Behind the scenes. You're the hero." Mary to Billy Batson[src] Mary Bromfield is Billy Batson's foster sister and the "den mother" who helps take care of the other kids at the foster home. Like the rest of her adopted siblings, Mary Bromfield is an orphan who was adopted at . from Shazam! Madame Xanadu warned Mary not to visit Gotham City, telling her it would be especially dangerous, but she made her way there nonetheless. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! As Mary Bromfield, the young girl grows up living an idyllic life in a wealthy family but continuously dreams of another family with a brother she has never seen. Okay, thats one thing. Earth-5. [22], The group arrived in Taipei to see demons emerging from the base of another pillar of fire. Once again, the doll comes to life and instructs the bewildered girl to say the magic word "Shazam" in order to save her brother. is . Without, I might add, resorting to hair pulling! The film stars Asher Angel and Zachary Levi as Billy Batson / Shazam!, Grace Caroline Currey as Mary Bromfield, Adam Brody as Super Hero Freddy, Faithe Herman as Darla Dudley, Meagan Good as Super . Explore: Wallpapers Phone Wallpapers Art Images pfp Gifs. Billy Batson/Shazam; Freddy Freeman - love interest; Mary Bromfield; Pedro Pea; Darla Dudley; Eugene Choi; Brett Breyer - classmate; Burke Breyer - classmate; Enemies. New cast members also include Helen Mirren as Hespera and Lucy Liu as Kalypso. She even risks her life or puts herself in harm's way if it means keeping the other kids safe. Mary was able to knock Klarion back briefly by absorning some of his power, and Khalid attacked Teekl, but Klarion overcame them. For almost ten years of his life, Billy drifted from foster home to foster . Darla Dudley - Ally and foster sister. Free shipping for many products! Shazam! This version, inspired by the New 52, portrays her as an unrelated foster sibling. Black Mary is Mary Bromfield, a former member of the Team whose codename was Sergeant Marvel. Mary appeared at Black Adam and Isis' wedding, and later Isis' and Osiris' funeral, and fought Black Adam in World War III. Child used Fate and Klarion's attacks to power a pillar of fire, but Mary drew power from it, destracting Child. Klicken Sie auf Alle ablehnen, wenn Sie nicht mchten, dass wir und unsere Partner Cookies und personenbezogene Daten fr diese zustzlichen Zwecke verwenden. Rated: K+ - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,286 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Published: Nov 4, 2020 - Billy B., M. Batson, Thaddeus S. ; Ambiguous Situation: The New 52 incarnation is loosely implied to possibly still be a blood relative of Billy, rather than just a . He is the alter ego of Billy Batson . With Captain Marvel, it actually depends on the version. Fury of the Gods ! Since 1939, Billy Batson has been the only one to carry the mantle of the thunder-wielding hero Shazam. Shazam: Fury of the Gods is being directed by David F. Sandberg, and sees the return of Zachary Levi alongside fellow cast members Asher Angel as Billy Batson, Jack Dylan Grazer and Adam Brody as . Billy is babysitting Darla when a spill takes place. Zatanna immediately cast a glamour to make her and her students invisible, before Fate conjured a summoning circle. Funny thing is his home is now full of superheroes. " - " A thunderous bolt of lightning from the clouds above, erupting by the rooftop of his high school, leaving the entire neighbourhood without any . Freddy's Guide to Super Hero-ing (picture) William Joseph Batson was the son of Charles Clarence "C.C." Sometimes, even superheroes need saving. But the Wizard's brother gives him that opportunity but it isn't what Billy was imagining when he made his wish. Years later, Billy received an urgent letter from a dying Sarah Primm. Dragons; Trivia. She soon becomes a superhero when she says Shazam, turning her into Mary Marvel. I'm trying to think of like actors", "It would be creepy to do The Joker," Good added. Mary was drawn to three objects of power, but was warned off by Blood. Whereas Billy lived in poverty in orphanages and by himself, Mary had been adopted by the wealthy Bromfield family. Actor: Zachary Levi (Shazam), Asher Angel (Billy Batson), Jack Dylan Grazer (Freddy Freeman), Adam Brody (Super Hero Freddy), Grace Caroline Currey (Mary Bromfield / Super Hero. William "Billy" Batson, known as Shazam, is an orphan chosen by the wizard Shazam to be his champion, granting him immense power to defend the innocent from evil.. read more . Debut of Freddy Freeman, Pedro Pea, and Eugene Choi. ini akan melanjutkan kisah Billy Batson sebagai Shazam dalam menyelamatkan dunia. Suite des aventures de Billy Batson, ado capable de devenir un super-hros adulte lorsqu'il prononce le mot Shazam ! Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category. Or, Billy's foster family is very weird in a lot of ways, including a tendency to just spend time together, and a habit of being far more affectionate than any placement he's been stuck with so far. Captain (Mary) Marvel's costume was originally exactly the same as her original Mary Marvel-Fawcett costume. What this means for DC Comics' legacy characters moving forward is an exciting prospect, one that should lead to diverse and compelling new stories for the nearly 85-year-old company. [22], The group arrived at the North Pole, but found no pillar; they had finally caught up with Child. After Xanadu explained some of her backstory to the students, she told them she knew about the mystic pulse, and was able to give them the last known location of its cause, and created a portal to send them there. Well, did you know that the whole transformation thing doesnt really work underwater? Billy tried to play it off like a sneeze. Wandering around, Mary ended up in Chung Ling Soo Square, a flea market of magic located in China[5]. With their new powers, the Shazam Family was able to hold off the Sins long enough for Billy to claim the Sins' containment orb and trap them back inside, though not before he briefly teased his siblings that he'd fallen under their influence. Starting as early as when she was 11-years-old, Mary became besotted with her powers, doing things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body than Mary's true age. Gay Billy Batson; Top Billy Batson; Bottom Jonathan Samuel Kent; bi4bi Maya Ducard/Damian Wayne; Bisexual Jonathan Samuel Kent; Summary. (2019) sebagai Mary Bromfield, kakak angkat Billy Batson. Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent. 1. [9], Mary was among those considered as a possible Justice League reservist. Please consider turning it on! Ariana Greenblatt is known for her roles in Love and Monsters . Billys never had a mom and dad. As they cornered her, her pursuers were attacked by a fully-powered, unhinged Black Adam, who then directed his fury at her. Status [9], Zatanna finished explaining her plan to have rotating hosts for Doctor Fate to Khalid and Traci, before turning to talk to Mary. Because of this, she decided to abandon Billy at a carnival at just the age of four. While Adam once again became his mortal alter-ego, Teth-Adam, Mary transformed back into her adult Marvel form, but this time she was wearing a black, form-fitting costume with a skirt and since Adam was not sharing his powers with anyone else when he granted them to Mary, she held all of Black Adam's powers.[4]. Mary is an orphan. After escaping the Female Furies, Mary started to hear the voices of the gods. Fan Casting Ariana Greenblatt as Mary Bromfield in Shazam! Rosa . The group then went on to fight Child. Something everyone dreams of. Appearances Talky Tawny Synopsis Billy saves his sister from the alligator men with the help of his new friend Talky Tawny just as a giant humanoid appears. or, Billy realizes he doesn't know as much about his new family as he thinks he does. Mary Marvel, to seek training as a sorceress. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Batson Darla Dudley Ebenezer Batson Eugene Choi Fat Marvel Freckles Marvel Gods of Olympus Hill Marvel Hoppy the Marvel Bunny Isis Kid Eternity Lords of Magic Marilyn Batson Mary Marvel Minute-Man Muscles McGinnis Nick Bromfield Nora Bromfield Osiris Pedro Pea Shazam Sinclair Batson Spy Smasher Steamboat Sterling Morris Mr. Tawky Tawny Tall Marvel Tanist Uncle Marvel, America's Greatest Comics (Volume 1) Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Zatanna wants to have Fate confront Child, allowing her students to strike from the shadows. The film stars Asher Angel and Zachary Levi as Billy Batson / Shazam!, Grace Caroline Currey as Mary Bromfield, Adam Brody as Super Hero Freddy, Faithe Herman as Darla Dudley, Meagan Good as Super Hero Darla, Ian Chen as Eugene Choi, Ross Butler as Super Hero Eugene, Jovan Armand as Pedro Pena, D.J. Mary Marvel is superheroine in the DC Comics Universe and a member of the Marvel Family, a group of heroes associated with Captain Marvel. Copyright 2023 and Marilyn Batson. Too bad for him, she was at minimum ten years older than him. Work Search: The door opens and out jumps MARY BROMFIELD, a beautiful twelve year old girl with soft brown hair, and dressed in a St. Raphael school uniform. "I want to fight Mr. > Mary Bromfield Derek Russo > Atlas Marta Milans > Rosa Vasquez Asher Angel > Billy Batson . She broke down crying over what she had done, as Freddy reassured her that it wasn't her fault.