TikTok also keeps track of other analytics, such as the number of likes, comments and shares your videos got over the last seven to 60 days. Do you want to comment on that, Sanjay? While some may data capacity to achieve all these tasks simultaneously, we have confidence that our 4,000 global employees and partnerships can make it possible. Great. And then, just how to think about how electrolyzers should ramp up through the year and how that impacts top line gross margins? 16.3K Likes, 76 Comments. OK. Great. Through my months of research, I found that one of the MANY side effects of hormonal birth control is depression, anxiety, weight gain, low libido, and so on. Right. And perhaps you're in a position, particularly with lower gas prices, if they sustain here where maybe if you're doing better than expected on the pace of internal hydrogen generation that it might make sense to just buy out some of these money-losing third-party industrial gas contracts given how much liquidity you have and then just have a clean simpler to understand, more attractive set of operations going forward after you bite the bullet. And as you saw in some of our comments in our shareholder letter, since the launch of the product, we've seen tremendous traction there, right? Watch popular content from the following creators: pagingthepa(@pagingthepa), Barstool Sports(@barstoolsports), Tristan Maloney(@tristan_maloney), crystalconcha(@crystalconcha10), TheyCallMeToby(@theycallmetoby2) . Thank you for the question. When you start seeing content that you dont want, you can make explicit and implicit changes. I'll hand the floor back to Andy Marsh for closing remarks. Electrolyzers is going to be a pretty meaningful part as we're talking about that. I was not going to sit around and let this control my life, affect my marriage, and make me feel like a human garbage can. Just wondering what are your sort of big picture views on that topic. So we -- and you can see that in the slide, we are talking about getting Georgia starting to produce by the end of this quarter and in early Q2 from a full production standpoint. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. So in the equipment line, it now reflects all equipment across the company. These features can come in handy when you want to boost your reach and engagementor when you just want to know if your ex is checking out your posts. TikTok grew even more when ByteDance decided to merge with Musical.ly in August of 2018. In summer 2020, Taylor and I decided to move from Thomasville, GA to Denver, CO. Yeah, pretty much everyone moved to Denver during the panini, but thats ok. Its a rad place. So Eric, as you recall, right, so there's about a quarter delay before we see the benefit of the decline in the natural gas price starting to flow into our cost molecule. Happy to do that. So all those are important. So happy to -- P.J., so a couple of things, right? Obviously, the integrated green hydrogen plant is higher. Thanks. One, we have a project business and we have a product business where we're really focusing on standardization, turnkey products. And those pedestal customers, folks like Gastar are looking to deploy -- start deploying at scale and that's a benefit not only here in North America, but building out our newer European capabilities. Oh! It's almost like a . 12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Now, in terms of a meaningful revenue ramp, you will see that become very meaningful as you go toward the latter part of Q3 and really into Q4 from a timing of when the installation happens, how the revenue gets recognized, but as Paul mentioned, we're looking at electrolyzer being about 30% of our overall revenue in 2023. And we believe that ultimately, the liquefiers also will be used off hydrogen pipeline to be able to deliver high-quality storage of people who are not on the pipeline. Whether youre a social media influencer or casual creator, you can probably benefit from knowing whos checking out your posts on TikTok. The crocodile throws him off its back and he scrambles away on all fours, never. *Stock Advisor returns as of February 8, 2023. Those are what you're seeing negatively draw down equipment margin. So it was $1.4 billion, 10% gross margins and what I've talked about is kind of a $125 million per quarter opex rate is roughly as a proxy. TikTok video from Lexi (@ohhbabyitslexi): "Youre probably wondering how I got here ". And one point, PJ, maybe we could do a slightly better job than maybe what we've done in the past is there is about a six-month lag, right? If I was in -- crystal balls are tough, but I would think in 2028-2029, you're probably talking 30%. It could be a scam. Click and hold the middle of your screen on any video and a pop-up screen will appear with options to save or report a video. This year is really a testing and verification of our stationary products. Falling Over - 1 Time Fa All my Fast Shakerz. Biju Perincheril -- Susquehanna International Group -- Analyst. Sure. Still fully uneducated and not informed about any potential side effects, I start poppin that little pill daily. And as we talked about in the letter, moving up to the 100 megawatts per month in the next month or six weeks, another major milestone. Certainly does. Psalms 51 1-14A Prayer for Cleansing1 Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. So PJ, I think it will be -- I think -- let me take a step back. on Youre Probably Wondering How I Got Here | My Health Story. Curiosity is killing you, and youre totally fine with other TikTok users knowing youve checked out their profile. TikTok originally started out as an app called Douyin, which is essentially the Chinese version of TikTok. Additionally, we have formed valuable partnership with partners such as Johnson Massey, which grants us access to invaluable product development, manufacturing expertise, as well as essential elements that are crucial to scaling the industry. So if I look at the cryo equipment, we've -- I would say when we look at the trailer business, Sanjay, how much -- how many trailers do we expect from a percentage-wise to grow this year, better external? So there has been uptake. My acne cleared up, but that anxiety I was experiencing was soon accompanied by severe depression. A lot, actually. I was sick. 2.8M views. Thanks. Can you talk about how big this could be for third-party sales? And I think I get different answers from different people. 