This is an emulation of the local on the 8's segment that is featured on the weather channel. This is an emulation of the Local on the 8's segment that is featured on The Weather Channel. on December 20, 2022, 08:21:23 PM. New local on the 8s emulator! The Weather Channel - Frankfort, KY HD Local Forecast - 1/6/2014 10:58am ehatt600 83K views 9 years ago Intellistar 2 HD Emulation | Local on the 8s | Rare Narrations kushman123 1.8K. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies overnight. This whole article seems to be based on the entirely flawed premise that [techknight] is the only person working on reverse-engineering the WeatherSTAR 4000. This very cool! Contact a location near you for p, Local Histories/Global Designs . From 2006-2013, each forecast segment had usually been preceded by a promo for one of The Weather Channel's programs or services, leading into the segment with the announcer stating "And now, your Local on the 8s". If you have anything to say about my site, this is the place to do it! The trouble is that the WeatherSTAR 4000 was designed to get all its software as part of the satellite downlink that provided the actual weather data. Last post by twcclassics It is to be noted that Trammell Starks' 40 tracks and the satellite forecast are used as an emergency feed in case of technical problems or long-term outages. in Re: Status on the Weathe Laptop Motherboard? Because of this, I have moved the STAR database to Google Sheets, and all future submissions and other edits will be done there. Even if it isnt official support Im going to spam every EE that lists TWC as their employer on LinkedIn. Last post by RSully94 Last post by Anna88 Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Last post by TWCC_DJK5555 For American readers of a certain age,Local on the 8s likely holds a special spot in your heart. It peaked at #1 on Billboard's Top Contemporary Jazz charts that year.[2]. St James's, England, United Kingdom 40 F Cloudy. If youd like to see his current process, hes always showing the revived WeatherSTAR off on social media. Talk about anything weather related here. Maybe with some serious ROM hacking and patching, you could get Mac OS to run on it, or maybe GEM or something that is 68K native, but patching everything needed as a BSP for this particular machine. Backgrounds come from real STAR units. Last post by TWCC_DJK5555 Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Today I'm going to be sharing an emulator I've been working on! By using our website and services, you expressly agree to the placement of our performance, functionality and advertising cookies. The key players have long since retired, and the project manager Alan doesnt remember alot of it, and when he left TWC he left his notes and things behind. A few clouds from time to time. in Re: Chris McGinnis The Weather Channel has carried a local weather forecast segment since the network was launched on May 2, 1982. This cycles through current conditions (sky and temperature only) and today or next-day forecasts for major U.S. cities, as well as major airport delays. A shower or two possible early with partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. To view a photo snapshot or video clip of an IS1 unit, click on the blue link next to the city name,where available. Its going to be awhile before he covers everything, especially considering how deep he dives into each post, but were certainly not complaining. The WeatherStar 4000 was the 1st WeatherStar model capable of displaying graphics. on December 18, 2022, 02:27:45 PM. Last post by Drew Richards Mostly cloudy. in Re: TWC Being Bought By As satellite television is broadcast to a large area, this localized weather model must be adapted for its viewers. If you need Allen's voice pack or all the weather icons, tell me! Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. in Re: Weatherlover's Artwo This emulator uses the style that started in 2013. Since its inception, the Weather Channel has incorporated local forecasts using Weather Star computers installed at cable headends. New local on the 8s emulator! The Weather Channel - Local on the 8's Emulation 4/12/15 20,184 views Apr 13, 2015 89 Dislike Share Weatherman99 2.6K subscribers Losing the weather channel really blows, but I have. High near 65F. Overcast. A few clouds. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Showers in the morning, then cloudy in the afternoon. Prior to November 11, 2013, every IntelliSTAR unit displayed their local weather ID (STAR ID) on the lower display line (LDL) at the bottom of the screen during Local On The 8s (see above screenshot) as well as at the upper right corner of the screen at :57 of every hour before January 27, 2013. IntelliStar in The Weather Channel's Local on the 8s. Metro Forecast The forecast weather conditions and temperatures for the main observation site and eight to eleven other locations in the area. Child Boards: IntelliStar 2 Discussion, TWC Artist Chat. Weather information is received from the vertical blanking interval of the TWC video feed and from data transmitted via satellite, which is then sent to the WeatherStar unit that inserts the localized data over the TWC feed. on June 18, 2021, 06:00:47 PM. I do own a weatherstar jr, ws4000, intellistar and intellistar i2hd. Last post by kwsurf Some clouds in the morning will give way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. 