0 obj <> endobj 56 0 obj <> endobj 57 0 obj <> endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 59 0 obj <> endobj 60 0 obj <>stream Gresh used a scroll of mage hand to open the southern door, which had edges made of flint, and sparks caused an explosion on the other side of the door. In this case, Id start with your trans player. All she could offer to aid the adventurers was a map that showed the location of the tomb in the Snakewood, about a week's travel east of here. In darkness, it hides. Whats happening? 0000062902 00000 n After the wights were defeated, it took a long time for the adventurers to figure out that they had to wear the green masks to open the sarcophagus, which held a pile of dusty bones and a gold ring. After a minute, the stone barrier rose and the puzzle cubes still in the wall were ejected. At this point the party went crazy trying to figure out what was going on, and the DM, dear reader, was ecstatic. 0000037234 00000 n Wellmost of him. Mannix produced a 25-ft wooden ladder from his Vest of Useful Items, and George helped prop it up to the other side of the room, creating a side-ways bridge. Tomb of Annihilation is an adventure module for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. I feel like this one random event did more to set the tone for the rest of the tomb than anything I could have written or forced. Carved birds soar across the walls of this corridor. Click here to edit contents of this page. Live streamed and uploaded every week on YouTube. Mannixs Detect Magic revealed Transmutation Magic around the fountain, but the party was desperately curious. Beyond the pit, near the back of the room, sat three large chests one of black onyx, the second of rusted iron, and the third of silver and glistening with frost. A Guide to Tomb of Annihilation (pay what you want), World Timeline Through the Events of the Adventure, List of Magic Items and their locations in ToA, Overview of plots and sub-plots in the adventure, All handouts for the adventure, courtesy of WoTC, All freely available maps from the adventure, Cellar of Death (module designed to begin the adventure), Printable Puzzle Cubes OR Puzzle Cubes v2, 3D-printable Puzzle Cubes from TinkerCad User SteveyB, The Tortle Package - official AL-legal playable race and a side adventure, The Ruins of Mezro - An entire campaign with support up to level 20, Google Spreadsheet For Generating A Lot Of Stuff, Karnivs-Treasures-of-Chult-50-New-Magical-Items, Raiders-of-the-Lost-Tomb-Chult-Adventurers-Guide, 35-Magical-Items-for-Tomb-of-Annihilation, Drax-Deadly-Plants-of-Chult-50-deadly-jungle-plants. Finn invited Grunther to join the companions on their quest to find and destroy the Soulmonger, and Grunther was more than happy to accept. Fear the night when the forsaken one seizes death's mantle and the seas dry up and the dead rise and I, Acererak the Eternal, reap the world of the living. And he made it through as well! The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rainforests. A groundskeeper directed them to Falon's grave. Other balcony levels are visible below, with corridors radiating off in all directions. Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker. A stone balcony winds around the walls to connect four archways. (Leads to: Cradle of the Death God) In a grand staircase that descended into darkness, the heroes stayed on this level and traveled to the opposite side. Yuan-ti Broodguard. Maybe it's just me absolutely loving death trap dungeons, but the puzzles and Traps are incredibly fun to run/watch my players try to figure out. Koopa leaned the grate against the green devil face. A skeleton with a square-shaped skull wandered around in that next room. Four lines engraved at the center of the slab cross one to another to form a star, with both ends of each line marking the location of a cube shaped cavity cut into the door eight cavities in all. $3.99 delivery Jan 20 - 24. Defeating the creature, the adventurers explore the rest of the watery passage, eventually stumbling onto a second skeleton with a triangular skull cap, clinging to the ceiling. 0000001276 00000 n Traveling north George felt a tug from a knight statue ahead. Dak and Koopa gave chase, cornering it in the room north of the knight statue room. Necessary cookies can be opted out through your browser settings. Again he stopped and searched, rolled a 20+ Perception (this is George, not Mannix mind you), and spotted yet another secret door on the side of the hallway, leading down darkened stairs. JavaScript is disabled. . Coughing from the noxious gas, the adventurers cover their mouths and wait for the gas to clear. Green smoke billows from the staff, coiling around you like a serpent. Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Board Game Complete. At one point George suggested ripping the eyeball disk free and using it on the dwarves, despite not knowing what it actually does. Yeah I would do something like this - changing hair color, growing or shrinking a foot (but still staying in the same size category). They found a chamber with a deep pit that contained another sarcophagus at the bottom. The group just entered the tomb last session, so this could come up as soon as next week. Roll con save, gets a natural 3+2. In the next chamber Billie got halfway across when a skeletal arm emerged from the opposite wall next to a lever, holding an hourglass. Near the base of the cliffs, the adventurers discover a fifteen-foot obelisk of cracked stone, draped with vines and black moss. Trying to open it, Yareck sticks his finger in the keyhole. He was already heavily injured from the hallway spike trap in the previous session, and the water appeared to heal him. 0000049618 00000 n If the goal is to have an effect that would make them drink twice then it kind of has to affect some sort of binary status of the player so that they see it as a switch that they can flip back by drinking again. Closing the lid, they hear a similar click to the one they heard before. A second, smaller tunnel burrows into the base of the cliff to the east. In a grand staircase that descended into darkness, the heroes stayed on this level and traveled to the opposite side. Investigating further, the adventurers discover a statue of Unkh behind a secret door. Andor first and then Billie crawled through the skulls mouth, and wisely Chidi stayed back as he saw both lights from the eyes of the skull go out. George impressively rolled a 20 when searching the room, finding another secret door opposite their own, leading to a northern hallway. Speak no truth to the doomed child. The heroes quickly exited and took an short rest. Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm. During that time for rituals are time consuming a flesh golem came into the chamber and hurled itself into the pit with Dak and Nori! Other cards in this SET. A good idea, but seeing as the party includes 3 players without a subrace that won't do anything. 0000016025 00000 n This strays pretty far from that, what with the dangerous jungles, aztec style motifs, dinosaurs, and trap-heavy death waiting around every choice you make. Exploring the area further, the adventurers eventually discover another, secret entrance to the west. Each time they would die, and each time someone would heal or stabilize them, all while the others frantically rearranged the cubes, trying in vain to solve the puzzle, when waiting it out was the only option. 10. 40). 0000004484 00000 n The rest of the party lost their minds, "Can we do something to save him", "Oh god oh no". Koopa realized the voice was coming from the skull. Also available through our digital partners. Casting detect magic, the adventurers discover that the water radiates transmutation magic. He opened the silver chest and crawled inside, finding a golden key in there. It briefly grabbed Chidi but the heroes were able to slay the creature. Then they explored this room more closely. 7/23/2021: Dungeon cards may be put into a player's command zone using the venture into the dungeon keyword action found on some cards from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms set. Something does not work as expected? 0000016128 00000 n She nailed a nat 20 on the Thieves Tools roll, opening the chest and gaining a hefty sum of cash, a magic smiley-face mug, and some 3rd level spell scrolls, two of which I randomly rolled as bonus loot. Ill follow the enlarge/reduce mechanics. Drinking from the fountain, Yareck finds himself magically transformed into a woman. A Death-Defying Adventure for Levels 1-11 September 30th, 2014, Release Date: Welcome to the Jungle! As they are looking, they can see a skeletal figure with a curious, metal cap protruding from its skull. Bottom line, like for most good D&D questions, is: talk to your players about it. Koopa quickly turned the skeletal hand back around, which opened a pit trap beneath him.