Only graduates of approved schools of nursing are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), which is required for licensure. . Licensees are responsible for renewing on time and keeping the board apprised of current information. Upon completion of all of the state requirements, the Board will notify Pearson to send you an Authorization to Test and you can schedule your examination. Licensees are responsible for renewing on time and keeping the board apprised of current information. High-quality, accredited, evidenced-based continuing education courses in an easy-to-use format designed for learning, from Wild Iris Medical Education. Need to request verification as a requirement for applying in a new state? Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring, interception, recording, reading, copying or capturing by authorized personnel of all activities. Copyright 2023 Swordfish Ltd. All rights reserved. The Tennessee Board of Nursing accepts courses that are ANCC accredited. On-time renewals for the licensing period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025: Renew Online: Renewals accepted: April 17, 2023 to June 30, 2023 Renewal Postcard Mailout: April 14, 2023 Renew By License Expiration Date: June 30, 2023 Visit the Tennessee Board of Nursing for more information on your renewal requirements. Attention hospitals and other healthcare institutions! THE TENNESSEE BOARD OF NURSING CHAPTER 1000-02 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES TABLE OF CONTENTS . Nursing Practice Nursing Practice in Disaster Areas Licensure Renewal Click here to go to the Texas Nurse Portal for all applications and renewals. The email domains below may not be supported by LARS. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Tennessee. Tennessee requires registered nurses to renew their licenses every two years. The Department of Health will be auditing licensees to determine and confirm compliance. New license applicants who live in the state should go to the companys website 6 weeks before their graduation from nursing school to schedule a new appointment and pay the required fee. Out-of-state residents will follow a process to register to send their fingerprints through the mail. Nursing is a rewarding career that can be challenging when living in Tennessee. Theres no waiting. Tennessee is a compact state. You can do it online through here. Most states provide this information through the NURSYS website. Originally developed in 2000, by 2015 the license had grown to include 25 states. You can take it eight times per year but there must be 45 test-free days between each examination and you must pass within three years of graduation. Incredible Health offers ANCC-accredited continuing education courses for nurses in all 50 states, 100% free and online. If you have previously created an account in this licensure system, but cannot recall your user name or password, please click the appropriate. Providing great customer service is important to us and we would like to know about the problems you encounter. Upload a current photograph signed and dated on the front, Upload a copy of your current unexpired Tennessee drivers license. You can get the Tennessee Nursing License by applying for it on the official website of the Tennessee Board of Nursing and attempting the corresponding exam. To submit your renewal application and pay the renewal fee online, use this link. This one-click package provides CE courses you need to meet the license, re-licensure, and certification requirements of the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Renewal: Registered Nurse licenses in Tennessee expire biennially, on the last day of the nurse's birth month. An advanced practice nurse certificate without prescriptive authority is issued when the nurse does not meet the pharmacology qualification and for applicants meeting certain grandfathering provisions. For more information visit theTennessee licensing page. Nashville, TN 37243. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Tennessee RN License Renewal CE Package Excellent 7,060 reviews on Nursing CE Central is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. 63-1-402 and Rule 1000-04-.05(2). Thank you! 63-1-402 and Rule 1000-04-.05(2), Tennessee Department of Health Publications. Contact your state for applicable fees. Being able to provide appropriate, knowledgeable care begins with earning your nursing degree from an accredited nursing school. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Licensure for Tennessee . Board responsibilities center around three broad functionslicensure, education and practice. If you are a new user please sign up using the link to the left. Tennessee licensed practical nurse candidates must have a post-secondary education that leads to a degree in nursing from an approved school. Click here for more Info. Please use the "Back" or "Previous" button in the application if you need to return to the previous page. Immediately after graduation, request that your official transcript be sent to the Board directly by your school. If you have forgotten or do know the email address used to create your account, you will need to call your board to update or retrieve your email address. Tennessee nurse license renewal applicants must use Tennessees Nursing CE Broker. Your website is also set up very well. What is the Tennessee Board of Nursing Address and Contact Information, #76 Healthcare Recruiting and Staffing, Virginia Board of Nursing: Licensing Renewal Requirements for VA , What is an Independent Nurse Contractor? Applications should be saved or submitted before 4:30 PM CST on Tuesdays to prevent loss of unsaved information. Tennessee recognizes most out-of-state nurses if you hold current licensure in another state as long as your other state has no disciplinary actions on record, or pending against you. ment. 1000-02-.01 Licensure by Examination 1000-02-.09 Schools - Curriculum, Instruction, Evaluation . The boards mission is to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of Tennesseans by requiring that all who practice nursing within this state are qualified and licensed to practice. Tennessee is anursing compact state, which allows nurses to hold multi-state licenses. Continued Competence Requirements (PDF) If you want to know more, you can check out the official Tennessee Board of Nursing website: Quickly lookup Tennessee licensing information such as: Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Registered Nurses (RNs), Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), and more, in just a few clicks. Renewal notices are mailed from the administrative office forty-five days prior to expiration of the license to the current address on file. How to Get a Tennessee Board of Nursing