[10]. Superhero HookyShazam! They proceeded to sit down on six of the thrones before noticing there was an empty seventh throne. Sekuel dari Shazam! After Blaze is sent back to Hell, Billy, Mary and Freddy continue their search for their powers. [3], Mary emerged from her coma. She has been a member of the Justice League and Super Buddies. Adam refuses her, and she decides to become a solo superheroine. He created a portal for them to pursue Child. In 2003, Mary became a member of an offshoot of the Justice League known as the Super Buddies in the Formerly Known as the Justice League miniseries, which juxtaposed her Golden Age-era personality with the modern-day world for comic effect. It was several years later, that the truth would be revealed when a dying Sarah Primm informed Billy of his twin sister. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. She was still a great threat, however, and summoned fire rain, which Zatanna blocked with a magic shield. Future After DC Universe's "Rolling Reset" (Exclusive), Shazam! A Love Story . But after nearly choking her, Adam took pity on the powerless Mary and instead gave her his powers. En route, Khalid asked Mary what Zatanna had meant about her being a superhero, and Mary briefly explained her history with the Team. Zatanna and her students went through the portal, and emerged at Fine Jewelry, and found a body that had been magically dissected and displayed. In Greek mythology, Anthea is the epithet for Hera. Mary survived the fall, but ended up in a coma in New York City; Freddy spent all of his money to pay for her care. She was adopted by the rich couple, Mr . Learning to let people be nice to you is harder than it sounds. When their parents were killed on an archaeological dig, Mary and Billy were split up. In this take on Shazam 2. Lausumalla taikasanan "SHAZAM!" Billy muuttuu aikuiseksi alter egokseen, supersankariksi nimelt Shazam. En la continuidad actual, la Familia Shazam comprende los super alter egos de Billy Batson (el alter ego de Shazam / Capitn Marvel) y sus hermanos adoptivos: Mary Bromfield (antes Mary Marvel), Freddy Freeman (antes Captain Marvel Jr.), Darla Dudley, Pedro Pea y Eugene Choi. Gender Abusive Parents: In the New 52 continuity she ran away from her biological family when she around around 10 because they basically forced her into being a domestic slave. Billy has been searching for his sister Mary for a long time, and today he finally found her. As Victor and Rosa went after him, Mary was left in charge of her siblings before Sivana arrived and claimed them all as hostages. . When Donna questions Mary's use of the powers, Mary insists that she is not evil, merely "driven". Two bands battling for the title of best garage band in the country while dealing with the challenges of new life as young adults, college, broken hearts, controlling parents . Trivia and Notes. They arrived and quickly intervened. Mary is also quite intelligent, being accepted into the very prestigious Caltech, with her also being able to rather quickly deduce that Billy Batson was the superhero upon looking at a newscast and recalling the recent events that had transpired in the Vasquez home. Y/N Batson, Billy Batson's twin sister and best friend who is on a mission looking for their mom. And in no way was Billy's death justified. The Junior NovelShazam! Mary Batson was born Billy Batsons twin sister, but they were seperated at a very young age. Who will comfort BIlly? Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, "Annabelle: Creation Star Grace Fulton Joins DCs Shazam! (EXCLUSIVE)" - Variety, "SHAZAM! Flaw killed Teekl with ease, causing Klarion to leave the mortal plane. : The Monster Society of Evil (Volume 1) Shazam! Technically, she is three seconds older than Billy. Shazam! The Stranger then sent Etriagn to the battle. New! [5] The next day, Mary led her siblings to sit by Freddy at lunch, before Billy, as Shazam, made good on a previous promise to Freddy and joined them, before revealing that he'd also invited Superman to join them. [4] When they first adopted her, Mary did not like living with the Vasquezes, and even ran away twice, but after the second time, she eventually grew to love her new family. When the four siblings confronted Billy over this, he was reluctant to ever resume the mantle of a hero before they revealed they'd found his biological mother, two subway stops away from them, causing him to rush after her. Beautia Sivana Black Adam Black Marvel Family Bulletman Captain Marvel, Jr. C.C. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Shazam! The robbers were detained and the art was returned.[6]. When she . Zatanna and her students pooled all their power into Fate, who unleashed an almighty attack on Child, to no effect. (Volume 3) Shazam! Wenn Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen mchten, klicken Sie auf Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten. She was able to fight the likes of Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Captain Marvel without too much trouble. : Fury of the Gods Special - Shazamily Matters #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of February, 2023. Billy Batson interrupted her, and reminded Mary of the reason she gave Sergeant up, giving Mary the strength to dispel Sergeant, and end the test. Mary Bromfield (Mary Marvel/Lady Shazam) Freddy Freeman (Captain Marvel Jr./Shazam Jr.) . Like the rest of her adopted siblings, Mary Bromfield is an orphan who was adopted at some point by Victor and Rosa . Except.Billy already found a home and he doesn't want to leave. Billy Batson gets put in a new home. Mary Marvel, to seek training as a sorceress. Who will comfort Billy? Mary Marvel was created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze, first appearing in Captain Marvel Adventures #18. Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Mary Marvel [Mary Batson]; Mr. [16], Starting as early as when she was 11-years-old, Mary became besotted with her powers, doing things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body than Mary's true age,[7] and eventually spending more and more time in her transformed state, virtually abandoning her life as Mary in the process. Mary Bromfield lived in an abusive household, prompting her to run away from home at a young age. Rather than her original name, she now goes by Lady Shazam. Fury of the Gods, when Billy Batson and his foster siblings, who transform into superheroes by saying "Shazam! Mary Bromfield is the sister of Billy Batson and a similarly powered superheroine under the name Mary Marvel. . Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. They get concerned and they beg Rosa and Victor to go and visit. She clashed with Freddy, Tawky Tawny, and Black Adam. Mary is home from college. Last modified. Comic(s) They landed outside the entrance to Madame Xanadu's parlor, and narrowly missed being hit by a school bus. Billy is adjusting to his new family, but what happens when family dinner turns into an uncomfortable situation. No one was yet ther to help, prompting Traci to want to stay, but Zatanna insisted they stick with the plan and move on in pursuit of Child. The Greatest Stories Ever Told (DC Comics, June 2008) at the best online prices at eBay! Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel: the Spring showdown everyone's been waiting for! Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Meanwhile Billy, eventually finding himself on the streets, is given the power to become Captain Marvel. Freddy was one of Billy Batson's best school friends. Since she had no name, I'll just call her Lust. Fury of the Gods, the latest film within the ever-expanding live-action DC mythos. Freddy Freeman was planned to appear in a story centred . Flaw threw a rock and knocked Mary out, but before he could do more, Leroy and Traci noticed Flaw's flaw, and Traci targeted it, destroying him and banishing Child from the mortal plane. The boy who started it all is, obviously, Billy himself. . Shazam! Writer Otto Binder and artist Marc Swayze introduced Mary in Captain Marvel Adventures #18, in a tale that reveals that Captain Marvel's young alter ego, Billy Batson, has a long-lost twin sister, Mary (Batson) Bromfield, separated from him at birth and brought up by a wealthy foster family. When Billy was just a few years old, his father had died in a car accident, turning Marilyn into an alcoholic unable to properly raise Billy on her own. Her alter ego is not named and appears as "Super Hero Mary" in the credits. Shazam! American Billy wakes up in the middle of the night. The group debated staying and helping, but Fate and a suddenly there Stranger, argued that they needed to prioritize stopping Child. This is the remastered version of Oracle Files: Billy Batson 1, the original's VOX Box can be found at Oracle Files: Billy Batson. Despite this, Billy tries. [24], Mary possesses one third of Shazam's power:[15], She can access her powers by uttering "SHAZAM!" Billy and Mary will often go on missions with people like the Spectre and Phantom Stranger 2. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Almost immediately, Adam tried to kill her, telling Freddy that it was not Mary who was in control just "a leering old man" as Adam put it. : The New Beginning (Volume 1) Superman/Shazam! this laft her open to an attack from Khalid, but she easily overcame it and reveleaed Zatanna and the students, before knocking them down with an energy blast. This means that Mary Batson and Mary Bromfield exist in the same continuity, though their relationship to Billy (and the entire characterization of one) deviate from the source material. La Rage des Dieux Streaming gratuit vf gratuit et VOSTFR. [10] She has Caucasian skin and long brown hair tied in a ponytail and her battle suit mirrors that of Captain Marvel's, albeit white. Finding Adam's power to be more than she bargained for, Mary went in search of a tutor. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Hopefully, they aren't too late and Billy will come home. Power Stats; SHDb; uStats; . Technically, she is three seconds older than Billy. She appeared in. You're him. Female Shazam!Shazam! Billy Batson would go on to become the hero Captain Marvel whenever he said SHAZAM. To evade him, the quintet tried to blend in with a carnival crowd only for Sivana to unleash the Sins forcing Billy to reveal himself and duel his foe. Captain Marvel first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 (cover-dated Feb. 1940), published by Fawcett Comics. Join the Shazam family for electrifying encounters with an old foe and the joys of family life. But after four years of searching, neither he nor his benefactor, the wizard Shazam, can find the girl. (Volume 1) Shazam! With the guidance of his foster brother and best friend Freddy Freeman, he would . In most adaptations, Mary is Billy's biological, long lost, twin sister. In an interview with's Brandon Davis, Superhero Freddy actor Adam Brody and Superhero Darla actress Meagan Good revealed the characters they'd most want to bump elbows with or maybe even fight. Toggle navigation Image Abyss. Zatanna offered to work with her more, but Mary demanded to be sent home. Film(s) : First Thunder (Volume 1) The Trials of Shazam! : THE GREATEST STORIES EVER TOLD VOL 01 By Bill Parker & C C Beck *VG+* at the best online prices at eBay! Captain Marvel first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 (cover-dated Feb. 1940), published by Fawcett Comics. Mary was eight when Billy joined their home. While it remains to be seen exactly how the ensemble of heroes will factor into the DC Universe's future under James Gunn and Peter Safran, it sounds like there are a few crossovers they'd like to see happen. Robin had the biggest crush on Lady Marvel. This is none other than Mary Bromfield from the Shazam family, who's now a trainee alongside Khalid and Thirteen, working under . Join the Shazam family for electrifying encounters with an old foe and the joys of family life. It will include the HBO Max television showsWaller, Booster Gold, Lanterns, Paradise Lost, and an animatedCreature Commandosseries. 9 Fakta Grace Fulton, Si Mary Bromfield di Shazam! his lungs, which all of their roars could be heard from the heavens themselves. Mary and the others wanted to help Zatanna, so the Stranger took them away. graphic novel by Jerry Ordway, who also revised the origin of her super-powered alter-ego in issues 3, 4, and 16 of the The Power of Shazam! Mary also kept a doll from their childhood, Mister Tawky Tawny. Mary Bromfield is a former member of the Team whose codename was Sergeant Marvel. [11] Mary was adopted very quickly by the Bromfields, but Billy spent years at an orphanage before being fostered by "Uncle" Dudley. It was a rocky and brief marriage; C.C. Zatanna summoned a magic shield, and had her students pool their power into her, but it was insufficient. The Demon noticed that Mary had another inside her, like himself and Blood, much to Mary's discomfort. Story continues from Oracle Files: Darla Dudley 1. "That'd be strange.". [4] Billy Batson is her brother. Fury of the Godsis set to be released exclusively in theaters on March 17th. Mary's parents are killed by their associate Theo Adam, who then kidnaps the young girl. Each carried half of a locket given to them by their mother. She is one of Billy Watson's foster siblings and a member of the Shazam Family. Fate. DC Zachary Levu . Mary refused to sell herself for more power, beat Eclipso with her own crystal, and fled. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters Tinejder Billy Batson (Angel) transformie se u superheroja po imenu Shazam (Levi), da bi.