While making a plan to stop Thanos on Titan, a yawn from a bored Drax forces Peter to ask what he and Mantis even do. It's kind of a good question and one that Tony Stark and Peter Paker can't figure out an answer to. You simply lack the strength to wield them. But just because Chris Evans is done with the MCU doesn't mean that Captain America is. This all only fuels Quill to further flex his alpha dog muscles later on. Proxima Midnight You talk too much. Stark: Kid, thats the Wizard, get on it. Thanos: I finally rest. Marvels Avengers: Infinity War is now playing in theaters. I can't stress how deeply entertaining Avengers: Infinity War can be and the movie is jam-packed with great character moments and jokes that help to brighten the darkness. : Ironman/Stark: Ill do you one better, whos Gamora? And it was beautiful. Loki: Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. Ebony Maw Strange: [ to Tony Stark] Oh, and congratulations on the wedding. Ironman/Stark: [ to the guardians] We gotta collesque. : Once she hears that giving up the Time Stone is part of his plan, she's willing to gamble her own version of the Time Stone to a similarly massive being. Past Cap obviously thinks Present Cap is Loki in disguise, and their ensuing Star-Spangled Battle is a highlight of the film. Drax: Ill do you one better, why is Gamora? Strange] Youre full of tricks, Wizard. Tony Stark can only stare in silence at the two of them and after a hilarious pause moves on to figuring out how to stop purple titan from becoming a god. Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Mantis Rocket will soon come to understand Thor's momentous losses: he watched "son" Groot fade away to dust, wiped out by Thanos' snap, and will later learn he and Nebula are the last-surviving members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Thor actually got his eye back before the events of Love and Thunder. What's this? That's life though, isn't it, I guess. Loki We also know that Thor carried a lot of guilt on his shoulders for not killing Thanos, which is why we see him struggle and deal with depression during a good chunk of this movie. Thor (rocket family) Thor was a US space launch vehicle derived from the PGM-17 Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile. The children born have known nothing but full bullies and clear skies. Perfect. Bruce Banner "Exactly," Quill exclaims, happy to finally have met someone who knows what the hell he is talking about after some 30 years. The fate of the planet and existence itself has never been more uncertain as everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment.#InfinityWar #Thor #AvengersEndgameTM \u0026 Disney (2018)Fair use. Drax is especially fascinated with Thor, calling him a "man" compared to Quill being just a "guy." : What's "damn it" mean? : : Maybe even a Starbucks! : Banner: Theres an Ant-man and a Spiderman? More power, Rabbit! So I had to kill her. The Guardians of the Galaxy come to his rescue and it becomes clear that Peter Quill is the only one who isn't impressed with the Asgardian. Eitri Vision: We both made promises, but not to each other. Spider-man: You cant be a friendly-neighborhood Spider-man if theres no neighborhood. : [seals Thor's mouth shut] It was subsequently modified to serve as the first stage of launch vehicles for several spacecraft. Propelled by liquid oxygen and kerosene, the basic rocket was 65 feet (19.8 m) in length, with a body diameter of 8 feet (2.4 m), weight at . Rocket: eh, Quill, are you making your voice deeper? Thor: [ to Thanos for killing Heimdall] You're going to die for that. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for McDonalds THOR love and thunder 2/#6 Rocket 1 new 1 used, 1/#7Korg, 1/#1 Thor at the best online prices at eBay! They called me a madman. [charging into battle] Stark: No, youre still away. Mmm, a little bit, yeah. Thor In short, she trusted her pupil. : : Or should I say: I am. Then I had to kill my father. Eitri: Thats suicide {referring to Thor opening up the forge}. The Tesseract? He's lost everything. Stark: If Thanos needs all six, what dont we just stick this one down the garbage disposal? : Quill tries to take the insults in stride and makes plans to invest in a Bowflex, get a few dumbells. In a world with literal magic, celestial gods, and stones that can kill half of the universe and also bring them back, we wouldn't put too much stock in what a scientist says are unbreakable constraints of the universe. Stark: Its not that easy. : Thanos: At random. Rocket Raccoon : : If you assumed it was Spider-Man wearing a different look than usual, we wouldn't blame you. And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Wong: We swore an oath to protect the time stone with our lives. Wong: Attachment to the material is a detachment from the spirtual. Rocket Raccoon To see if we could become something more Thor Well, Ive got you covered. : To feel so desperately that youre right, but to fail nonetheless. Adopting the new identity of Ronin, he went around "punishing" criminals that he believed didn't deserve to live in a post-snap world when his family didn't make the cut. This universe has finite its resources, finite if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. The universe has judged you. : No copyright infringement intended. When Nebula goes back in time, it's like when you visit a house with a Wi-Fi network that you already have the passcode to. This is Thanos we're talking about. Rocket: Okay, time to be the Captain. Wake him up. When Im done, half of humanity will still be alive. Oh, I do. Maybe they realize they live in a junkpile in a middle of space. : All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. After he says he is "sure" he's invisible, Mantis pops in and ruins it by saying, 'Hi Drax.'. Thor: How do you open this thing? Me, personally, I could lose a lot. I dont want to go.. please.. : Thus, the timeline is secure except for every other screw-up the Avengers make in the past. If you want to stand in our way, well fight you too. [Thanos grabs Hulk's wrists and peels them away. Now I know it feels like all hope is lost. Friday, send him home. Thanos: [ to Dr. As a result, when Thor went to Nidavellir for a " Thanos killing " weapon it was no surprise that Rocket and Groot (Vin Diesel) joined him on his quest. Vision You just can't beat a good sidekick. No one. Pretty, isnt it? Free shipping. As soon as Natasha and Clint head off to get the Soul Stone from Vormir, audience members who remembered Avengers: Infinity War were likely squirming in their seats. Stark/Ironman: [ to the Maw, referring to Dr. Thor: [ to Thanos for killing Heimdall] Youre going to die for that. Black Panther: You might want to pick up the pace. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Dread it, run from it destiny arrives all the same. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo, but that character is actually Harley Keener, played by Ty Simpkins, the gadget-loving wunderkind who helped Tony out of a jam in Iron Man 3. According to Marvel canon, Thor and other Asgardians visited Midgard (aka Earth) in early medieval times, teaching the Norse people their language and developing their culture. Official Sites Thor On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. : ( Bucky looks at him.). Well, the easy answer is that the Soul Stone demands a sacrifice of the person who is receiving the Soul Stone. Banner: I dont know, were sorta having a thing. While Morgan Stark, Pepper Potts, and Rhodey are all candidates for future non-Tony Iron Man movies, Harley is one of the younger heroes of the Marvel universe at this point. Quill: I feel your pain as well. She's certainly a candidate for the throne, since she's both a trusted advisor to T'Challa and someone whose sway in the kingdom clearly carries some weight. I have never once in my life thought that I'd see a scene where Captain America meets Groot in Wakanda, but this is the time we live in. Scrounging for scraps. Thor Not only was she the wisecracking kid sister of everyone's favorite Panther king of Wakanda, but she would've also been the regent ruler of the kingdom with the acting king gone. I know what it's like to lose. Wipers! She hates him as much as you do. Heres how it works. Drax: He is not a dude. BRING ME THANOS! Each team thinks the other is working for Thanos and a classic superhero misunderstanding leads to an entertaining fight that ends with Star-Lord and Iron Man holding Spider-Man and Drax at laser point, respectively. Eitri How we doing, good, bad? Stark: Happy trails, kid. And do you wanna know why? Required fields are marked *. Its alright, you cant hurt me. Red Skull: To ensure that whoever possesses it, understand its power. Where we have to go, is Nidavellir. Then, starting in the mid-1930s, some were released into the wild. Quill: Alright, Guardians dont forget, this might be dangerous so lets put on our mean faces. Guardians of the Galaxy: The Cosmos Cocktail, Black Panther Themed Cocktail | The Chilling Mist Cocktail, Black Panther Cocktail | The Vibranium