The documentary by Dutch director Sophie Dros is available on Amazon and iTunes. Three weeks before the new law went into effect, she agreed. He attended 9 separate schools and was a senior in 1958, 1960, and 1963. Are they on IMBD? 1998); the ceremonial king of Biffeche in Senegal; and, ostensibly, a proud kilt-wearing Scot who sounds very much like an American. Watch a 2.5-Hour Conversation with Steven Spielberg, Todd Field, Daniels, Martin McDonagh & Joseph Kosinski, Cate Blanchett Dances Through It In Video for Sparks New Single The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, 5 Must-See Films from Berlin Critics Week 2023, The B-Side Benicio Del Toro (with Chadd Harbold), The 11 Scariest Films of All-Time, According to Martin Scorsese, Berlinale Review: Bas Devos Near-Perfect, Berlinale Review: Jesse Eisenberg-Led Incel Cult Film, New Directors/New Films 2023 Lineup Announced. Bored teenagers watch their elders dance to loud music that would, on land, have them shouting, Turn that racket down! An endlessly cheerful crew member sings as she pours coffee to passengers. Its in tatters, Ronald says sadly. All Contents Copyright 2022 Cruise Radio, Inc. | Website Designed by Insider Perks, Inc. Get the real facts delivered straight to your inbox, with trustworthy cruise related news. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Photo by National Gallery of Art, via Wikimedia Commons. King of the Cruise follows Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne on one of his many decadent holiday cruises. A peek into the decadent and bizarre world of luxurious cruise ships, starring an attention-seeking Scottish Baron on a mission to be seen. Take em with a grain of salt. A grateful Harvard renamed the Germanic Museum the Busch-Reisinger. Her early shorts focused on topics that she says have been misunderstood or even mocked in mainstream media: the potential for intimacy in a slave/master relationship (Rubber Romance), or between a man and his sex doll (My Silicon Love). at the Museums dedication. The only American museum devoted to the art of German-speaking Europe, the Busch-Reisinger features treasures from the medieval to the modern periods. It's VAN WILDER, the latter years. Full of stories, very present, eccentric, almost a caricature. Cardinal Glennon asked some local Catholics to put together a committee to help the people in Biffeche, and Ed was the head of the committee, Ronald says. Busch was in failing health, and Francke wanted to lay the cornerstone before Busch died. Beautiful images of vast cruise ships slowly sailing by, the endless sea, the luxury accommodations, the ever-present staff and entertainment provide a picture of life aboard the ship, accompanied by a score reminiscent of TV series like The Love Boat. I give them stuff. Food, fertilizer, medicine. Do not go alone!and be sure to go during a non busy season". The camera follows him during his vacation on board. Because of the war, architect Bestelmeyer never came to Harvard to see the building; American architects supervised construction as anti-German sentiment grew. Honderden mensen met een een parallelle vakantiebeleving. Here's the first official trailer for Sophie Dros' doc King of The Cruise, direct from Dogwoof's YouTube: Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne spends his time on outrageous cruise ships amongst romantic couples, wealthy families, hardworking staff and retired elderly. Hi, this may be of interest to you: Movie: 'King of the Cruise' Gives Solo Cruisers a Bad Name. A Scottish Feudal Baron also appears in films as an occasional actor. Leonardos Huntington Park-tocando lo mejor en musica Mexicana Regional en Vivo! Typ hieronder je accreditatiecode voor DOCVILLE 2023 in, DOCVILLE - Een project van Fonk Vzw - Andreas Vesaliusstraat 9c - 3000 Leuven - - At several points during the movie, you can see peoples eyes glaze over as they desperately attempt to escape the conversational trap into which theyve accidentally wandered. Most known for his starring role in Sophie Dros's film "King of the Cruise" in 2019. The Eclipse, like many of its kind, offers its customers the opportunity to experience the confections of the one-percenter life, albeit for the right price. On the subject of the doc. Arrangements are under the direction of. They are not, nor anywhere on the great big internet that I can find. Wearing a kilt and cloak, he tells everyone who will listen (or not) his amazing stories. In April 1921, Adolphus Busch Hall was dedicated and opened to the public, drawing 50,000 visitors in its first year. He worshipped her.. Check out some of the cruise forums, they have good guidelines on which boats to go on for the right age. Year: 2019. A peek into the decadent and bizarre world of a