It involves getting a cork out of an empty wine bottle. In Pennsylvania, much of the Lincoln Highway became Route 30. CONTAINS SPOILERS. Woolly looks at him with genuine surprise, and Duchess laughs until he cries. She makes up a lie about needing to inform her cousin of her fathers passing, which gets her the information she needs. Lincoln Highway Association (LHA) President W.F. Duchesss father had lied about Duchess being his nephew and him being an army officer who was unable to care for him. They go to visit him and see that he's a real person. The Lincoln Highway is captivating and utterly compelling, telling the story of two brothers, abandoned by their parents, who are determined to start a new life together. In present day, Emmett thanks Mr. When Townhouse was 16, he rented out one of the cars a Buick Skylark convertible for a date with a girl, Clarise. That night, Woolly and Duchess stay in a motor lodge called Howard Johnsons (HoJos) roughly 50 miles west of Chicago. Sally muses that men seem to think that meals just make themselves. Once he steals Emmetts car and heads up to New York, it completely delays Emmetts and Billys plans. The farmer sees Ulysses, but declines to let him into the shelter. The Lincoln Highway is a joyride. When Emmett declines, Duchess "borrows" Emmett's car, forcing Emmet and Billy to stowaway on a train to New York to find Duchess and Woolly and reclaim it. As Billy reads to him the story, Ulysses weeps, thinking about his own past. The Lincoln Highway is a fast paced and reflective adventure story centered on three young men from disparate backgrounds, whose incarceration together in a juvenile detention center brings them together on the outside where conflicting motives and moralities set them on a course for collision across the United States. On the train, Billy nearly gets his silver coin collection stolen from him by a fake pastor, "Pastor" John, but Pastor John is stopped by Ulysses -- a black WWII vet who is also hitching a ride on the train. Billy puts on the watch. I don't understand why when Emmett understood that Woolly did indeed want to leave them the money that he couldn't have given Duchess his share and said - good luck. Dennis says that they came back because Kaitlin told them people have been calling looking for Woolly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This was very helpful to me, especially the careful chronological summary of the events. Duchess wakes up on a row boat with no oar in the lake next to the Wolcott residence. Billy hopes she might still be living there now. Your email address will not be published. She brings over a jar of home-made strawberry preserves as well. Very sad and tragic. Standing in front of the statue, he thinks about how his great-grandfather had always loved the Fourth of July and insisted that the whole family gather on that holiday at his place in the Adirondacks. This horrifies Emmett and hes determined for Duchess to finally go to the police to own up to his crimes and thats when the two get into a fight. I've just finished reading The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles. He recalls how his father pretended to be upper-class get himself into the presidential suite of the fanciest hotel. Spoiler warning: these summaries contains spoilers. Next, Billy shows Emmett how he got the safe open (it was 1119, since the Gettysburg Address was November 19). Afterwards, Emmett goes for a drive to clear his head. Finally, he tells Woolly that hes going back to Salina to finish his sentence, and afterwards Woolly is going to work for his friend at the stock exchange to teach Woolly some responsibility. That night, Duchess tells Woolly that if he had 50 grand, hed open up a place like Leonellos. . By Amor Towles Viking: 592 pages, $30 If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from, whose fees support independent . Emmett finds him in another room playing piano. In the next chapter, we learn that the box is from Sally and contains 6 jars of her strawberry preserves. With Emmett busy at Ma Belles place, Woolly and Duchess have Billy in tow. There is now someone else staying there. With no money to get back and being unknown in America, he ended up as a pantomime street performer living at the Sunshine Hotel. He quickly hangs up and hides the phone. Upon hearing this, Emmett flat-out rejects the plan, saying he wants no part in it and that hes going to drop them off at the greyhound station in Omaha on Monday. So, maybe he didnt actually kill Woolly but he also didnt help to prevent the overdose. Sheriff Peterson knew it wasnt Emmett, since they were together at the time. Duchess sees that the box is labelled with his name. When it seems like Billy doesnt have any food on him, Pastor John is about to leave until he hears the sound of coins Billys silver dollar collection jangling in Billys backpack. This was very helpful! For a non-spoiler version of the plot synopsis, see The Bibliofile's review of The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles. He finds a drawer filled with unpaid bill notices. He tells Pastor John to leave Billy alone and demands that Pastor John exit the moving train, saying that he rides alone. Against his attorneys advice, Emmett had plead guilty on March 1, 1943. This is a spoiler-filled discussion about the ending to The Lincoln Highway. He also adds, however, that the abridged version of the legend of Ulysses in the