28K Likes, 88 Comments. That is not health. And we just didn't get as far along as we'd hoped to into putting those programs in place. We do look at and we continue to explore potential JVs. Greetings and welcome to . As we go through the year, we'll have better visibility on timing of things. And we also have a lot of negotiation and the discussion going on at this point in time where we're looking at some of the swap agreements, right? (Which I only know from MST3K). Stationary is going to be a meaningful part of our program this year. TikTok video from Irv Official - Irvin Pea (@irv.official): "Here's how you can get business funding even as a start up There's something known as no doc business loans & business lines of credit You're able to take advantage of these funding resources that are offered by banks and credit unions even if your business is less than a year old This means you probably don't have tax . People can also direct-message you and spam your inbox. And we're seeing that already in the first couple of months. Scroll through the suggested videos, and click the username on the ones you like. Yeah. Record scratch, freeze frame, Baba O'Riley plays. We prayed about it and it felt like the right move. 0:22. (Does anyone know the OG creator of this audio? So those are near-term milestones that are very important for us because it's really going to come from shipping more product, which is a big chunk of what we're going to do this year, and that is already accretive to leveraging the facilities, which we get through volume and then the gas improvements that we already see with natural gas prices abating, as well as turning on the green hydrogen facility. (Does anyone know the OG creator of this audio? You record videos by holding down a big red button, and (unlike Snapchat) you can edit them afterwards. TikTok video from spaceboy (@spaceboylive): "Youre probably wondering how I got here.. #gta5 #twitch #gta #gtarp #nopixel". Find the newest I Bet You Re Wondering How I Got Here Meme meme. Thank you. Hi. Wooo. What your capture rate is a little bit more than cut in half, I mean, that's a number, that's $350 million. We have a number of programs, which we've seen tremendous benefits in the small population of sites and units that we've deployed them to. Again, Bill, from a portfolio perspective, right, that $4 number, we are absolutely very confident about that. Use this to your advantage: If you want to see more of a certain type of content, engage with it by liking it, commenting on it, sharing links or liking comments. A new and little-known feature on TikTok allows users to see whos viewed their TikTok videos and profile, and all you have to do is turn it on. So thank you, everyone. Scroll through the suggested videos, and click the username on the ones you like. I think that -- and we -- and it's really related to what I talked about in January with the construction at our customer sites being slowed down because of the challenges in supply chain and so this year, the number of sites we will do will be 2x, and we know where they're going. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This time, a year long program. We attribute this primarily to three factors. #Tiktok Prankster gets Eliminated by a Triple OG for doing pranks in the Hood. But I feel really good about the DOE program, and I feel like that's a very real opportunity that has high probability coming to fruition. That's right -- and then how that would compare against comparable programs that may be coming online, I guess, through -- I guess probably later than '24 time frame from your competitors? So I did. I noticed on the discussion on the sales funnel for the electrolyzers at a pretty substantial proportion is related to, I guess, green hydrogen/green ammonia. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. You don't have to register for an account on TikTok in order to use it. TikTok video from MJ (@mjhedderman): "HAPPY PISCES SZN!! ET. Andy, you recently announced long-term strategic partnership with Johnson Matthey. So in terms of the electrolyzer scope and the timing and cadence, do you want to talk about that, Sanjay? You Probably Wondering How I Ended Up In This SituationGive your life to God (Yahweh) and his son Jesus (Yahshua)! So maybe just on gross margin. Others have since copied it, like Instagram and its Reels feature. So we'll see how the timing all that comes together in centers, but that's our focus. ByteDance developed Douyin in 2016, and launched TikTok for the rest of the world in 2017. TikTok also combined Musical.ly's logo with their own, and even adopted the same "musers" nickname that Musical.ly gave to its audience. Happy to do that. Are you looking at this mostly to serve your internal needs? Now, finally, Texas is a 45-ton plant. And last one for me, guys, on. 887.4K Likes, 4.6K Comments. Yeah. Thank you to you and all those who have joined us on the call today. Do you think that your customers are still digesting the details on all the nuances of the PTC and any other IR implications before converting their inbound to, say, a firm order? I end up going to a very Christian college, which was not the vibe. We can do this together. That's the number we've talked about, and we feel pretty good about it. We're also developing on road vehicles through our JV partner Renault. 