Cocktail with Hpnotiq, Hey Auntie Black Panther Cocktail with Red Velvet Cake + Hennessy, Black Panther Cocktail |The Heart-Shaped Herb Cocktail, Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora Drink| The Green Pineapple Mocktail, the line after where did you come from is field trip to MoMA, Your email address will not be published. Saving his life is a professional courtesy. Eitri Eitri Stark: [ to Banner] You want a piece of this? He casts the power around the Hulk, lifting him off the ground and teleporting him away and safe from harm. Rocket: No, he gave me 100 credits. I mean, that place is a legend. Tony's nanomachines let him control his suit with a thought, and that extends to the Gauntlet that he built. Strange: Certainly not, I speak for myself. Yes. "It never was," Peter answers without missing a beat. $49.00 + $8.99 shipping. In a clever twist, Banner is the one who wants to transform while the Hulk doesn't. Ooh. Thanos Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history. And I'm not going to wait, what kind of w-what kind of weapon are talkin' about here? : I assume you have a preference. Well, for starters, after five years of bumming around New Asgard, Thor was starting to wonder if he was still worthy remember, as far as we know, Stormbreaker doesn't have Odin's enchantment that only the worthy may wield it. On the sad side of things, Ned wasn't entirely off base here Peter Quill loves Kevin Bacon and Footloose, his favorite movie. Strange: Im sorry. : Stark: [to Dr. The sparks that fly often result in some of the funniest moments of the films and Infinity War is filled with big personalities and egos that are bouncing off of each other for the first time. I feel your pain. {referring to the other Avengers as he swoops to pick them up from their loss to Thanos}. Wong: A hunk of Hulk burning fudge flavor is our favorite. I am Groot. Banner tries to Hulk Out, but the Hulk just ain't coming. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that German fur farmers started importing them to Europe. : It is salvation. : You might say, it is a certain wisdom. Thor I just feel you. : Loki Thor and Rocket Raccoon traveled back to the era of Thor: The Dark World to steal the Reality Stone from Jane Foster, who was being tended to on Asgard. (flicks wrist). Mr. Secretary: The world is on fire, and you think, all is forgiven? It's a synthesis of a few different stories in the Marvel Universe. Dr. Hulk tries to strike back, but Thanos blocks his blows. A few minutes, maybe more. But this time, I think it really might be true. He can't just stand by while she kills herself. Spider-man: Like in Footloose, the movie? We saw inGuardians of the Galaxythat even holding the Power Stone was enough to nearly kill Peter Quill, even with his half-Celestial DNA. For even in death, you have become children of Thanos. Shhh. The epic adventure THOR spans the Marvel universe from present-day Earth to the cosmic realm of Asgard. Thor: Families can be tough. If he gets all six infinity stones he can do it with a snap of his fingers, like this. : Thanos: Going to bed hungry. Instead, Thor pretty quickly goes off the rails, becoming more focused on having one last chat with his mother, Frigga. Damn it. Your hands are mine alone.". Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Thor Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Dread it? [touches Thor] Something is very wrong. [lifting his sword] Quill: Groot put that thing away, now. And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Thor I assume you have a preference. Thor You guys are dead now! Dr. What do Mantis and Drax do exactly? I'll go. That's what killing you means. New York, : I told you, you'd die for that. Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. When Thor and Rocket retrieve the Reality Stone, they went back to the events in Thor: The Dark World, and they got the stone by removing it from Jane Foster. Trust me, I know. Nebula: You should have killed me (speaking to Thanos). You see, Drax has mastered the art of standing really incredibly still to the point where he believes he is invisible. My father killed my mother. That's a made up word. But eventually, the Hulk is able to convince her to give up her favorite glowing green rock by dropping Stephen Strange's name. . Well, hes never fought me twice. But in Infinity War, Thor is not in Asgard so . It's almost like he was created just for that purpose, the only one who could really be expected to survive the snap a theory that's proven later in the film after Tony uses the gauntlet with fatal consequences. No other being has ever the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict. It was an elective. Thor: What's this? Thor Mantis THATs a thing right there. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. "You're one sandwich away from being fat," Rocket bluntly puts it. The Thor rocket was the first member of the Delta rocket family of space launch vehicles. "Is it still the greatest movie ever made?" Gamora: I hated this room. Undying? After all, we know that the Soul Stone only appears when someone gives up someone they truly love: "A soul for a soul." [laughs with joy] It'll kill you. Mantis: Youre the ones Thor told us about. : : : It's a major blow against the Avengers' plan, and it seems to come out of nowhere. : This is mentioned by Smart Hulk to the Ancient One in the initial conversation. : Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I cannot do that again. Captain America: [ to Vision] I thought I told you to go. RELATED: VIDEO: How Gamora REALLY Found the Soul Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos: It was. Thanos is coming, it doesnt matter who youre talking to or not. Ironman/Stark: Lets do it. All except me. Now that Odinson has spent five years living in Norway and has joined the Guardians for more cosmic adventures, he should probably be aware of what kind of animal Rocket really is. Perhaps this will lead to a new level of understanding between the pair, resulting in even more entertaining hijinks from the dynamic duo. : Thor Kid Drink | NEW Infinity War Trailer- EPIC! After his conversation with Frigga, Thor calls his original hammer, Mjolnir, to him, borrowing the tool from his past self. : Quill: [ changing his voice to match Thors] No youre not. Thanos: Then in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the Galaxy. Were more optimistic, yes. Dread it? I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. Stark: [to Banner after Hulk is not showing up] Dude, youre embarrassing me in front of the Wizard. Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now? : Thor Peter Quill This line is pretty important since Thanos told him in Infinity War that he should have gone for the head. Like Kevin Bacon? : Dont forget, Im half human. Quill: What Master do I serve? Thor may have had an understandable reason rooted in history for identifying Rocket as a rabbit in Avengers: Infinity War. You really are the worst brother! For a time, you had that same will. Thor Of the surviving Avengers, there's not really a short line in terms of heroes ready to use Iron Man's Gauntlet to revive their friends and family. I was the one who stopped that. Or your brother's head. Rocket: Ever since you got a little sap, youre a total b-hole. Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. [the Bifrost suddenly beams down into the battlefield, knocking back several Outriders. And, as we've known for almost a decade in the MCU, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.". agent go off the deep end after his family was murdered. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Your email address will not be published. : Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in hell. I got you. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, Why Thor Was Teamed With Rocket Raccoon in Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, Quantumania Exclusive Interview | Phase Zero ft. Jeff Loveness, Keanue Reeves Still Wants to Play Wolverine, Jonathan Majors Didn't Ask His Creed III Co-Star Michael B. Jordan for MCU Advice, Jonathan Majors Shares His Original Reaction to Being Cast as the MCU's Kang, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania's Jonathan Majors Breaks Silence on Negative Reviews, Shazam! : You were supposed to protect us. [Presents the Tesseract to Thanos]. When the Hulk goes to get it from her, she knocks the soul out of the Hulk and tries to go about her business. Looks like you've copied my beard. That's what killing you means. You really are the worst brother. Loki: [ to Thanos as he is dying] You will never be a god. Turns the legs to jelly. : Thor But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos. \"What More Could I Lose\" | Thor and Rocket Talking | Avengers Infinity War (2018) Movie ClipIron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet -- the evil Thanos. Thor What did you do? Ebony Maw document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to the newsletter for all the latest recipes, tips, entertainment + more!