Vilhelm means resolute defender or will; desire. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Luana is a combination of Louise and Anna, Louise means renowned warrior while Anna means grace. In many cases, Romanian surnames are appended to first names. Silvea is a spelling variation of Silvia which means woman of the woods. Marilena means star of the sea and pronounced as ma-REE-leh-na. Pronounced as doo-MEET-roo. There are many common, popular last names. Benedikto isa spelling variation of Benedikte whichmeans Blessed. Uta means man who prospers in battles and pronounced as u-TAH. 94. Derived from the flower name Crin (Lilly), Crin and Crina are two examples of these types of Romanian names. Pronounced asmag-DAH-le-na. Marioara means awished child and pronounced as ma-REE-wa-rah. Its strange to hear that people here have difficulties with a name like James and the difficulty is that indeed you dont have a Romanian alternative (like it would be for John Ion, and so on). Spiridon means spirit and pronounced as spee-REE-don. Pronounced as, Liliana means lily, a flower and pronounced as, Loredana means laurel grove and pronounced as, bitter or wished-for child while Ana means grace. 6. Amur Asia or Aja Bali Bengal Bhutan Cambodia Caspian China Stefania is a variation of Stefana which means crown. Pronounced as loo-EE-za. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. Margot Angel Honey Ellie Gladis Gigi Sheba Callie Millie Bailey June Georgia Roxie Piper Maisy Eleanor Beverly Sally Penny The Turkish Angora is an ancient, natural breed of cat from Turkey. (Similar to Valentina.). Your email address will not be published. 69. Tyna is a spelling variation of Tyne which means river. Given names. Carol was the name of two Romanian kings. Most parents now make up names willy nilly. ], via Wikimedia Commons. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 103 Romanian Last Names With Meanings And History, Surnames Influenced By Neighbouring Countries, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Viorica means tranquil leader and pronounced as vee-O-ree-KA. Pronounced asZAHN-dra. Antonia was borne by several prominent women in ancient Rome, including the mother of Emperor Claudius. Isabela is a spelling variation of Isabella which means pledged to God. Ioana means God Is gracious or island and pronounced as ee-WA-na. Loredana means laurel grove and pronounced as lo-reh-DA-na. Pronounced asnee-KO-la-eh. Lupei is a last name that is a variant of Lupu. Sandu is a surname that is short for Alexander. 4. If youre looking for some inspiration for your little one, choosing a traditional Romanian name from my list below is the way to go. Vanda means warrior or wish; desire and pronounced as VAHN-da. Starlene means a star or starlight and pronounced as stahr-LEEN or stahr-LEE-neh. Daria is a feminine variation of Darius which meanskingly or possess well. 31. Like Dick! All Rights Reserved. Pronounced asMEE-hai. It is a variation of Alexander. Cristian Romanian form of Christian, which means "a Christian". Everyone on earth knows about the ancient rome with their cultures, traditions like gladiator, etc. Pronounced asA-lehks(Romanian) orAL-iks(English). A bit about us: we are a brother and sister that have had cats since we were little, and 3 years ago, we started to rescue abandoned cats from our city and from neighboring villages. Like you say though, its important to like the name. Horia is a spelling variation of Horea which is a type of circle dance. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Petronela means rock and pronounced as pet-ROH-ne-la. Anastasie f & m French, Romanian (Rare) French form of Anastasia (feminine) and Romanian form of Anastasius (masculine). Anicuta means God was gracious and pronounced asA-nee-koo-tah. There is no specific meaning for Delorian. 6. Eusebiu is a Romanian variation of Eusebius which means pious. Monica meansadvisor and pronounced as mo-NEE-ka. Carmen means fruit garden or song and pronounced as KAR-mehn. Viorel means bluebell flower and pronounced as vee-O-rehl. It just represents a brief summary of the meaning of each name although most are chosen for the way they sound, and not meaning. Tarniceriu is a common occupational last name for "people who make saddles". Luminia means "light" or "faint light". 