cruise ship, starring an attention-seeking Scottish Baron on a mission to be seen. Ronnie is apparently not only a Scottish baron, but also the king of a piece of land in Africa. Want to know what happened to the other one?, Where we live in Africa, we dont get very many crocodiles, he says, but sometimes if theres a storm, they will wash down and wind up on our land, and they dont know where to hunt so they will eat the children. Mildly comical. It all started as a chastening about our tortured attempt at a Busch family tree. When she left, she would pack two suitcases, and if it didnt fit, she didnt take it. Though its a century old, the Harvard museum isnt feeling particularly timeworn. Ronald lost the sight in his left eye in an altercation with a crocodile in 2001. Ronald also answers to Baron Reisinger, Ronald B Reisinger, Ronald B Reisenger, Ronald Resinger and Ronal B Reisinger, and perhaps a couple of . He also claims to have once fallen off an elephant while playing polo. She didnt show many people having fun, he says. Our university, like most American universities, is Teutomaniac., William James, Too Bad!". By the time Scotland ended feudalism in 2004, he held more than 40 titles. | Reisinger is a dedicated world traveler having been to more than 230 countries and territories from the list maintained by the Travelers Century Club. Prince Henry announced that his brother, Germanys Kaiser Wilhelm II, would make a magnificent gift to the Germanic Museum, which will include key monuments in the development of German sculpture.. The director of King of the Cruise, he says, learned of him through a book about the show and decided he merited a feature all his own. Various engineers and sound men started calling him "Star" because of his rather limited announcing talents. He also says that in 1986 he starred in a feature (under his stage name of Jack Star Green) called Lizard Nightmares as Dr.Squamata, a psychiatrist treating a lizard menaced by dreams of his own murder. ronald busch reisinger obituary ronald busch reisinger obituary. Heck, Id have married me.. There were thousands of people on that ship having fun!. But with no money, the museums future was tenuous. with her first feature, Genderbende in 2017, which followed a group of non-binary teens in her hometown. Remarkable stories Dros begins her film as detached and fascinated as a butterfly collector, but then hones in on Reisingers loneliness, compulsive eating, and the emptiness of his money. And then the real story started. Copyright 2022 SLM Media Group. Cancel 0 Cart 0 items in shopping cart. On the Chalmers side, Reisinger's family has held property in Scotland since 990. I dont, by the way, get anything from Biffeche, he adds. It wasnt bad.) He had to take four tests: math, English, tools, and boxes. But there is something underneath his swagger; a universal human desire for recognition and validation. But when prize-winning documentary maker Sophie Dros visits him in his cabin, she meets an individual desperately seeking recognition and connection. Edme Busch Reisinger Greenough, daughter of Adolphus and widow of Hugo, gave $5,000 in 1948, and then $200,000 in 1949, to put the museum back on its feet. The Busches and their progeny made some interesting marriages and even more interesting stories. Too Bad!". The Busch-Reisinger Museum was founded in 1903 as the Germanic Museum. Kuhn assembled an extraordinary collection including art by Franz Marc and Max Beckmann. She liked marrying., She wasnt so much for mothering, though: She abandoned me when I was a year old, during World War II. And then she was upset I didnt love her., He has a hard time watching Angelina Jolie movies, he said, because his mother had the same big eyes and high cheekbones. Click on the image below to see how all those family names intertwined. Theres even a gorgeous three-minute segment in which the ship sets sail onto blue waters as the hypnotic tune Feels Like Paradise plays. Before Expressionism: Art in Germany circa 1903; An Exhibition for the 100th Anniversary of the Busch-Reisinger Museum opened to the public in October; the exhibit runs through Feb. 15, 2004. The Baron has remained remarkably healthy despite his advanced age. The museum began collecting, as present-day curator Nisbet puts it, the full complexity of Central and Northern European art, from all periods, eventually amassing some 18,000 works. But there is . Last June, he amended hurriedly. Ronnies youngest son, Timothy, 17 and in boarding school in Rhode Island, also outranks himTimmys a lord. (Yes, those Buschessee Jeannette Coopermans delightful profile of the man and his history, including his links to St. Louis beer aristocracy, from a few years back.). Still, he says, Her point of view was that