Absolutely. There must be two female characters in the scene. The Bechdel test is the most popular tool for assessing female representation in film. Seinfeld, Frasier, and The Office have more male than female main characters, so inevitably there are many more male-male than female-female conversations. 6 'The Social Network'. The movie: Following the careers of the human computers Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughn, Hidden Figures explores the rampant racism (and sexism) the three figureheads endured during their time working at NASA during the space race. Well, if you're looking for a female fish in the sea you'd be hard pressed to find one in Nemo's world. The Bechdel Test is a type of sexism test in the bracket of films. ), and there werent as many scenes that passed the Bechdel test in this season as there were in its first, but its absolutely still worth mentioning. The Bechdel test ( / bkdl / BEK-dl) [1] is a measure of the representation of women in film (and, by extension, in fiction in general). Lauren OCallaghan. Pipers boyfriend talks to his dad, but usually about Piper. Although they spend a good portion of the film apart they still manage to have a many conversations about important things like their love for each other and saving their Kingdom from a perpetual winter. Lauren OCallaghan. Then it might be kinda shocking to find out that out of 2,500 movies, only about half pass the test. While the show is problematic in a few important ways, it does move the needle, but frankly its just nice to watch fantasy with less cleavage for a change. While there are two female characters, Snow White and the Evil Queen, the latter is not given a name in the film. HelloGiggles.com is part of the Dotdash Meredith Beauty & Style Group. Most any military-based show. Disney Plus. Women make up more than half of the population, but it seems that theres still a problem with representation in films and on television. Literally, it can be about anything but a man! Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. By continuing to browse, you agree to the use of cookies. Her character, Cassie, is a fun-loving flight attendant who gets into a huge problem. 91 Metascore. In fact, no two female characters actually even speak to each other. Alison Brie's Ruth . And as a sidenote, can we just say, basically anything that Laura Dern does is freaking gold. G LOW, Netflix's new series about a troupe of female wrestlers in the 80s, opens with a dig at the lack of roles for women in the entertainment business. How it passes: The two leads, and indeed the majority of the cast, are women and the only time they really talk about men is when they briefly explain their crimes or discuss trying to get Geres Billy Flynn to represent them. The show takes place in the beautiful town of Monterey, California, and follows three moms: Madeline, Celeste, and Jane. Scared her people will turn on her, she runs away and loses emotional control plunging the Kingdom into an eternal winter. The Bechdel test is too incomplete to be effective. men. Sam Loveridge. Fox Searchlight Pictures GLOWThis Netflix series on its second season features a fictionalized account of how GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling) came to be a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s. 10 Films and TV Shows that pass Bechdel's Test. The Bechdel test is a method used to determine the representation of women in film. Finally, although we can guess what the result will be, I computed the male equivalent of the test: two male characters must talk about something other than a female character. Wrong. The Bechdel test is one of the most common ways that a movie or TV show's female representation can be judged. Cocaine Bear is the latest in a long line of movies to portray bears as bloodthirsty beasts, clamoring for the chance to feast on innocent humans. Its 2019, high time to get all underrepresented groups in significant numbers behind and in front of the camera! It doesnt matter what age you are or if you have kids or not, because its that good. The Bechdel Test is a measure of gender bias in movies. The Bechdel Test (BT), which checks for a rudimentary level of female-centricity in media, has elsewhere been covered thoroughly for movies, with a crowd-sourced manual approach, but not, to my knowledge, for television, except at a high level or in very selected cases. In three films, none of them says a word to each other. Some deviations from reality were for humor; some were for drama. On the list of TV shows I regularly watch, the only one I can . We encourage you to, Ten Recent TV Shows That Pass the Bechdel Test, TV shows and movies that pass the Bechdel test, research conducted on film and gender in 2021, How to measure the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training, Understanding Social Identities in the Workplace. 3. As the title lets on, Dead to Me isnt a light-hearted show. Hm, Red Dwarf probably cuts it, too, with only one main character even arguably female, and very few appearances by any character not in the main cast. Id guess most Orange is the New Black episodes would fail. When Ive seen people discussing the Bechdel test with regard to television, theyre usually talking about individual episodes and not the series as a whole. The test and its rules were first mentioned in Bechdel's 1985 comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For and has three (and later added four) simple rules: But the Internet commenters can still find things to get upset about - go ahead, get angry! Um, no. First, the film must have at least two female characters. 