100. Either way, Romanian names sound unique for foreigners, drawing inspiration from all regions you have names with Latin roots, Russian roots, German roots and so on. However, the most common black cat names are often rudimentary or too on the nose for most pet parents. Ancua f Romanian Diminutive of Anca. 3. Felix was the name of four popes and sixty-seven saints. Pronounced asma-ree-A-na. Dan is a Romanian surname that is the shortened version of the name Daniel. Bogdan. 41. 114 Elegant Romanian Girl Names With Meanings Vera means faith and pronounced as VEH-ra. Pronounced asDAN. Pronounced asda-nee-EH-la. Pronounced as deh-LOHR-yahn. Valerian was the name of a Roman emperor and of a sedating plant. Vlad means to rule and pronounced as VLAHD. Pronounced as ahn-DRAH-dah. Florina means flourishing, prosperous and pronounced as FLO-ree-na. 53. 30. Adina meansslender, delicate and pronounced as a-DEE-nah. Andrea feminine form of Andrew means "manly". Lidia is a Romanian variation of Lydia which means woman from Lydia. The mighty Danube River ends its journey in Romania, and it is home to the majestic Carpathia Mountains. Petru is a spelling variation of Petre which means rock. Pronounced asDAR-ya(Romanian) orDAHR-ee-ah(English). Simion means to listen or God has heard and pronounced as see-MEE-yown. Pronounced as, Martina means warlike or lady and pronounced as, Mihaela is a feminine variation of Mihal which means who is like God?. Romany Gypsy Girl Names. Diana is the Latin name for the Roman goddess associated with the moon, virginity, and hunting. Sabina means Sabine and pronounced as sa-BEE-na. Pronounced asSTEHL-ya-na. Ana is a spelling variation of Anna which means grace. Luminita means little light and pronounced as loo-mee-NEE-tsa. 59. 5. Alin is a Romanian masculine variation of Alina which meansbright, beautiful. Anton is a diminutive variation of Antoniu which meanspriceless. Neculai means victory of the people and pronounced approximately as NEH-koo-lai-ch. Radutu means ahappy man and pronounced asRAH-doo-too. Pronounced asgab-ree-EH-la. Aldea it is a topographic surname meaning "village". Sorin means like the Sun or strict and pronounced as soh-REEN. Diana meansdivine and pronounced as dee-A-na (Romanian) or die-AN-ah(English). So, if you're tired of people suggesting you name your black kitten midnight, take a look at this myriad of typical and atypical names perfect for your playful panther. My wifes name, Arina, isnt on the list either. Martina means warlike or lady and pronounced as mahr-TEE-na. Andreea f Romanian That is all that counts. This year's most popular baby names that scored within the top 10 for carts include: Chloe, Zoe, Sophie, Molly, and Phoebe! David was the name of the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Mihaela is a feminine variation of Mihal which means who is like God?. Serafim meansfiery and pronounced as SEH-raa-feem. Serghei means protector or shepherd and pronounced approximately as sehr-GEI. Here are some of the trendiest Romanian names of this fashion. 82. We have special categories for dogs, cats, exotic pets, and house pets. 33. (Similar to Alexandra.) Fiora is a variation of Flora which means flower, blossom. Nicolae also Niculaie, it is the Romanian form of Nicholas; it means "victory of the people". 25. Albescu a Romanian surname that means "white". Georgeta means grower or rancher and pronounced as johr-JEH-ta. 15. Magda is a diminutive variation of Magdalena which means woman from Magdala or high tower. Zenovia is a spelling variation of Zenobia which means life of Zeus. Ignat meansfiery and pronounced as eeg-NAHT. Luca is a last name derived from Luke. Gabriel it has religious connotations; translates to "God is my strong man". The literal translation of this Romanian last name is 'black beard.'. (Similar to Alexandra.) Pronounced as, immortal and pronounced approximately as. Pronounced askah-MEHL-yaorka-MEH-lee-a. (Similar to Sorine.). Andreea is a feminine variation of Andrew which means strong and manly. Matei Romanian form of Matthew; it means "a gift". Natalia means the Lords birthday and pronounced as na-TAHL-ya. Barbaneagra. Olga means holy and pronounced as ol-GAH. Crispy. You can get more ideas on popular Roman cat names. Carrollis a spelling variation of Carol which meanshacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. Antonia meanspriceless one and pronounced as an-TOHN-ya. Cristi is a diminutive variation of Cristian which means disciple of Christ. Sebastian is a name with a substantial history, such as the third-century martyr whose sufferings were a favorite subject of medieval artists. