Paperback. If you're dissatisfied with your It is not uncommon for a package to leave your delivery area to be sorted and returned back to your area for final delivery.Your book is picked up by OSM from our processing center to be tendered to the USPS distribution hub nearest you for final delivery. Unfortunately, we cannot change your shipping address from Domestic to International.If you would like to change your shipping address from Domestic to International you will need to cancel your order and take your item(s) through check-out again.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. After you have added all the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart, tap on the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Any checks or money orders received in the mail will be shredded and disposed of properly. Joining is easy! Reviews on Thrift Books in Los Angeles, CA - L.A. ROAD Thrift Store, Dark Delicacies, RARE by Goodwill, OK, Goodwill Southern California Retail Store, Planet Books, Son Of A Vet Thrift Shop, Espacio 1839, Los Feliz Flea, Love The City Thrift Store To re-name your ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: Click the gray heart icon on the top right of the page, Click "List Settings" next to the title of your Wish List, Tap the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the list. If you are missing part of an order, be sure to check each shipment's tracking link for further details. What are you looking for? Outreach Services. Can I redeem e-gift cards on a desktop, tablet, or mobile? Thriftbooks salaries in Phoenix, AZ Salary estimated from 96 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed. Enter a location to find a nearby thriftbooks warehouse. This means you must have a device that can receive SMS messages, like a mobile phone. Express and 2-Day shipments are delivered by FedEx. Tap Orders. Website. While we strive to combine packages as much as possible, we cannot guarantee product availability by location. ThriftBooks has 5 employees at their 1 location. Kindle. Cover art images are stock photos, unless otherwise specified. 39 Thrift Books coupons now on RetailMeNot. Help & Support | New & Used Books from ThriftBooks Help & Support Chat Now Categories My Account Tracking & Shipping Gift Cards Collectible Books Technical Pre-Order Backorders Wish List Billing ReadingRewards ThriftBooks 4 Teachers General Returns and Refunds My Account Update my SMS preferences Participate in our many bonus offers throughout the year to earn extra points on qualifying purchases. The Murder House by Patterson, James / Ellis, David See all from $10.03. To place an order on the ThriftBooks mobile app, follow these steps: Locate the books or items you wish to purchase by using the search bar located at the top of every page of the app. Tap Orders. 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If you are unsure of which items are considered acceptable, please contact the facility first before placing an order. Unfortunately, we do not control the transportation of the package or the route chosen by the delivery company. To update your email preferences and notification settings on a desktop, follow these steps: Click "Your Account" at the top right of the page, Over to the left of the page, select "Email Preferences", Uncheck the emails you no longer wish to receive and click "Save". If you entered the wrong email address when you signed up or if you need to change your email address, follow the steps below:Desktop: Log into your ThriftBooks account using your "incorrect" or old email address and password you used to initially set up the account. Any check received in the mail will be shredded and disposed of properly. Our primary customer web and mobile destination is our brand home, *For a description of all returns/refund qualifications, please see section 18 of our Terms of Use. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact (the dust cover may be missing). If the item is not restocked at the end of 90 days, we will cancel your backorder and issue a refund. If you choose to send your gift by text message, messenger link or print and hand-deliver, your recipient receives their gift after you deliver it to them. 1.Build maps experiences throughout the world. See insights on ThriftBooks including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. All items returned to us are subject to a restocking fee. Free Book Rewards are limited to one per order and cannot be combined with any other promo. You will have the opportunity to save it for a later date. worry not! ThriftBooks is complying with these changes as each state makes them in order to continue selling books to customers no matter where they live. Yes, tracking information is available once your backordered item has shipped. Your Pre-Ordered Items are listed below your list of Orders. You can also find our Large Print books by going to the main home page by clicking the "Books" tab at the top of every page. Your pre-order will ship on the publication release date and should arrive within 1-2 days regardless of shipping selection you made during checkout. Please note, if you switch between formats or editions, the book may no longer be in large print. Once the title is restocked, it will ship to you via U.S. Standard shipping. Why did I receive an item without the dustjacket? We would love to partner with you on providing avid readers everywhere with affordable access to books. Can I use a discount or coupon code when purchasing an e-gift card? When placing an order on ThriftBooks, only one card can be used to place an order. To add a book to your ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: Locate a book you would like to add to your Wish List, Click "Add to Wish List" under the "Add to cart" button. For help tracking your order, click here. Our award-winning customer service team and our 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with over 640,000 reviews, provide our customers assurance to shop with confidence while finding books they love and look forward to reading. Your backorder purchase will be refunded and any earned ReadingRewards points will be reversed. Free shipping. A title is considered eligible when it is 8 weeks or less from its publication release date. You will choose an amount, select a design, write a gift message and then pay for the e-gift card on this page. For further information on Wish Lists, click here. In addition, we will also send you a shipment confirmation email with your available tracking information once the order has shipped. Or Contact Us if you'd like an email response. The new email address you enter will become the login for the next time you come back to the website. If the item on your Wish List is available but the price has increased, this may mean that another customer purchased the available item already and the only available copies of the item are only available as a new item, rather than used. For example, the 2-letter state code for Palau is PW. If you receive a damaged or wrong item, please let us know by using our Online Returns Center. Find nearby thriftbooks warehouse. Once we receive another copy in stock, we will notify you via email! ThriftBooks CEO Mike Ward Can I combine more than one item in a single shipment? We strive to offer the best prices on the Internet regardless of the total number of items purchased. ThriftBooks offers quality used and new books, accurately graded, at everyday low prices, delivered directly to our cherished customers. Prices were current when the email was created and are subject to change based on availability. Production Manager (Current Employee) - Baltimore, . 