cruise ships are boring and lonely, and that I am boring and I am lonely, and the reason I take cruises is that I am boring and lonely.. You dont want to be the only baron in your fifth-grade class, he points out. Add or change photo on IMDbPro Busch; Address: 9441 Beachberry Place, Pinellas Park, Florida 33782, USA; Ascog Castle, Tighnabruaich PA21 2BY; Clubs: St Louis Country, Bayou, Spring Lake, Roy Yacht of Biffeche, Atlanata. Ronald Busch Reisinger, American bank executive. In 1908, Busch donated $50,000 to the museum building fund. He also claims to have once fallen off an elephant while playing polo. Adolphus Busch of St. Louis gave $2,000. How about crocodile wrestling? The other boys are barons, and daughter Hope is a baroness who holds the 16th-century Greenan Castle. Married Carolyn Gall, December 17, 1989. At least he might be having fun. Richard is the executive editor of and the author of several novels. After her husbands death, Lilly Busch gave the museum another $56,000. Tell us your experiences with this family, or tell us about your own favorite dynasty. . | Im a fairly interesting person in that I have done almost everything anybody would ever want to do in life, Reisinger says at one point, claiming to have dated a movie star, played major league baseball, and swum the Panama Canal. Dros teases the viewer into this uncertainty but still offers Reisinger enough one-on-one screen timeinterviewed in his spotless suiteto keep him rooted in reality. If you choose to, , we only place functional and analytical cookies. Have you ever been worshipped as a god?. He states "I have a blue and white striped button down shirt in my wardrobe, but haven't worn it since 1958". When he found out how much it would cost to buy, Ronald Reisinger hired a copyist to paint a reproductionand neglected to confess its provenance to the relatives who were infuriated that he had Hugo hanging in his home. Catch King of the Cruiseby Dutch director Sophie Droson Amazon or iTunes, and set sail with Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger. Yet while the movie clearly wants us to feel empathetic for him, we more often than not instead feel awkward on his behalf. But thats in a country that doesnt have enough food already, so its a Malthusian struggle.. 15 were here. Neither the donor nor the architect would live to see it. SLM contributor Jeannette Cooperman is intrigued by people's lives, ideas, relationships, and struggles. (Yes, those Buschessee Jeannette Cooperman's delightful profileof the man and his history, including his links to St. Louis beer aristocracy, from a few years back.) When speaking directly to the camera, Reisinger often comes off as entirely aware of how grating his persona can be. The Baron of Inneryne remains one of the largest land owners in the Kingdom. The Reisinger and Busch and Bernadotte and Pearson. He was one of the founding members of The Atlanta Polo Club in Atlanta, Ga in 1968. Self: King of the Cruise. This journey is a Gods eye tour of the Celebrity Eclipse: a daunting 17-deck luxury cruise-liner that, at full capacity, carries near to 3,000 passengers and 1,200 crew (note the ratio). He tells one young couple, I was once worshipped as a god. Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne spends his time on outrageous cruise ships amongst romantic couples, wealthy families, hardworking staff, and retired elderly. Ronald Reisinger , 79. We can verify the genesis of King of the Cruise, though. Entertainment 24/7. ronald busch reisinger obituary 27 Feb. ronald busch reisinger obituary. His father was married 5 times and his mother 7 times. In 1902, Prince Henry of Prussia, on a goodwill tour of America, visited Harvard and was awarded an honorary degree. He went to work for CBS in 1960 and was assigned the name Jack Green as Ronald Reisinger was not easily marketable. Active Licenses Sorted by Business Name - City of Huntington Beach . In 1974 Reisinger mounted an expedition to take his six year old son Christopher to the West Pole. Reisinger started playing polo as a young boy and continued into his seventies. The flip side of the medal. The only American museum devoted to the art of German-speaking Europe, the Busch-Reisinger features treasures from the medieval to the modern periods. The 100th anniversary, says Daimler-Benz Curator Peter Nisbet, underscores the importance of the long-term nature of our commitment to deepening American understanding of the achievements of German-speaking cultures.. by Alex Billington October 25, 2019Source: YouTube. Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne spends his time on outrageous cruise ships amongst romantic couples, wealthy families, hardworking staff and retired elderly. Dros sees Ronnie as a human beingone who cuts a large and achingly lonely silhouette on the Celebritys soulless walkways. Hes strolling the blazing hot deck in a baronial robe, he says, because the director asked him to. I would not have filmed itthe way she filmed it, but I have great respect for her as a director.. And she was brilliant171 IQ. Sophie Dros - 2019 - The wealthy Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger is a striking and popular guest on a luxury cruise ship. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. A Scottish Feudal Baron also appears in films as an occasional actor. Busch, however, would not be deterred. The museum also received gifts of reproduction artworks from the king of Saxony, the prince-regents of Brunswick and Bavaria, and from the citizens of Berlin. In the late 1700s Reisinger's 5g grandfather was Master of the Horse for the Emperor of Austria. Nevertheless, it gradually becomes clear that behind this facade of decadence, there is a great deal of emptiness. Aesthetically, Cruise recalls the acidic detachment of an Ulrich Seidl projectpart Safari, part Paradise: Lovebut the likeness soon dissipates. Dutch spoken or subtitled Anyone intrigued by this guy? (When you come from a very old family, people die off all the time.) When hed first learned that the law was changing, hed petitioned the Queen to allow some of those titles to be divided among his five children. His castle in cosse [Scotland] called "Ascog" has many cattle. His family has a museum at Harvard! Was it a problem, sifting through womens motives? Francke was named curator of the new museum, which was housed in Rogers Hall, a former gymnasium and storehouse. The kaiser made good on his promise, sending a large collection of plaster casts of art objects such as the 11th century bronze doors from the Church of St. Michael in Hildesheim and the 13th century Golden Portal from the Church of Our Lady in Freiberg. Scottish baron Ronald Reisinger is a unique character. He was unsuccessful, but was made a chief of the Guarani Indians. How to consolidate these two sides proves the greater challenge: on one, the sniggering treatise on absurd luxury; on the other, Dros delicate and empathetic character study. The first white king of Biffeche was Ed Shafer, a prominent St. Louis Catholic, Ronald says, explaining that in the late 1950s, Christians in the Srr-Mont-Roland tribe were shooed into this tiny area on the border of Senegal. Busch has never been convicted of anything. She left me in a basket on my grandmothers doorstep with a note pinned to me saying, Please take care of little Ronnie. I didnt see her again for 20 years. Also, I was thinking about going on a cruise but seeing the age of most people I'll wait a few decades. He tells the most fantastic stories about his life to his fellow passengers, who hang on his every word, but sometimes have no idea what to make of this portly figureor so it seems. I can imagine the phone calls, he says dryly: Mummy, I think hes the one! The next doctor said the bad back disqualified him. Most known for his starring role in Sophie Dros's film "King of the Cruise" in 2019. Ronald Busch Reisinger (although he often prefers Ronnie) is the reigning Baron of Inneryne in Scotland (sc. 18 by Forbes in 2016 with an estimated value of $13.4. The corporal who was grading the tests said, You are the dumbest sumbitch I ever met. Adding insult, the guy who gave him his medical exam pronounced him a faker because he couldnt touch his toes (hed broken his back as a kid). Im an interesting human being, he says. Directed by Sophie Dros The Netherlands 2019 74 min. His genealogy goes back many centuries to nobles. St. Louis, MO 63119 He is, indeed, the Baron of Inneryne. He was unsuccessful but remains an avid swimmer to this day. Travel agent and realtor Valentina Aved with Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne fragment from documentary movie by Sophie Dros on Celebrity EdgeVillav. He went to Washington University School of Law for a year, he says. Yes, Adolphus Busch Orthwein married Nancy Morrison, but he also married Nancy Thornley, the caller noted. Baron of Inneryne Ronald Busch Reisinger. We don't have a biography for Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne. But World War II again brought strong anti-German feeling, and again the Germanic Museum was closed, its artworks and library moved into storage in the nearby Fogg Art Museum. . Son of Walter Chalmers and Osa-Lisa Bernadotte (Pearson) Reisinger. King of The Cruise is directed by doc filmmaker Sophie Dros, director of the film Genderblend and a few other short films previously. The single biggest mistake of my life, he says. He has new joints from one side to the other. The Baron went to climb Mount Everest in the early 1990s. Busch