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Irina meanspeace and pronounced as ee-REEN-a. Are you familiar with this name? Victorious people. While the during the past 10 years or so, as I already said in the intro, the trend here in Romania was to move a bit away from the traditional Romanian names in search for uniqueness (but still failing to achieve that), I see that lately people are going back to traditional Romanian names once more. Cipriana means awoman from Cyprus and pronounced asCHEE-pree-AH-na. Sorine is a variation of Sorina which means a sun-like woman. Stela means star and pronounced as STEH-la. 62. Pronounced asDEE-noo. Pronounced as, Valeria means strength, health and pronounced as, Veronica means she who brings victory; true image and pronounced as, ne who is full of life and pronounced as, pale and fair woman and pronounced approximately as, ne who is firm and resolute and pronounced as, woman with a beautiful voice and pronounced as, generous woman or lord of the manor and pronounced as, Zena means rose or guest and pronounced as, welcoming and hospitable woman or daughter of Zeus and pronounced as, Zizi means pledged to God and pronounced as, hacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. If you liked our suggestions for Romanian Last Names then why not take a look at Greek last names, or for something different take a look at cool last names. Martin meanswarlike and pronounced as MAHR-teen. Lucia meanslight and pronounced as LOO-chya or loo-CHEE-a. These surnames could be for a character in your fictional fantasy story set in Romania, or maybe you're looking for the meaning and history of your own Romanian name. Pronounced astraa-YAHN. Sorina means a sun-like woman and pronounced asso-REE-na. 71. Solomon means peace and pronounced as so-LO-mon. Viorell is a spelling variation of Viorel which means bluebell flower. 3. Alin - Romanian. Taydem means one who is lighthearted and cheerful. 102. Maria means star of the sea or to swell and pronounced asMAH-ree-A. Iudita means woman from Judea and pronounced approximately as YOO-dee-ta. Ungureanu is a common reference for people from Hungary. Camelia is a Romanian variation of Camilla which means young ceremonial attendant. Adrian means man of Adria and pronounced as a-dree-AN (Romanian) or AY-dree-ahn (English). Take a look at these varied Romanian surnames, and find out which ones you love the most. Funar is a common occupational surname given to ropemakers. Artur is a spelling variation of Arthur which means bear. Grouped in distinct themes, these last names are sure you keep you fascinated and enthralled. Dragomir meanshe who cares about peace or he who is very precious and pronounced as drah-GO-meer. Piper means pipe or flute player and pronounced as PEE-pehr (Romanian) or PIE-pahr (English). Claudia meanslame; enclosure and pronounced as KLOW-dya (Romanian) or KLAW-dee-ah(English). 51. Ctlin is a Romanian masculine variation of Katherine which meanspure. there is none like the great God. #7 - Ukrainian Levkoy By Alena Ivanchuk [ GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3. Pronounced asSAHN-da. Daisy. Craioveanue refers to a person from the Romanian city Craiova. Pronounced asfee-O-ra. Hikayemiz; Misyon & Vizyon; Kalite Politikamz; Sertifikalarmz; ISPM-15 aretleme zin Duyuru; Sosyal Sorumluluk; Hizmetlerimiz Pronounced asAR-toor. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. A common mans name that I dont see on the list is Sorin. Stanislav means strength; firmness; fame. Its actually a diminutive form, most likely from Elena (Lenuta / Nuta). Ilinca means the Lord is my God and pronounced as ee-LEEN-ka. Miriana means wonderful or sea of bitterness. Victor meansvictory, conqueror and pronounced as VEEK-tohr. Boian means soldier, warrior or battle and pronounced asBO-yan. Gheorghe is a spelling variation of George which means farmer. Adrian was the name of several saints and six popes, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope, Adrian VI. Larisa is a version of the name of a Greek nymph, based on the ancient city of Larisa. Eduard means guardian of riches and pronounced as EHD-wahrd. Angela meansangel and pronounced as an-JEH-la. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Mitica means loves the earth or follower of Demeter and pronounced as mee-TEE-ka. Lavinia, in Roman Legend, was the daughter of King Latinus, the wife of Aeneas, and the ancestor of the Roman people. Pronounced as, beloved or God is my judge and pronounced as, kingly or possess well and pronounced as, Dic is a Romanian variation of Richard which means dominant ruler. Dinu is a variation of Constantine which meanssteadfast. Pronounced as gyor-GEH. 120 Cat Names Beginning With Letter V For Your Cute Kitten, 140 Complete Cat Names Begin With Letter U For Your Kitten, 140 Cat Names That Start With Letter R For Your Feline Friend, 90+ Cat Names Beginning With The Letter Q For You Cute Kitten, Venus (goddess of love, beauty and fertility), Diana (goddess of hunting and witchcraft), Lupa (the she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus), Romulus & Remus (the founders of Rome, raised by a she-wolf). Another interesting practice among Romanian naming conventions is the addition of ancestral Romanian suffixes such as -escu, -eanu, -anu, -an, -aru, and -atu to name a few. If you have Romanian ancestry or a special connection with Romania - or if you simply like Romanian names - take inspiration from our list of 75 Romanian baby names. Tristan means noise; sorrowful and pronounced as trees-TAHN. This is indeed a common Romanian name Ill add it to the list right away! Popa means "a priest" and is drawn from the word/profession, "pope". Titus was the name of a Roman military commander who became Emperor. Pronounced asJOHR-jee-A-na. Carrol is a spelling variation of Carol which meanshacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. Arina is a very uncommon name its actually the first time that I hear it. Dracul means dragon and pronounced asDRAH-kool. Otilia is a Romanian variation of Odilia which meanswealth, fortune. Dela means manly and brave and pronounced as DEH-Laa-. Narcisa is a feminine variation of Narcissus which means daffodil. (Similar to Solomon.). Tiberiu is a Romanian variation of Tiberius which meansof the Tiber. Negrea The Romanian word 'negru' means black in English. Pronounced as, Georgiana is a feminine variation of George which means farmer, earth worker. Tibor meanssacred place and pronounced asTEE-BOHR. ), Alex is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means defender of men. Dascalu is an occupational surname derived from the word dascal meaning "teacher". There are so many that we've only picked and chose a few ones for you to enjoy listening to. For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists: Considering one of these names? (Similar to Carrol.). The quickest way to distinguish a girls Romanian surname and a boys Romanian surname is to check their ending. Eugenia means well-born and pronounced approximately as eh-O-jen-ya. The word "cat" in languages around the world Albanian Finding a Job in Romania as a Foreigner / Expat: How Difficult Is It. 9. Emilian means rival and pronounced as e-MEEL-yahn. I know a few Arianas but I wouldnt consider those a Romanian name. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Marcu Romanian form of Marcus, which is derived from the name of the Roman god, Mars. Tradition has a massive influence on names in this country. Nelu means Yahweh is gracious and pronounced as NEH-loo. Pronounced as. to be healthy, to be strong. Pronounced asSAHN-doo. Mirela meanspeace, world and pronounced asmee-REH-la. Shimeka means a beautiful princess and pronounced approximately as SHEE-meh-ka. Reiter (German origin) means "cleared land", may refer to people living on it. These may also be considered names for families that are given very high importance in officialdom. 5. My daughters names are Narcissa and Oana, I was pleased to see their names on this list! My name is Lavinia, which both my parents have said is a Romanian name. Suzana means lily and pronounced as soo-ZA-nah. Pronounced asSO-nya. Sanda is a spelling variation of Sandra which means defending men. 18. While the male versions of the names are less used, the female versions are celebrated during Palm Sunday, or Floriile as it is known in Romania, which translates to Flowers Day. Wanetta means a pale and fair woman and pronounced approximately as wa-NEHT-ta.