9 Hide Your face from my sins, And blot out all my iniquities. Yeah. There's been a tremendous learning period that we have had with the plant in Georgia. We also believe that again, thinking of scale manufacturing, where we're looking up to putting a 10 gigawatt plant here in the U.S. with Johnson Matthey much like and think about something that looks like the Tesla plan in Nevada. Thanks for the detail, Paul. And then, lastly, the stationary -- large-scale stationary product, we're going to be shipping the first large-scale systems in Q2. These books were the catalyst to my freedom. So those efforts -- there is a lot of development and manufacturing coordination going on between Plug and SK. Please state your question. That's why he doesn't see the second crocodile come up from behind him, grab his arm and twist it up between his shoulderblades as he slams the RPG.netter's face into the gravel next to a swing set. When we moved to Denver, I knew that I needed to get a job. TikTok video from Keeton Landfair (@keetonlandfair8): "*freeze frame in Rivendell* I bet youre wondering how I got here #tolkien #tolkientok #lotr #lotrtok #meme #foryou #fyp". Looking at the fuel cell systems and infrastructure line, that's been a consistent 20% gross margin business and it dipped in 4Q. Say my name. That day, I drive home from work and tell Taylor, I want to go back to school and study nutrition. Just looking at cash, short-term securities, restricted cash on the balance sheet, just summing all of those up, it looks like you guys used about $1.4 billion of cash. stadtteile lbeck corona; sonnenblendstreifen selbst gestalten; leguan mexiko gefhrlich I lost all my freelance gigs, pretty much at the same time. He finally came into chat with me, he said the same thing all the other docs said, You could run a marathon right now, your labs are showing youre healthy Except for one thing, he listened. Unlike Vine, you can upload videos directly from your phone, instead of having to record them directly in the app. PLUG is actively pursuing every aspect of the hydrogen economy, including expanding the hydrogen ecosystem, and establishing top-tier manufacturing and supply chain capabilities. It was gnarly. ( extended; https://www.yout. But it just may be the most adorable. And I put in fuel, that fuel category, other cryogenic equipment and liquefiers and tank and tankers and things like that. Nonetheless, I have held that in my heart, grasping to it for encouragement on the hard days, never knowing how or when I would come to the discovery of what she meant. Since then, TikTok has increased in popularity and is now considered one of the top social media apps. We obviously try and maximize spread and leverage on those from an investment standpoint. I read every book I could get my hands on, listened to all the podcasts, and changed my diet. Glad you can make it. So give us some time, there's a lot going on behind the scene and really looking forward to actually talking a lot more about it even in North America, as you actually really look at when 2023 sort of like in the second half of the year. I discover that I cant take it without food or I will puke my guts out. I want to change all the things. Sure. 2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. Check out Into The AM and use code \"WhosImmortal\" at checkout to save 10% on your order - https://goo.gl/zRNbqKWant a partnership? The crocodile throws him off its back and he scrambles away on all fours, never breaking eye contact with the beast. And a big jump from last year. Michael Blum -- Wells Fargo Securities -- Analyst. Brooke Nelson is a tech and consumer products writer covering the latest in digital trends, product reviews, security and privacy, and other news and features for RD.com. That's our project business, which I think, given the scope and size of that that ends up becoming more on a percent of the completion accounting and timing of how the project ramps and rolls out. We have gone through the settings for the most popular (and problematic) services to give you recommendations. Let's not forget, it's a first of the green hydrogen liquid plant in the world that has not been built in the past, right? You Probably Wondering How I Ended Up In This SituationGive your life to God (Yahweh) and his son Jesus (Yahshua)! Learn More, Plug Power(PLUG 3.83%)Q42022 Earnings CallMar 01, 2023, 4:30 p.m. Last quarter, I think you said about 35% of the material handling business was small and midsize and how is that trending given you guys are targeting a handful of new pedestal customers this year? Could that ever make sense with that opportunity to ever present itself? Its 2013, 2 years of college under my belt and absolutely hating every second of it. So -- but as we continue to improve that, it will be -- a stronger process is more predictable, easier to manage moving forward. Its a recipe for disaster. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Yeah. AT THIS MOMENT I KNEW, *freeze frame in Rivendell* I bet youre wondering how I got here, Your probably wondering how i got here , This is a repost but I HAD to! That's helpful. It's a fairly significant number. Cost basis and return based on previous market day close. original sound - HOT97. Invest better with The Motley Fool. Great. Hey, Andy and everyone. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. We believe that it is important to communicate our future expectations to investors. Go to your profile by tapping the "Profile" icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your . I hope that's helpful. And if you -- what I really like about the mix is it's really -- a lot of it is -- some of our traditional customers like Walmart, we have a fairly aggressive plan this year with them but also during the past year, we announced the new pedestal customers. The next question comes from PJ Juvekar with Citi. So we've learned a lot. I know you guys started kind of with the U.S. build-out but now with Antwerp, and especially with the JV partner in Iberia, it seems like that could be -- could accelerate into many more plants in that area of the world. Im talking about the kind that make you pass out or puke. So Biju, yeah, it is an important part of our business model. So that's how I think it will play out, PJ and I have real live data at least initially that probably is a pretty fair estimate of the initial number I'm putting out there. And our next question comes from Bill Peterson with J.P. Morgan. I mean, they all are liquid short term in nature. Sure. So I think as the year progresses, we get to Q4, it's going to be a big quarter for us and a big year in terms of profitability. I do want to ensure complete transparency by acknowledging the potential challenges that may arise during our business activities throughout the year. That mix is probably 75%, 80% for large sites in the first half of the year and then probably settling back into the medium -- the 35% number we shared previously in the second half of the year. cc: im kristen, youre probably wondering how i got here | every teen movie intro: | cc: but if i were to tell you that wed have to go waaaaaaaaay back | original sound - Cat Burns. http://bit.ly/SubToImmortal Sponsor the channel here https://goo.gl/jyW5vmFollow me Twitter https://twitter.com/WhosImmortal Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/immortalresistance Google+ https://plus.google.com/+ImmortalResistance Instagram https://www.instagram.com/whosimmortal/Use code \"Immortal\" at checkout for 10% off all KontrolFreek products! Our plants will utilize plug electrolyzers and cryogenic equipment to produce and deliver liquid hydrogen, the Plug trailers. There are situations where we have a five-year contract, right? *Average returns of all recommendations since inception. And you are right, it gets lost in the shuffle. Dyson Airwrap multi-styler Complete Long. You can post any type of video on TikTok, but the most popular ones involve music. Hi, Andy. Absolutely. I was going to change my hormones for the better one way or another, naturally, without prescriptions or synthetics. Picture it, its January 2021, Im crying while sitting at my corporate desk job, just trying to survive the winter, mascara dripping down my face. Just had one quick follow-up on liquidity and cash. He put me on a month long elimination diet to rule out any food sensitivities, and lo and behold, hello gluten allergy! So Sanjay, maybe you can give out some insight. Outside of that, and changes in the exact wording, it very much does exist in all the examples you just provided. Can you maybe just talk about some of the signposts that we should look for in 2023 to kind of judge the progress toward some of your long-term goals? 3.3K. idk #QuakerPregrain #miata #cars #cartok #miatatok #miataclub #miatahub #jdm #stancecar #fyp #fyp #mx5 #cartiktok #cartiktok #CapCut". But we've been talking about an outline of a $1 billion program. You're probably wondering how I got here. You don't even have to know how to sing or play an instrument; just staying on top of the trends and using the latest songs can help your videos go viral. 669 Likes, TikTok video from Gift | SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER (@socialgift): "Youre probably wondering how I got here #yoursocialmediabff #socialmediamangement #businessownerthings #instagramcontentcreator". We havent even made it to the freeze frame from the beginning of my story. So just maybe walk us through what happened there and what drives the confidence that those should start to improve starting in Q1 and Q2? 119 Likes, TikTok video from EMMA | ENGAGEMENT AGENCY OWNER (@righthandglam): "*record scratch, freeze frame* youre probably wondering how i got here #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthtiktok #mentalhealthtok #entrepreneurtok #entrepreneurs #socialmediaexperts #mystory #mystoryisntover". The next question comes from Sherif Elmaghrabi with BTIG. I got my ass in therapy, found a dope psychiatrist, & was set with my meds. With respect to the green hydrogen network coming up now, are the offtake agreements for this already in place? And Eric, math-wise, you're absolutely right, right? Now that you know a bit about TikTok's background, it's time to learn more about the app itself. We have the scoop on how to see who viewed your TikTok video and profile, plus where to find other TikTok analytics. So I do think there is a little bit of difference there. When you spend more than 90 minutes on the app, you'll receive a notification to take a break. These forward-looking statements contain projections of our future results of operations, or of our financial position, or other forward-looking information. During my time here, my cystic acne came back, full force and so did my anxiety. 