was too ill to attend; his wife, Lilly, performed the ceremony with the German ambassador. But back home, its never been mentioned. eaze promo code returning user; dark personality traits; 3 . Movies. A tragicomic anti-hero that you will never forget. New comments are no longer allowed on this post. Hes alone on this cruise because that was the directors vision. I have gotten neither younger nor thinner since then. They have giant horns and long golden hair that sweeps the ground. Baron of Inneryne Ronald Busch Reisinger on IMDb: Awards, nominations, and wins. I didnt like the way it portrayed me, Baron Reisinger says by phone from his summer retreat in Michigan. He attempted to make the 1960 Olympic team for the Rome Summer Games as both a free-styler and a breast-stroker. I actually own the barony, he says. In 1987, Harvard officials, worried about the lack of climate control in Busch Hall, moved the Busch-Reisingers collections into temporary quarters in the Fogg Museum while a new museum building, Werner Otto Hall, was constructed adjacent to the Fogg. Sign up for daily emails to get the latest Harvardnews. He eventually became known for financial reporting under his own name.." this is Ronald Reisinger with information from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange". Youll find expert advice for experienced and first-time cruisers, as well as port and destination guides. Advisor The Kingdom of Biffeche, Biffeche City, 19651997. "It is so romantic. Theyre good to eatif you pound a filet, you can cook it like veal piccata., One day, a crocodile ran in front of his vehicle, and he didnt have gun. (He still remembers lunch: First time I had ever had chicken-fried meatloaf. Stay tuned for more updates. He wants the movie to succeed and wants you to watch it. Instead of paying me in cash, he gave me some land. Busch Hall, a fairy-tale castle, was completed in 1917 and the kaisers plaster casts were moved in, but the building remained closed for four years, officially because of a lack of coal.. Ronald Busch Reisinger, Baron of Inneryne. And in Scotland, Im a judge.. Whether his incredible stories have any truth to them, is not Dross concern. A floating micro-society appealing to some, revolting to others. "Should have gone when I was younger and thinneronly made it to 23,000 feet before I had to turn back. On one such cruise we follow the Baron; parading on the decks in his feudal quilt and king's cape, he leaves a first impression of being proud and arrogant, bragging about his . He finds Palau to be the most beautiful country of all. Dros shows his interactions with other passengers: some seem quite enamored, but most grow wary and untrusting. King of the Cruise makes solo cruising look like a sad, empty experience that only the most desperately lonely of people would even consider. According to him, his first filmed appearance was footage of him stealing raspberries in 1946. And my mother was married seven times, he adds. Then he signed up for the Armythis was the Vietnam eraand lasted one day. Het jaar 1250, om precies te zijn. Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne spends his time on outrageous cruise ships amongst romantic couples, wealthy families, hardworking staff and retired elderly. Then there was Ronalds great-grandfather, Hugo Reisinger, the German-American art collector who wed Edme Busch. everything about our cookie policy. A Dutch show from 2009 about cruises called Over de Reling(Dutch for Over the Railing) features the baron jocularly threatening death by tiny kilt knife in a Scottish accent. The highlight of his baseball career was a dead center field home run off "Vinegar Bend" Mizell followed by the lowlight when Mizell decked him with a fast ball the next time they met. Most known for his starring role in Sophie Dros's film "King of the Cruise" in 2019. In 1937, an organ was installed in Busch Hall and a well-known organist named E. Power Biggs began giving concerts. At one point Bielke shoots Reisinger from far back as he chats up his pedicurist and struggles to get out of a chairthe distance of the camera seems lightly comic at first, then voyeuristic, then simply cruel. He's the type of person who sits down next to you at the bar and asks what you do for a. Previously he had starred in "Stealing Raspberries" billed as Ronnie Reisinger in 1946, "Lizard Nightmares" billed as Jack Star Green in 1986, "Micronations: The Footnotes of History" billed as Ronald of Inneryne in 2010, and "Over De Reling" in 2011. . His first marriage ended in 1982, after his wife startled him by demanding a divorce. And I only have one eye, he groans. He is also the ceremonial King of Biffeche, but he doesn't share that often, because, "it doesn't sound plausible." We'll get to that part. He has suffered from both Smallpox and Anthrax and is cheerfully attempting to stay clear of COVID-19. "Should have gone when I was younger and thinneronly made it to 23,000 feet before I had to turn back. Despite not having his family with him, the baron said he enjoyed the voyage. Reisinger began living alone at age 12 and remained that way until marrying at age 23. And then she just kept suing me. He waited eight years to remarry, and that marriage is the one thats lasted. He is, indeed, the Baron of Inneryne. He is addicted to luxury cruises and appears to have the time of his life there. I thought it would be fun to have a Ph.D. Im also an ordained minister. 