95 percent of the characters are female, and they communicate with each other constantly throughout the series about non-male-centric topics. The best movies that pass the Bechdel Test are the ones that really, truly, pass with all the flying colors. Having acquired hundreds of sitcom episode transcripts, I can apply the test programmatically to each episode of these sitcoms, to compare the shows and track changes over the course of their runs. Im not completely certain, but possibly the original Star Trek? Pen15 might give you flashbacks to being a preteen. Lola must figure out how to come up with 100,000 Deutsche Marks in twenty minutes or her boyfriend will be killed. They might as well be talking to themselves (or, more likely, the audience). How to use Bechdel Test in a sentence. The movie: This dystopian movie paints a bleak picture of a future where humanity has lost the ability to reproduce. These 11 iconic films, including "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" and "Mean Girls," pass with flying colors. By providing the information below you will receive early-bird invitations to our events, exclusive musings tailored to your interests, and access to our curated mentorship program. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This test is otherwise known as the Bechdel/Wallace test or the Bechdel Rule or Mo Movie Measure and is marked as a measure of gender depiction in the films. Fantasies are notoriously male-dominated (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, we see you!). Well, surprisingly hard to manage it seems, with up to 50% of films failing the test. Its just something that makes you think how few fully developed female characters there are. Why? *WaitShore Leave has two women on the planet at the same time. Married With Children (Peggy-Marcy and Peggy-Kelly) and Scrubs (mostly Elliot-Carla) fall down between steps 2 and 3, meaning they often had female characters talk to one another, but in many cases this was only about a male character. There is no clear correlation between the budget or revenue of a movie and its Bechdel score. When Issa speaks to herself in the mirror. About something other than a man. Director: Sarah Polley | Stars: Michael Polley, John Buchan, Mark Polley, Joanna Polley. Growing up, TV was mostly used as a way to entertain oneself. To pass this step I looked for a three-line sequence. We all play a part in creating a more equitable and just workplace and world. Black Widow, the two characters never interact to have a conversation. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Big Little LiesSpeaking of Laura Dern, lets talk about television for a moment. How it passes: Its easy to see how Bridesmaids (opens in new tab) passes the Bechdel Test - all the main characters are women and they talk about almost everything but men - but on the surface, it doesnt seem that female positive. Love and hate, fear and obsession, joy and anger, are all represented in their dance. Grace and Frankie But, even though this movie passes the Bechdel Test, it doesn't pass the Dangerous Bear Trope Test. But times are changing and there are a handful of incredible examples of ladies crushing mainstream media. The film follows three different possible outcomes for her actions and explores her relationships and interactions with the people and the world aroundher. New York? Kee talks to revolutionary leader Julian and her midwife Miriam at many points throughout the movie, and its almost never about a man. Heres how it works. All rights reserved. unless otherwise stated. It's a quiz developed in 1985 by graphic novelist Alison Bechdel and her friend Liz Wallace that reveals just how sexist (or not) any given work of fiction might be. Not only are the relationships between the female characters strong and loving (see: Rebecca and Keeley, Nora, Noras mom Sassy, and the powerful moments between Rebecca and her mother), one might argue that Teds lack of patriarchal bullshit is what makes him a part of the feminist society ideal that many of us wish for. So, love them or hate them, you can probably relate to at least one of them. Easily passing the Bechdel test, Dead to Me brings together two women with completely different ways of being in the world together to deal with some wild bananas weird stuff. Fail. pic.twitter.com/rW4NDxMObf Seamus Ryan (@meanderingtripe) March 1, 2021 Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Data scientist and former climate physicist, with special interest in politics and sports analytics, Having acquired hundreds of sitcom episode transcripts. Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale, adapted from Margaret Atwood's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, does justice to the book which cannot be said about most TV/film adaptations out there. Theyre primarily white and primarily male and it makes sense that those who control the stories, will ensure they reflect their own world views. According to . Theyre flawed, complicated, and sometimes make horrible decisions. Big Little Lies was produced by Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, two women who were sick of seeing women portrayed in a one-dimensional way. In 10 hours, not one interaction? In order to pass, the film or show must meet the following criteria: It includes at least two women, note who have at least one conversation, note about something other than a man or men. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes. Swedish cinemas take aim at gender bias with Bechdel test rating Movies need to pass test that gauges the active presence of women on screen in bid to promote gender equality Jennifer. When you finish the breakdown, you will have a full measure of the quality of the female presence. Because representation matters, and many of the people writing, directing, and producing are still majority men. To pass, the work simply has . The Bechdel Test asks three key questions about a movie's female characters. 1. Why are youhere? The world has changed since the Bechdel-Wallace Test was created Hulu When The Bechdel-Wallace Test first appeared in 1985, the world was an entirely different place. She works closely with Abbey Whalen (Darby Stanchfield), and has numerous confrontations with First Lady (Bellamy Young). So viewers would expect it to pass the Bechdel test with flying colors - and it does. Books? And, apparently, successfully robbing banks is one of the things they can accomplish together. "Glitch" is a drama that has earned its rightful place in any discussion about feminist science-fiction. The Bechdel Test - Everything You Need To Know No Film School 116K subscribers Subscribe 150K views 4 years ago This video essay is part of the "Everything You Need to Know" series created. Anyone else feel like going for a little drive? Kristine Kochanski was a major character in seasons 7 and 8, but Holly had changed back to a male appearance by that point so I dont think Kochanski ever spoke to the female-looking version of Holly. Creators, writers, and stars Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle portray versions of themselves in the year 2000. Friends, Will and Grace, and Married With Children had more conversations between different gender characters than same gender. Holdo a total, er, force (RIP). The series based on Robert Jordans epic series begins with the premise of a world ruled by women who have to deal with a lot of very bad men. A few years ago, we compiled a list of recent TV shows and movies that pass the Bechdel test and thought it was time to revisit this with a focus on TV we live in a golden age of television! The women of this show are complex and the show does a wonderful job of passing the Bechdel test, focusing on their friendships, their careers, their kids. According to the . She talks to her father, her boyfriend, the security guard at her fathers bankand not a single woman. Another Best Picture Oscar winner that despite being groundbreaking in its representation of a gay black man, fails to have two women with names having one single teeny-tiny conversation about anything. Finally, the mother/daughter scenes have nothing to do with Bill and everything to do with The Bride realising that the reason for her revenge - her dead child - has actually been alive all this time. Big Little Lies was produced by Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, two women who were sick of seeing women portrayed in a one-dimensional way. How it passes: Its true that Frozen (opens in new tab) only has two named female characters, but the movie is literally about them and their relationship to each other. This is a function of the number of main characters of each gender available to take part in storylines: in the extreme case of Will and Grace, if the characters were split into two pairs, the only combination that allows same-gender conversations is Will-Jack and Grace-Karen, whereas as the other two possible pairings involve different-gender conversations. By role, women accounted for 17% of writers (even with 17% in 2020), 26% of executive producers (up from 21% in 2020), 32% of producers (up from 30% in 2020), 22% of editors (even with 22% in 2020), and 6% of cinematographers (even with 6% in 2020).. The movie: The all-singing, all-dancing movie adaptation of the stage musical Chicago (opens in new tab) sees Rene Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Richard Gere sing their hearts out as two female jazz stars/murderesses and the amoral lawyer trying to get them off. They each have their own baggage which we learn about over time (and theres definitely more to unpack). The Bechdel Test is a test for whether a movie contains: Its commonly used as a commentary about the lack of female representation in Hollywood. There's only two named female characters in the whole of the 2008 Oscar winner of Best Picture: Jamal's mother (who dies early on), and Jamal's love interest. Now, thats not to say that theyre all friends or even that their relationships are all healthy. Honestly, if you dont know this, then I hope that 35-year coma was really peaceful andlovely. And you know when else Insecure passes the Bechdel test? Toy Story is such a beloved film to so many, but it unfortunately doesn't pass the test. Law & Order in the early seasons wouldnt have, with no starring female cast members. Frasier performs similarly badly; although it had two female characters in the main cast, Roz and Daphne interacted relatively rarely (this pairs conversations passed the BT in only 14% of episodes). GamesRadar+ is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Lauren OCallaghan. 