book left out the part where the Great Ulysses was told that he was destined to wander the seas until he had appeased the gods through an act of tribute. "The Lincoln Highway" is a road-trip-buddy book with a myriad of mixed agendas and detours. This is why his interactions with his sister seemed to have a farewell component to it. Then, in the kitchen hed found an envelope marked To Be Opened in the Event of My Absence in Woollys handwriting (which we soon learn is Woollys will). He later attended Harvard, married a woman he loved named Polly and had two children. One day, he was asked to do a recitation of Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto at a large event, a gig he undertook with diligence. Then, he took full advantage of it before finally sneaking out the back stairs when it was time to leave. Sally joins them (platonically) so she can start a new life out there as well. Towles' new novel ranges further geographically from Nebraska's farmland to New York's Adirondacks by way of some of New York City's iconic sites but its action-packed plot is compressed into just 10 days. And so lets talk about the big twistEmmett leaving Duchess in the boat. When Emmett says you have to know someone for longer than that to be friends with them, Billy asks how long and (instead of trying to explain the intricacies of how relationships evolve over time) Emmett finally settles on three days in order to end the conversation. However, he feels certain Emmett did not owe a debt to the man in the cowboy hat (the cowboy). When Emmett was 15, he asked Mr. Schulte, the carpenter, to work for him in the summers. Ma Belle tells him about how Duchesss father used to leave Duchess with them as he worked in the lounge downstairs. (At one point, Maurice walks in and is upset to see that Townhouse is giving the car back to Emmett, but Townhouse just tells Maurice off, who stalks off angrily.). Emmett tries to get Duchess to leave (this place that appears to be a brothel), but before he can, a woman there (Ma Belle) shoves him into a room with one of the prostitutes, Charity. After surveying Morgen, Nebraska, Duchess notes how small the town is, only four blocks in either direction. Instead, she just wants a life of her own where she doesnt have to take care of her father. Meanwhile, Emmett and Mr. Emmett asks the receptionist for Harrys information, but is firmly rebuffed. It winds its way over 3,000 miles between New York City and San Francisco. However, they were soon interrupted by some officers because the owner of the Skylark had spotted them out driving. Ransom go inside to the kitchen to talk with Tom Obermeyer, a banker. When we meet him, Towles' latest hero, Emmett Watson, has been released a few months early from detention in consideration of his father's death, the foreclosure of the family farm, and his responsibility for his 8-year-old brother, Billy. Amor Towles ' new Great American Road Novel tails four boys three 18-year-olds who met in a juvenile reformatory, plus a brainy 8-year-old as they set out. He says that the train will soon slow down and that Billy needs to get off then. But lets talk over several key events. He shows him the registration and explains that he worked for two summers for Mr. Schulte doing roofing and carpentry work to pay for it. 21/28 City/Highway MPGAwards: * 2020 10 Favorite New-for-2020 Cars*Holt Motors Ford of Cokato is a family owned and operated Ford store serving the Central Minnesota Area since 1951. . The book ends with Emmett leaving Duchess in a leaky boat with no oaks and with his $50K share in cash. In that moment, Pastor John whacks Ulysses on the head with a staff, breaking it in two. He hoped to eventually have four properties to maintain and rent out for income. The sight of the postcards from their mother in his pack reminds Emmett of how unhappy his mother had seemed. Maintaining a stable interior temperature in the Lincoln . He also mentions Duchess going to Harlem first (which Emmett seems to understand was likely for the purpose of visiting Townhouse). It didn't launch a catchy song, a television series . Woolly ended up getting in, and he tried to drive around looking for the fire station. Instead, they agree that they will go to tea at the Plaza, and then Woolly promises hes going back to Salina after his visit to New York. She says that Billy has spent a lot of time at the library reading stories since hes been gone. He sees that Californias growth had exceeded Texass impressive growth over the years. Duchess watches as the guy in the cowboy hat walks away right when the Sheriff shows up. The two promises Emmett has made are to help Duchess and to check in with Sally. As he says this, Duchess picks up a whiskey bottle and thinks possibly hitting Fitzy with it. He finally settles on beginning the story with Emmett being released from Salina. Upstairs, Woolly shows Billy his own collection of stuff. . The Lincoln Highway, the first transcontinental road in the for business in 1913has none of the pop-culture force of Route 66. Hed decided to walk the 40 miles to the nearest junction in Des Moines instead. responsibilities and encumbrances runs throughout this book as well as the competing ideas of exploration, travel and imagination. (Basically, Abacus decides to go traveling with Ulysses via boxcar.). Sally considers herself a good and believing Christian, but thinks of it as proof that the Bible was written by a man.