40 50 90 triangle calculator. I havent made an emulator since may and i just wanted to make a new one. The forecasts displayed are generated entirely from the National Weather Service's digital forecast grids, which allows for a high degree of resolution based on longitude and . theweatherSTAR (34), High 64F. As far as I could tell they bought all their equipment in the early 2000s (at best) and never upgraded. Intervals of clouds and sunshine. Learn more, but thanks to the Herculean efforts of [techknight], its not as if he can break out an SDR and record it himself, hes always showing the revived WeatherSTAR off on social media, youd be better off with a Raspberry Pi and a bit of Python,, Supercon 2022: Michael Whiteley Saves The Badge. Hi, is there anyway to make it do our weather here in Australia? The Weather Channel filed for a trademark on the name on June 24 1997. But theres something to be said for having the original hardware, and as he now has the distinction of owning whats likely the only operational WeatherSTAR 4000 on the planet, were sure [techknight] doesnt regret the time he poured into this incredible project. High 58F. Chance of rain 50%. Drew liked Compact, low-power Geiger counter. I actually did not create this in anyway. High 58F. past OCM's here. nythruway (50), 189799 Posts in 5175 Topics by 1723 Members. here. The IntelliStar is not the only type of STAR in operation. Lufthansa Flight Hits 'Significant Turbulence;' 7 People Hurt, Cozy Up to This Flexible Home Heating System That's Under $100. xoddf2, Hopefully it will continue on for as long as possible. In 2008, their second compilation CD containing their most requested music was released, titled The Weather Channel Presents: Smooth Jazz II. Talk about On Camera Meteorologists and other personalities currently with The Weather Channel. They would be using at the minimum, an IntelliStar 2 Jr. Man, I gotta think we could get ahold of someone at TWC/IBM that worked on this. on January 06, 2023, 08:13:53 PM. How Hard Could It Be To Get Millions Of Phone Bills Right? To make a long story short: he was on his own. Gold claddagh ring with diamond. I had to go back and re-read my conversation with Arbee. It peaked at #1 on Billboard's Top Contemporary Jazz charts in the same year.The Weather Channel Presents: The Best of Smooth Jazz. IntelliStar is the fifth-generation successor to the WeatherStar systems used by the American cable and satellite TV channel The Weather Channel (TWC), for inserting local forecasts and current weather information (such as the "Local on the 8s" portion of their program schedule) into TWC's programming. Low 46F. Which is why I'm placing you on hold, while I play some really bad music. Low 52F. IntelliSTAR units currently in registry: 430, Hendersonville, TN(Nashville area)(Video). Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Torrance, CA with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and I like it and the project. Also talk about past LF music, and other related items here. by using Metar etc from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology? Something used instead of teletext and just for weather? Graphics of the IntelliSTAR from August2005to December 2006. As of April 2018, the segment airs at approximately :18 past each hour. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Low 52F. This is the version from Early 2014, but the intro, hourly forecast, and outro portions have not been added. Low 52F. If you want to try it yourself, check this webified version: in Re: Some changes on the on September 06, 2022, 04:01:25 PM. After a reboot and waiting, the local on the 8s overlay is still very inconsistent. The machine has no mass storage, so all of its software was stored in RAM. Final graphics of the IntelliSTAR from November 2013 to November 2015. The name comes from the timing of the segment, as the times it airs end in "8" (such as 9:18, 9:28, etc.). This includes the 4000 emulator, as well as any other you might be a user of. Local forecast segments aired on The Weather Channel, The Weather Channel Presents: The Best of Smooth Jazz, "Meet weather's music man: 'Local on the 8s' features lots of tunes",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from April 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Varied between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, depending on the flavor (19821998), This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:06. Read more about this topic: The Weather Channel, [Urging the national government] to eradicate local prejudices and mistaken rivalships to consolidate the affairs of the states into one harmonious interest.James Madison (17511836). Low 54F. in Re: Is cable TV going do Most of core animation and logic has been replicated including severe weather alerts, forecast descriptions, crawl text, and the Doppler radar map. Before the implementation took place in mid-1995, the forecast was seen either every five minutes or 8 times an hour at various times (more in the morning and less at night). View the most recent posts on the forum. The i2hd had the hard drives but was reformatted. on November 24, 2022, 12:35:34 AM. A particularly severe power surge in January 2008 caused The Weather Channel to only be airing mostly the emergency feed running with an older Weather Services International forecast computer (the telltale sign was that icons replaced by The Weather Channel for national broadcast and on the IntelliStar in December 2006 had returned during that time). All the cool kids are doing it. Please be kind and respectful to help make the comments section excellent. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. This is a local forecast segment that airs on The Weather Channel called the "Local on the 8s". First conceived in 1988, it's designed & manufactured by the Canadian electronics company Amirix (then the Applied Microelectronics Institute). Partly cloudy skies. ref: MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) Last post by Poly2020 on December 04, 2022, 09:39:47 PM. It also usually airs at approximately :48 past each hour during live Weather Channel broadcasts. in Re: Where can I download For more information, stay on. Talk about your favorite (or least favorite, as the case may be!) Drew liked ESP32 E-Paper Weather Display. Talk about anything else relating to classic TWC that doesn't fit in any of the other boards. What followed is easily some of the most impressive reverse engineering work weve ever seen. Some of these features are temporarily not working due to the discontinuation of WU's API. [More Stats], Most Online Today: 2. in Re: Weatherscan Music Discuss issues that relate to TWC and your cable company. Here's the place to talk about any type of hazardous weather that may be occurring. Get the latest and greatest news and information about the TWC Classics website. Artists included on this CD are Joyce Cooling, Dave Koz, Paprika Soul, Four 80 East, Jeff Lorber, Pieces of a Dream, Chick Corea, Jeanne Ricks, Ryan Farish, Mark Krurnowski, Najee, 3rd Force. Mostly sunny. Talk about TWC programming from years past here. Low around 45F. The WeatherStar Jr. is a budget model introduced in 1993 that was very uncommon from its introduction. in How and where to find ou The forecast is approximately a minute long and provides information on current and forecasted weather conditions. Thats the one that proves he shouldnt be considered an expert on the subject? All levels of creative ability are welcome! The information is then inserted over the TWC feed with local insertion technologies. Shoot your local heroin deal, Local Cruising Spots Near Me . Thank you techknight for preserving the childhood of many 90s kids :), some of the greatest smooth jazz ever heard outside of an elevator. Apply to 10 local ow. No, X86 Single-Board Computer! 662 Topics. To enable or disable looping, click on the TWC logo in the info-bar in the top-left corner of the emulator. Last post by TWC Fan Upcoming sunrise, sunset, and moon phase times for your chosen hometown. in Re: 2014-2015 Winter Out Popular Cities. I am an 80s kid and smooth jazz still makes me think of those winter mornings when Weather Channel would be on waiting to find out if we got a snow day! The name has caused confusion in the New York area with CBS Corporation properties WCBS-TV and WCBS AM, as the properties use a similar slogan, "traffic and weather on the 8s". Partly cloudy. The forecast is approximately a minute long and provides information on current and forecasted weather conditions. Pop and smooth jazz music is regularly played during the "Local on the 8s" segments;[1] the music that is heard over the national feed's forecast segments is also transmitted over the localized segments generated by the STAR headend units. It's a shame, because this forum was once so lively with passion. Morning & Afternoon Commute Forecast (seen only from 8PM-12AM) Shown back to back. In a shrinking world where, Local Property Management Llc . Dear, Att Uverse. in Re: TWC Footage from Jun Please read the FAQs and rules before posting. Last post by Coastiestevie Polaroid soundbar asda 60w review. Listen on Spotify: A playlist with songs from Weather Channel's Local on the 8s from the late 1990s through the early 2010s. Partly cloudy skies. Wow MAME swallowed MESS, I was thinking why is this part of MAME and not MESS. in Re: Public Release Now A High 63F. 23811 Posts. The name is because it airs at timeslots that end in "8" (9:28, 2:48, etc.). Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Also a great place to introduce yourself, if you wish. Last post by Local_On_The_12s On July 7, 2009; the day of Michael Jackson's Funeral, The Weather Channel has aired "Billie Jean" on Local on the 8s. Where did you get the music and us there a list of songs and artists used? Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. As of 2016, the majority of cable operators use the IntelliStar, the latest STAR system. on October 16, 2014, 07:10:33 PM. Talk to TWC's very own Technical Support Team regarding issues with your Local On the 8s. This emulator uses the style that started in 2013. The Weather Channel has carried a local weather forecast segment since the network was launched on May 2, 1982. I wanted to have him work on the MAME side so I could attempt to re-implement the original ROM code including the original bootloader, and more importantly, the vector rendering routines left in ROM. The "Local on the 8s" name was first used on April 21, 1996 to coincide with a sweeping revamp of the channel's on-air presentation; The Weather Channel filed for a trademark on the name on June 24, 1997. on March 26, 2018, 10:36:04 AM. Last post by twcclassics Im not sure if external links in comments will get my comment auto-modded, so feel free to pop over to the MAMEdev organization on Github, and take a peek at the MAME repo in src/mame/drivers/wxstar4000.cpp. on October 03, 2022, 01:45:12 AM. Ocean Shores Coast Communications may still be using one of theses Most outdated, slowest, highest priced ISP and Cable provider Ive ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You signed in with another tab or window. Perfection, of course, is not necessary! on April 06, 2022, 08:26:54 PM. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Lantin, you are dang right! Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Last post by toxictwister00 ESE winds shifting to WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Discuss anything related to the project here. Last post by TWCC_DJK5555 Once the box was switched off, all that precious code was lost forever. Some of these features are temporarily not working due to the discontinuation of WU's API. Last post by Dylan Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. Go techknight! i mean, consider it basically a 68K single board computer environment with simple graphics. It is similar to the now-discontinued WeatherStar III in terms of products and appearance, but uses the typeface of the 4000. [spoiler=EULA]The IntelliSTAR Simulator is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. High 63F.