License? All applicants must complete and submit a notarized Declaration of Citizenship form. You can also check the status of your fingerprint background check on the website. Tennessee Board of NursingPhone: (615) 532-5166 or (800) 778-4123Email: [emailprotected]Website: Mainstream Drive2nd FloorNashville, TN 37243. Legislation passed in 2012 mandated the composition of the board to the following: nine registered nurses or advanced practice registered nurses, one licensed practical nurse, and one consumer member who is not a nurse and is not commercially or professionally associated with the health care industry. If your license was from Alabama, California, Hawaii, Louisiana-PN, Oklahoma, or Pennsylvania, please contact the states board for information on submission of verification documents. Your CE courses and transcripts can be accessed anywhere, at any time, including audio and podcast modules you can play anywhere. (After a license has been expired for 3 months, must submit a new license application; less than 3 months, may renew with late fees.) 1000-02-.01 Licensure by Examination 1000-02-.09 Schools - Curriculum, Instruction, Evaluation . Welcome to LARS the Tennessee Department of Health online Licensure and Regulatory System. License reminders and alerts when its time to renew. The Tennessee Board of Nursing is dedicated to ensure safety, and certify competent nurses that care for patients and their families by protecting the public from unsafe practices and unprofessional conduct among nurses. This makes it easy for both parties involved. Cover Image Credit: Tennessee Board of Nursing website. Tennessee works with IdentoGO for fingerprinting criminal background checks. Wild Iris Medical EducationQuality CE Made Simple, Terms of Service | Copyright Policy | Medical Disclaimer | LegalDisclaimer, For detailed nursing license renewal information and latest updates, please always refer to the. LPNs who do not wish to get a baccalaureate but still want to work as a CNA may apply directly at the official website of the Tennessee Board of Nursing: The Department of Health will be auditing licensees to determine and confirm compliance. A health care prescriber that is unable to comply with the electronic prescription requirement for a Schedule II, III, IV or V prior to January 1, 2021, may apply for a waiver from the requirement based on economic hardship or technological limitations that are not reasonably within the control of the health care prescriber or other exceptional circumstance demonstrated by the health care prescriber. professional nursing competence before renewal of registration if a licensee has been For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Free Nursing Continuing Education Courses, How to get your Tennesse nursing license by exam, How to renew your Tennessee nursing license, How to contact the Tennessee Board of Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or call 1-866-496-2539,,, Meetings are open to the public. The system will be available to resume submission of your information after 6:00 PM CST. As a nurse in the state of Tennessee, you are required to earncontinuing education to renew your active license. Nurses can verify their licenses by completing the Nursys verification process for $30 per license type, per each board of nursing where the nurse is applying. Licensees are responsible for renewing on time and keeping the board apprised of current contact information. Nurse License Verification. LPN licenses are valid for two years in most states. You will also need to submit a $115 payment and upload the online application and the following documents here. Registered Nurse Application (RN) Exam & Exam Retake Fee eliminated as of 08/05/2019; Endorsement $115.00; Reinstatement $200.00; Renewal $100.00; Steps to Renew Your License with the Tennessee Board Of Nursing. A Tennessee nursing license can be renewed up to 60 days . Division of Health Licensure and Regulation 665 Mainstream Drive, Second Floor Nashville, TN 37243 The Licensure and Regulatory System will be unavailable on Tuesdays from 4:45 PM until 6:00 PM CST for routine weekly maintenance. T.C.A. Schools not meeting standards are investigated and the board is authorized to place the school on conditional approval or close the program if standards are not met. Licensure is the process by which boards of nursing grant permission to an individual to engage in nursing practice after determining that the applicant has attained the competency necessary to perform a unique scope of practice. Obtaining and applying for a nursing license in Tennessee is easy if you know the proper steps. The board grants licenses to licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, advanced practice registered nurses (certificate), and registered nurse first assistants (certificate) who meet the requirements of the statutes and rules. Below are the fees for becoming a nurse in Tennessee whether you are a first-time nurse or are moving to Tennessee from another state. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page. If it is your first time renewing a Tennessee nursing license, you will need to complete at least 1 hour of continuing education covering HIV/AIDs. How Do I Transfer My Nursing License To Tennessee? Nurse License Verification service enables nurses to verify their license(s) from a Nursys verification participating board when applying for endorsement into another state. Exact renewal dates vary by state, so you will have to check with yours to find out for sure. The board interprets the statutes and administrative rules to determine the appropriate standards of practice in an effort to ensure the highest professional conduct. Whether youre an experienced nurse relocating to Tennessee or youve just completed your nursing education, this guide will provide all of the information you need. Provide a background check with fingerprints. This Page Last Updated: November 4, 2022 at 1:12 PM, Instructions for Initial APRN Licensure Application, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Application, Mandatory Practitioner Profile Questionnaire for Licensed Health Care Providers, APRN Reinstatement Application Instructions, RN-LPN Exam Application Instructions for Students and Graduates, Registered Nurse First Assistant Initial Licensure Application, LPN Initial Licensure by Exam Application, Medication Aide Certification Application,, Medication Aide Training Program Application, OCA Numbers for Criminal Background Checks, Declaration of Primary State of Residence, Tennessee Endorsement Licensure Verification Request for those states NOT listed on NURSYS, Declaration of Eligibility for Military Spouse, Affidavit of Retirement From Practice in Tennessee, Tennessee Department of Health Publications.