104K views, 29 likes, 2 loves, 2 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from VGTV Underholdning: Baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne har penger i overflod, og drar stadig alene p. Have a look. Dogwoof has unveiled the first official trailer for an interesting new documentary titled King of The Cruise, set to premiere at the IDFA documentary festival in Amsterdam next month with no other release yet. more. When the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917, Francke resigned as a Harvard professor, though he retained the title of honorary museum curator. Vice president Central Highland Park Association, Grand Haven, Michigan, since 1971. 72 followers 68 . He there learned the difference between a high school fast ball and a major league fast ball. Francke feared that some institution in another city such as St. Louis or Milwaukee would get the same idea and approach the German government for support before Harvard did. (One of those stories includes that of Ronald Busch Reisinger, who we met in the process of editing this infographic.) Synopsis: A portrait of rich and flamboyant Scottish baron Ronald Busch Reisinger of Inneryne as he looks for everything affluence can't buy on one of his frequent luxury sea cruises.META_DESC_FILM_PROVIDERS see King of the Cruise how flatrate,rent,buy where Curiosity Stream,Apple TV . He still retains membership in various polo clubs around the world. Quite a lot, actually and its a tale worth telling as the Busch-Reisinger celebrates its 100th anniversary this November. Providence made a mistake in bestowing wealth upon them.. It was a fun thing to do, he says. "I am less invisible than most people, because I'm a baron." Ronald Reisinger Baron at Barony of Inneryne Grand Haven, Michigan, United States. READ MORE:Solo Cruises: The Ultimate Guide To Cruising Single. It is never exactly clear what to believe. A floating micro-society appealing to some, revolting to others. The groups leader was Kuno Francke, a German native and eminent scholar of Germanic art and literature. A high school "phenom" as a hitter, Reisinger spent three years at spring training for the Saint Louis Cardinals. He increased his contribution, and by 1910 he had given the Germanic Museum $265,000 to construct a new home. Unique among North American museums, the Busch-Reisinger is dedicated to the study of all modes and periods of art from central and northern Europe, with an emphasis on German-speaking countries. The museum has more than 240 active supporters, however, in the Verein der Freunde des Busch-Reisinger, or Friends of the Busch-Reisinger, which was founded in Germany in 1983, and includes members in Austria, Switzerland, the United States, and other countries. I have gotten neither younger nor thinner since then. I graduated with the highest academic average in the history of Fairleigh Dickinson at the time, but Id much rather have a gentlemans C from Yale., Still, he took advantage of the family name in his dating years, bringing girls from Wellesley or Radcliffe to the Busch-Reisinger Museum at Harvard University. Even with my second wife, friends said, Dont you worry that shes marrying you for your money? I said, Well, of course she is. He also serves "By The Grace Of God", "By The Will Of Allah", and "With The Aid Of The Great White Leopard" as King of Biffeche. In an attempt to add to his boarding school allowance Reisinger sold Ortho-Vent shoes door to door. Years earlierafter Yale found him outhed worked his way through his fathers address book to find a job. Model tested on tens of thousands of routine brain scans spotted disease risk with 90% accuracy, Experts on law, policy say originalist view used to overturn Roe could upend 76 ruling based on cruel, unusual punishment clause, Issues revolve around culture of viewing civilians as potential threats, concerns about self-protection in departments equipped with military-grade arms, Khalil Gibran Muhammad says College Board needs to stand firm behind curriculum, 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College.