265 Likes, TikTok video from The Silk Labs (@thesilklabs): "*record scratch* youre probably wondering how I got here". This Chinese variation still exists today, as it's there to comply with special Chinese censorship laws. Understood. Finally, I believe, the end of 2023, no one will question Plug's ability to scale the hydrogen economy. YEP | THATS ME | YOURE PROBABLY WONDERING | Originalton - POVs. Like legit, the same week, all of them came to me and said they didnt want to renew their contracts because they brought someone in house. TikTok video from Julie Kobylarz (@mousetales): "Reply to @timatoesoup This is a repost but I HAD to! Lets face it: Youre probably wondering more than Can you see who views your TikToks? Chances are, you want to know how to see who viewed your TikTok profile too. That you exist. And as we -- as you -- as folks are aware, we have some large customers who are looking to deploy EV vehicles. And if I think about what you're going to -- you're planning to double green hydrogen production over the next, call it, three-four years beyond 2025. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. And one final thing, I'll be amiss if I didn't mention this, as our plans come online, the cost actually is one third for us versus what we're paying in the market today that will actually have a pretty meaningful impact to how the trajectory changes for our fuel margin business throughout 2023. Thanks. Is that a fair number? Now were really getting into the fun stuff. If you liked what you saw, make sure to subscribe to the channel with notifications on so you can catch all the future content! TikTok video from Tony (@tonymkim): "You might be wondering how I got here.". Through working with her, I discovered I was fully in the wrong line of work. So 2020 out -- by the way, we -- I'm going to take another step back -- we have a good deal of business activity, which will occur with SK this year, including supporting electrolyzers in South Korea, bus fleets as fueling stations where we have quite a bit of business in fueling stations that will be seen as revenue this year as that business begins to grow. And if this trend holds, that certainly would be very helpful. However, we believe that our plans are achievable and have built in some buffer in our projections for 2023. When you have a $5 billion balance sheet by itself, you theoretically could leverage up that. That is a fair assumption to make, James. Given the market rates, you're actually -- you see a big tick up in the interest rates, and you'll see more of that this year as we go forward. If you could just break out the segments between material handling, fuel electrolyzers, I think that would be helpful to listen. So Andy, I like what you're doing in Europe here. 48w. I missed the product to start. Good question. Happy to do that. Sanjay talked about turning on the Georgia plant and starting to scale that up. Please state your question. Please state your question. And I think you guys explained that the guide down in back at the business update was due to operational hiccups related to the electrolyzer ramp in rollout. I had one defining panic attack, after what should have been a really fun day. Picture it, crying while sitting at my corporate desk job, just trying to survive the winter, mascara dripping down my face. Our next question comes from Manav Gupta with UBS. 66.6K. 20.3K Likes, 56 Comments. Despite the difficulties we face this pace past year, I firmly believe our efforts in 2022 will serve as the foundation for PLUG's success over the next five years. | original sound - TheQuiteFranklyShow. The good news is it's -- the volume and the sales are there. Some of these playlists pertain to gaming, art, comedy, dance, fitness, cars, beauty, memes, and more. Tired of not being able to see the entire video frame because of the profile picture or the description below? No education on symptoms or long term effects. Musical.ly users got to keep their accounts for an overall smooth transition into TikTok. I am so grateful, and literally weeping as I write this, that you are here. I think publicly, we've talked with a target of up to $100 million of sales in that product line. Its relevant, I promise. This is direct feedback to your algorithm to avoid this sort of content. Because I know there is a slight delay. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. 766 Likes, TikTok video from Tread Lightly (@dylonreneeofficial): "Youre prolly wondering how i got here #fyp #miltok #diver". Sanjay, do you want to take that one for Amit. But from a contracting standpoint, that's what you can see right now, Amit. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in English, and combines her love of technology with writing. And there are no further questions at this time. 4.5K Likes, 52 Comments. Are any of those with existing customers? I'm sorry, Biju. However, keep in mind that TikTok has a few security risks, too. And once that is complete, we will lock in the 200 megawatts and 400 megawatts worth of products. Ameet Thakkar -- BMO Capital Markets -- Analyst. I feel very strongly about that based on contracts we've already signed. Bill Peterson -- JPMorgan Chase and Company -- Analyst. Now, from a product standpoint with our 1-megawatt architecture and 5-megawatt architecture, especially with our 5-megawatt turnkey product, this is really making green hydrogen easy, if you would, for our customers because all our customer need in that case is land and water and availability of power.