'Hide Out of Stock' : ''}} Featured {{mapTags(parameters.value)}} Condition {{parameters.value == 'true' ? Electronics. How do I verify my eligibility for the educator benefit? Dust cover is intact; pages are clean and are not marred by notes or folds of any kind. You can search by author, title, keyword, or ISBN. Please allow additional delivery time for orders going to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam & Puerto Rico. ThriftBooks, one of the world's largest online sellers of used books, plans to add at least 100 employees in a tripling of its Dallas fulfillment center. If you are looking to enrich your life with literacy, you . We cannot be held responsible for shipping charges or deliveries that do not originate with our company. Once your order has been shipped, the "Request Cancellation" link will switch to a link that will allow you to track your order. Certain items are not eligible for free shipping based on their size or weight. We always suggest donating any unwanted books to a local library, school, or charity center. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Tracking shows delivered but I haven't received it, Tracking states delivered but I haven't received it, federal holidays within the United States, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. We suggest placing the order again with a different credit card or updated billing information. If you add an out-of-stock item to your Wish List, you will receive an automated email notifying you when that item is re-stocked and available for sale. Please allow 2-5 business days for your refund to post back to your original payment method. Some titles return to inventory in a matter of days, but many can take up to several weeks. You can find the ISBN on the back of a book near the barcode or on the copyright page. ThriftBooks verifies educator status through our trusted partner SheerID. . However, we do offer Free Standard Shipping on all U.S. orders that meet our low minimum order amount of $15 or more (excluding taxes). 115. ThriftBooks | eBay Stores ThriftBooks 99.3% Positive feedback 15.3M Items sold 131K Followers Share Save Seller Shop About Feedback Feedback Extra 10% off 4 or more items + FREE SHIPPING on millions of items Shop now All items Sort: Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle. You can easily access all the titles you have ordered by visiting "My Bookshelf", located within your ThriftBooks account! Our Domestic orders ship via OSM to be tendered to the USPS distribution hub nearest you for final delivery. The new law now permits all states to charge sales tax regardless of whether we have a presence in that state or not. From rare volumes of Shakespeare to signed first editions of our modern classics, you will find curated Collectible books at reasonable prices at With satellite imagery and street view, you can revisit old places or explore places you've never dreamed of. Find your order from the Orders table and click Track Shipment. To view your ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: If you have created multiple Wish Lists, your lists will appear to the left. They prefer to only take books in excellent condition. I love Thrift Books. Orders using the Standard shipping option are delivered by USPS Media Mail, a shipping method created by the Post Office to keep the price of shipping books low. In 2020, Google Maps was used by over 1 billion people every month. All items that ship from the same location will be shipped out in the same package, when possible. Throughout this time, we also built our processes to purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. Our 130 stores can help get the best bang for your buck on the best books of the week. Unfortunately, the educator benefit is not eligible for retroactive orders. because Bookchor is here!Bookchor, these days in news,is being called as the Robinhood of the world of books.Bookchor team is committed to bring to you all kinds of best books at the minimal prices ever seen anywhere. $4.13 10% off 4+ No reviews. Education Professionals: School or district-issued document that displays your first/last name, including valid date, and status. The ThriftBooks ReadingRewards Program provides registered members of with special rewards, discounts, and promotional offers. CLOSED NOW. Place an order using the ThriftBooks mobile app to earn an additional 100 points! Tolkien from: $3.99 Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life Henry Cloud from: $4.89 Little Women Louisa May Alcott from: $3.59 Sharp Objects Gillian Flynn from: $3.99 How does ThriftBooks verify educator status? All collectible books are shipped in secure boxes to ensure they are not damaged in the shipping process. They may also ask you to upload some documentation that proves your eligibility. Feedback ratings Last 12 months. At first I was interested, but after reading some reviews it seems like their service is 50/50. Tracking states "Delivered" but I haven't received it. To view the details of your gift card order on a desktop, follow these steps: Below your list of orders, you will see all listed gift card orders. Will I get refunded for a package that was "Returned to Sender"? You will need your Order Number and the email address associated with your ThriftBooks account. Discounts average $3 off with a Thrift Books promo code or coupon. Clothing. Where can I find the status of my backorder? Please note, we will not enclose an invoice or receipt within used book packages. Shipping and delivery times can be viewed here. Backorders allow you to purchase new books that are temporarily out-of-stock and listed as On Backorder on our site. Inside HPB. On Backorder are NEW books that we know our distributors have on order from the publisher.