10. "[24] Tom Hutchingson of Radio Times said that Newman "deserved" to win an Oscar for his performance. The following books shed light on the ongoing conflict and provide a better understanding of Ukrainian history as well as the complicated, intertwined pasts of both countries as the war continues. As the years go by, I know it's crazy, but that movie is in my top 5 or 6 Scorsese movies. Disclaimer: AcqNotes is not an official Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force, Navy, or Army website. The fact that the movie does not provide that payoff scene is a disappointment. My take was that Vince was more confused than mad. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. He quietly works his way to the quarterfinals of the tournament knowing that he will face his protege. Goaded by Grady, Vincent almost fails to throw the game, and Eddie is inspired to play again. The cinematography, choreography and performances were incredible. I've probably seen it 40x. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. I don't think that Vince put any hustle on Eddie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He is also, Eddie observes, a "flake," and that gives him an idea: With Eddie as his coach, this kid could be steered into the world of big-money pool, where his flakiness would throw off the other players. Eddie still plays pool, but not for money and not with the high-stakes, dangerous kinds of players who drove him from the game. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The setup is Fast Eddie's refusal to take a cut of a "dumped" loss by Vincent in the quarterfinal game the two played in the 9-Ball Tournament the day before. ", then Newman seeming pretty remorseful. Free shipping for many products! The film stars Paul Newman and Tom Cruise, with Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Helen Shaver, and John Turturro in supporting roles. Privacy Policy. When that game happens, Vincent (predictably) takes a bet that he can dump, thinking he'll outfox his former teacher. So why was vince so pissed at the end. After regaining his form Eddie takes down Efren in the big matchthen decides to take up 1-pocket. But he is not going to change much during the story, and maybe he's not even free to change much, since his experiences are largely dictated by the requirements of the plot. So when Eddie rediscovered that he really just wanted to play top gear pool and not hustle or get hustled it really hurt when Vince hustled him at the end and dumped their match. If you bring a gun onstage in the first act, somebody will have been shot by the third. It's a shame that even the tension of their relationship is allowed to evaporate in the closing scenes, where Cruise and the girl stand side by side and seem to speak from the same mind, as if she were a standard movie girlfriend and not a real original. Couldn't he just have bounced around pool halls himself to prove that he was coming back into it. [23] Miami Herald writer Bill Cosford, however, commented that "whatever Scorsese and Price have to say about these marvelous characters, it is not anything interesting. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Color of Money Message Board (click here). . Out of the blue discussion on you 2 year old comment but hey better late than never. I don't take much pride in that.". Finding him working at Child World, Eddie invites Vincent to leave the next day for six weeks of hustling on the road, culminating in a nine-ball tournament in Atlantic City. [3] A screenplay was written by Tevis but the filmmakers decided not to use it. New College of Florida . He offloads Vincent. [22] Canby, however, also commented that it "lacks in narrative shapeliness", before giving the film 9/10. [16] The film was released on DVD on January 3, 2000,[17] and on Blu-ray on June 5, 2012. However, Vincent's tendency to show off his talent and by doing so warning off the players and losing money, soon leads to a confrontation with Eddie. It represents power, luxury, sophistication, and exclusivity on one hand; and means death, evil, and mystery on the other. Perhaps this is all it was. Makes a great double-feature with Poohall Junkies. It is inconceivable to think that a year has passed since Russia first launched its devastating invasion of Ukraine. Vince was a pretty brash young cocky guy, so an overreaction doesn't seem too out of character. Martin Scorsese's "The Color of Money" is, in my opinion, his under-appreciated classic. The Color of Money seeks to explain the stubborn persistence of this racial wealth gap by focusing on the generators of wealth in the black community: black banks. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Studying these institutions over time, Mehrsa Baradaran challenges the myth that black communities could ever accumulate wealth in a segregated economy. Watch (or read transcripts of) The Real News Networks in-depth interview with Baradaran on the roots of the racial wealth gap after the Civil War, twentieth-century government policies that further entrenched inequality, and the struggles of black capitalism today: Listen to Baradaran talk with Johns Hopkins Universitys Nathan Connolly and Morgan State Universitys Jared Ball about capitalism, banking, and the problems of black capitalism on the. You used me!" By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Eddie and Carmen struggle to rein in Vincent's showboating, and his jealousy when they pose as lovers during a scam. Money Heist season 4 ending explained x Netflix's hit series Money Heist follows a mysterious man called The Professor (lvaro Morte), who recruits eight people who choose cities for code-names. Here we come to the big weakness of "The Color of Money": It exists in a couple of timeworn genres, and its story is generated out of standard Hollywood situations. What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Place like This? Its not as good as the first film but its a damn good follow up for sure. [28], For The Color of Money Newman received the Academy Award for Best Actor, his first Academy Award and his seventh nomination. I don't know what it is about it, I think it's a combination of how technically it was shot, the great chemistry between Newman and Tom Cruise, and how tight the screenplay is/how efficiently it moves. In my fantasy world, Fast Eddie did nail Carmen that time Vince was off shooting against the Black guy with the cowboy hat and the scene was cut. A lot of the early scenes setting up this situation are very well handled, especially the moments when Eddie uses Carmen to make Vince jealous and undermine his self-confidence. Those are my two cents. [3], Scorsese has cited the influence of techniques and lighting in the 1947 PowellPressburger Black Narcissus in making the film. For more information, please see our If my memory serves right, Vince wasn't exactly the smartest character in the movie, so the reason I think that he was so pissed was that he probably expected Eddie to be proud of him for finally "getting it" and was expecting a pat on the back for finally doing what Eddie had been trying to teach him to do. Tom Cruise, Paul Newman (who won an academy award with his performance), and Scorsese - yet I didn't know this film existed? And the greatest energy in the story is generated between Cruise and Mastrantonio - who, with her hard edge and her inbred cynicism, keeps the kid from ever feeling really sure of her. It's been 25 years since Fast Eddie Felson (Newman) was at the top of his game as a pool hustler (as depicted in the 1961 film "The Hustler," starring young Paul Newman and based on a Walter Tevis novel). On PBSs Amanpour & Co., watch Mehrsa Baradaran explain how Black communities have been systemically shut out of the American banking system: Read this book. Think about it. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. I've screened it dozens of times and it still holds up over the years. In reality, federal funds come in several "colors". The type of account can range from Procurement, Research and Development (R&D), Operations and Maintenance (O&M), and others. Press J to jump to the feed. Based on 48 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, the film received an 88% approval rating from critics, with an average score of 7.10/10. Then the comeback and the tournament. Of course, The Color of Money isn't about pool, or even about money. Academy award for Paul Newman in the Best Actor category. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, "The Color of Money Movie Poster (#1 of 4)", "Play for Play: How The Color of Money's 'One For Them' Assignment Reignited Martin Scorsese's Hunger for the Work", "Chicago pool hall maintains magic from decades-old Hollywood film", "10 Movies You Didn't Realize Were Filmed In Chicago", "Black Narcissus (The Criterion Collection) (2001) DVD commentary", "Commercial information about the Joss 10-N7 model pool cue", "Robbie Robertson On Scoring The Irishman", "Screen: Paul Newman in 'The Color of Money', "Movie review: Newman chalks one up in 'The Color of Money', "Second Glance: The Whiz-Bang Artistry of Scorsese's 'The Color of Money', "Flick of the week: Sequel to "Hustler" a disappointment", "Picks and Pans Review: The Color of Money", "The 59th Academy Awards (1987) Nominees and Winners", Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, "Cahiers du Cinema: Top Ten Lists 1951-2009", "MTV VMAs 1987 - MTV Video Music Awards 1987", National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, "1986 New York Film Critics Circle Awards", "The Greatest Pool Games of Legend Efren Reyes". Eddie manipulated Vince and Carmen both in order to get Vince to go on the road. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Utterly love this follow-up. Then we have the story of the kid who wants to knock the master off the throne. I'm throwing this into the wild hoping there's someone out there who hasn't heard of this movie before either. The Color Of Money 1986 Movie Ending Explained Paul Newman Tom Cruise No views Jun 9, 2022 In this episode of Pick Of The Flicks, Tony discusses the ending of Martin Scorsese's poolroom. The side stories are where the movie really lives. Finally, in a big Atlantic City tournament, Cruise returns the favor, and teaches Eddy the final lesson that allows him to finish his quest of re-discovery. The catch-22 of black banking is that the very institutions needed to help communities escape the deep poverty caused by discrimination and segregation inevitably became victims of that same poverty. [6][12], The soundtrack to the motion picture was released by MCA Records in 1986. First we have the basic story of the old pro and the talented youngster. Janelle arrives to support Eddie, who triumphs against Vincent. From formality to mourning to power, black is bold, classic, and not to be fooled with. Vincent and Carmen hit the road with Eddie in his Cadillac, visiting a series of pool halls. There are a number of interpretations. "[19] Media review aggregator website Metacritic reported a weighted average score of 77/100 based on 17 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". Perhaps Scorsese thought the movie was "really" about the personalities of his two heroes, and that it was unnecessary to show who would win in a showdown. Humiliated, Eddie leaves Vincent and Carmen with enough money to make it to Atlantic City, taking the Balabushka. [14], The Color of Money held its world premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City in New York, on October 8, 1986. "You USED me!" Vince does flip out a little and storms off when Newman finally does leave for good. Vincent believed Eddie was his friend and it wasnt about something else. Fast Eddie Felson, now retired for years, feels that Tom Cruise could become an excellent pool player if only he wasn't so wild. and our I've screened it dozens of times and it still holds up over the years. According to Scorsese, Gleason apparently agreed with Newman's opinion that Minnesota Fats was not essential to the film's story. This means Fast Eddie is out of the spotlight. Can anyone explain the ending to me? He continues: "But you're in Atlantic City now with the big boys. The film was created from a screenplay by Richard Price, based on the 1984 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis. A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, George Harrison: Living in the Material World, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Color_of_Money&oldid=1140014958, Films featuring a Best Actor Academy Award-winning performance, Films with screenplays by Richard Price (writer), Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Modern Blues" (Robbie Robertson) Robbie Robertson (2:57), "My Baby's In Love With Another Guy" (H. Brightman/L. Eddie refines his skills at Orvis's pool hall, gets into shape by swimming laps, and gets a pair of corrective lens sunglasses. Fast Eddie Felson teaches a cocky but immensely talented protg the ropes of pool hustling, which in turn inspires him to make an unlikely comeback. The film continues the story of pool hustler and stakehorse Edward "Fast Eddie" Felson from the novel The Hustler. I think what Vincent is alluding too is Eddie manipulating him to go on the road using Carmon against him by saying he is losing her and then tempting him with the cue. Now 25 years have passed. He figures he can make a deal with the girl; together, they'll control Vince and steer him in the direction of money. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I think he expected a pat on the back from Eddie for finally "getting it" but instead Eddie went in a different direction. Cruise mentioned that to prepare for the role, he bought a pool table for his apartment and practiced for hours on end. If this movie had been directed by someone else, I might have thought differently about it because I might not have expected so much. Cruise performed most of his own pool shots. Eddie took that away from him. Lovecraft's short story that goes by the same name. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Please don't chastize me!!!!