5. Paramount Pictures. I remember Skyler and Marie in early seasons arguing about Maries shop lifting. In a film about violence and mafiosos, Karen ( Lorraine Bracco) and Rosie ( Illeana Douglas) manage to squeeze in a Bechdel Test pass with a conversation about Florida. Movies with female directors have higher Bechdel scores. Stay tuned by signing up for our newsletter! The Duchess of York casts "no judgment" toward her nephew. Easily passing the Bechdel test, Dead to Me brings together two women with completely different ways of being in the world together to deal with some wild bananas weird stuff. Here are our favorites! Summit Entertainment 1. Thankfully, by Toy Story 3 Pixar had included a conversation between female . Seriously, in the entire 10-hour trilogy, no two female characters ever actually speak to each other. Toy Story 1 & 2. Lauren OCallaghan. The Bechdel (pronounced beck-dell) Test was first created in 1985 by cartoonist Allison Bechdel. This test, put forth by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in a comic strip from 1985, posits . Next on the list is the 2010 biographical drama movie The Social Network which also doesn't pass the Bechdel test. Land acknowledgements are a way for us to reflect upon the duality of our work while we work within our team, our community, and our client organizations to promote greater inclusivity and abolish inequities, we ourselves still perpetuate and contribute to various forms of historical and present oppression. 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About something besides a man Movie list 2023 (5 movies) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Infinity Pool Missing Pathaan Reflect 2022 (153 movies) The 355 A Fada do Lar A Man Called Otto The Adam Project All the old knives Shes brilliant and weird and is really really good at choosing great roles. Thankfully, by Toy Story 3 Pixar had included a conversation between female characters that involved something other than men. Its pass rate drops dramatically at steps 2 and 3. Most of them fail, even ones full of female characters. Alright, now were heading into the darker category. Since an episode passing the test is usually achieved by one pair of speakers only, the results are sensitive to plot arcs in each season that affect who is present in the scenes and who the female regulars spend more time with, as indicated in the figure for the more recognisable cases. Friends performs the best on the BT, and passes the full test in almost every episode. For fun, how about shows that not only regularly pass the normal test but fail the reverse Bechdel Test? The Bechdel Test explained like you're five It is as simple as that, and you will do this for every scene in the script. How it passes: The Hunger Games (opens in new tab) actually passes the Bechdel Test in the very first scene. The test asks whether a film features at least two women talking to each other about something other than a man. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies Like Harry Potter, there are a few brief moments where female characters say a single line at each other, but they dont actually hold a conversationexcept in one scene, where Neytiri and her mother have a drawn out discussion. Alex and Bradley, newly brought together co-anchors for The Morning Show, have a complicated relationship. Besides Friends, Will and Grace, and Married With Children, the other shows have a lopsided number of male characters, so are unlikely to be left without a male-male storyline. We think its time to go beyond it. The trilogy is over 10 hours long but Arwen (Liv Tyler), Eowyn (Miranda Otto) and Galadriel (Cate Blanchett), all strong female characters, do not meet even once. Most of the cast is female. One of the biggest movies of the 21st century features no dialogue between two named female characters. Hilary Duff? But what makes this show pass the Bechdel test so handily is her relationship with her manager played by the brilliant Alex Borstein (she is everything). (Episodes with scene breaks not properly detected are excluded from the step 1 calculation; this applies to all The Office episodes, so no step 1 point is drawn.). Third, that conversation must be about something other than a man. To identify female characters, I manually selected names from the list of all speaking characters in the dataset, including both major and minor characters, but excluding unnamed characters like Waitress. But while the entertainment industry still has a lot of work to do, there seems to be a positive shift happening when it comes to female-led shows. And, sure, maybe its not realistic to have female characters in historically accurate movies set on ships in the 18th century, such as 2003sMaster and Commander with Russell Crowe, which features zero females. Should it be dismissed entirely? This test is passed much more frequently: almost every episode of each show passes (blue plus purple, below): However, Friends, Will and Grace, and Married With Children do show some episodes that pass the BT but not the male version (orange). This evil stepmother figure in Disneys 1998 remake is finally receiving the appreciation she always deserved. Shes got a bit of a grudge. There were several recurring nurse characters who had names, but when they talked to each other then IIRC it was usually about the male characters. While reading a critical review of a popular show which noted that it didn't pass the Bechdel Test, it occurred to me, a long time fan of Hannibal We are now operating in a virtual space, but we can still honor and name the physical spaces we all inhabit. Imagine how tedious it would be if half of all of the films you watched never had any men who were important enough to be named in them? So if you want to watch a TV show that passes the Bechdel test and shows the full picture of what it means to be a woman, try turning on one of these TV shows about female friendship below. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible And here are ten that dont pass the test. If youve never seen Workin Moms, stop what youre doing right now, open Netflix, and cue up an episode ASAP. Avatar (2009) James Cameron's 2009 blockbuster movie does have strong feminist themes but fails the Test in one key aspect: its strong female leads Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and Dr. Grace Augustine . Don't get too bogged down in the requirements of the Bechdel Test test though because even if you're not sure what it means, every film on this list is a great movie in its own right, so you won't be disappointed. This show will be missed. One difference between what we found in our broader sample of 1,794 films released between 1970 and 2013 and the analysis at BechdelTest.com of about 5,000 films is that BechdelTest.com shows 56. Will and Grace also scores highly, through Grace-Karen and to a lesser extent Karen-Rosario conversations. There had never been a movie with 100% Black ownership to make over $100 million, so that this also passed the Bechdel test is massive. Have we missed anything? On the list of TV shows I regularly watch, the only one I can point to that definitively fails is HBOs Looking. Euphoria doesnt shy away from topics that would never have been included in a teen show ten years ago. Lers kick things off with a choice that surely wont disappoint. The Bechdel Test -- created by Alison Bechdel in her 1985 comic, "Dykes to Watch Out For" -- is a well-known measurement of gender bias in movies. None of the women in the movie ever talk to each other. Rebecca Nicholson. Atomic BlondeYes, please give us more Charlize Theron! Couldn't have used all that time to write in a conversation between two female characters that wasn't Neytiri and her mother discussing Jake, about, I don't know - like the fact that their whole planet was under threat of being destroyed? Here are ten television shows today that pass the Bechdel Test. Yes, but her relationship with French agent Lasalle is significantly more interesting. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, Fox Searchlight Pictures. The movie: In this particular post-apocalyptic world, children are sent to battle to the death on TV. REVIEWS. It is important to note that many fans refer to the queen as Queen Grimhilde, so she may in fact have a name. But there's no back-and-forth dialogue that actually amounts to a conversation. This is straightforward, as the transcripts contain scene indicators, usually. 3) About something other than a man. More than that, all the women are fiercely strong and morally questionable, presenting a version of women not often seen in the cinema. Summit Entertainment. 2020, however, has already been a promising year for Bechdel Test-passing hits. Younger is a marathon-worthy series about a fortysomething who pretends to be in her twenties in order to break back into publishing. Despite Lola being considered one of the most well-rounded female characters ever put to film, Run Lola Run still fails The Bechdel Test for one simple reason Lola never has a conversation with another female at any point in the movie. Oh and hey, Meryl Streep is going to be in Season 2. You will have a very real assessment of how much screen time this element has. Its much more about familial love and, you know, surviving. For a movie to pass The Bechdel Test, it must contain just one thing a scene in which two or more named female characters have a conversation (that is, back and forth dialogue) about anything at all besides men. All Rights Reserved. 1. There are only three named female characters in the original trilogy with speaking roles Princess Leia, Aunt Beru, and Mon Mothma, one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. advertising. During the comic relief French Lesson scene (Act 3, Scene 4) Alice teaches Katherine how to speak French and there is no mention of men whatsoever. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Theres glitter, spandex, and a lot of fighting. Take Game of Thrones for example. Yes, please. American supervillain. The women of this show are complex and the show does a wonderful job of passing the Bechdel test, focusing on their friendships, their careers, their kids. People tend to have strong feelings about the Lena Dunham-created comedy. The movie: The 2016 Ghostbusters (opens in new tab) film is technically the third film in the franchise, but actually serves as a reboot, replacing the four main male characters with female alternatives - played by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. Often, the two women must be named, prominent characters to meet the criteria. TV shows tend to run far longer than movies and thus, most of them end up passing the Bechdel Test. To pass the test, a film must have: 1) Two female characters (some variations of the test say that they must have names, which is fair I think) 2) Who talk to each other.