Firstly it can be an occupational name for a steward or official from the Old French "baillis" or "bailif", and middle English "bail(l)". His surname comes from the original Irish O Cnimhsighe (get your tongue around that one!). Elsewhere in Ireland the Baileys are often descended from later English settlers. Force Z Survivors HMS Dorsetshire Crew List, (Retrieved 2018, February 13th), H.M.S. Your post will show up in News Feed, on your profile and in search results. Please feel free to browse our site and learn more about the Association. The name is derived from an occupation; a job name. Nathaniel Bailey is listed in both the 1790 Census and the 1800 Census. We at Clan Bailey feel that we can make a difference in our communities as more and more people come into the Clan. Ben, Benjamin and Benny Bailey (disambiguation), Charles and Charlie Bailey (disambiguation), Dan, Daniel and Danny Bailey (disambiguation), Fred and Frederick Bailey (disambiguation), Sam, Samantha and Samuel Bailey (disambiguation), "Bailey Surname Meaning and Distribution",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Calvin Bailey (born 1994) United States Marine Corps engineer, Clifton George Bailey III (born 1967), Jamaican reggae artist known as, Erastus Michael Bailey, American singer-songwriter better known as, Kathryn Ann Bailey (born 1943) American politician known as, Sarah Bailey (born 1977), British Paralympian swimmer and cyclist now known as Dame, William Bruce Bailey (born 1962), American rock singer-songwriter known as, Sarah Bailey, a lead character in the film, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 15:35. The most Bailey families were found in USA in 1880. It is borne by around 1 in 13,316 people. The name Bailey is derivative of the position of the "Bailey". Williams Origin/Meaning: An English surname meaning 'son of William.' Clarke Origin/Meaning: An English or Scottish surname referring to a clerk or cleric. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Mary Ann Bailey (1939 - Unknown) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Bailey Coat of Arms, Family Crest and Bailey Family History. The dancer Gene Kelly was famously proud of his Irish roots. The word survives in Scotland as "bailie", the title of a municipal magistrate, but in England has developed into "bailiff", an officer of the court. Mr. James Bailey, (b. It is also a very common name in Scotland (14th) and Ireland. A comprehensive list of Irish surnames, separated and ordered by the letters of the alphabet. Understand it all by viewing our, Family Crest Download (JPG) Heritage Series - 600 DPI, Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Contemporary Notables of the name Bailey (post 1700), Mary Bailey, who was listed as being in Virginia in 1619, William Bailey, who landed in Virginia in 1622, Jonas Bailey, who landed in Maine in 1634, Richard Bailey, aged 15, who landed in Massachusetts in 1635, Thomas Bailey, who arrived in Massachusetts in 1635, LeSt. Retrieved from. Early Origins of the Bailey family The surname Bailey was first found in Northumberland. Any clan is only as strong as its members. Miss Elizabeth Bailey, English convict who was convicted in Kingston Upon Hull. The most common Bailey occupation was Agricultural Labourer. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Your last name holds clues to your family history. English: habitational name from Bailey in Little Mitton Lancashire named with Old English beg berry + lah woodland clearing. The Bailey Family Genealogy John Bailey and Elizabeth Pitcher Born in 1663 in Gloucestershire, England emigrated to Virginia from England at age 21 in 1684. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Dictionary of American Family Homes, P Hanks OUP 2003, Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, H.B. Emigration to New Zealand followed in the footsteps of the European explorers, such as Captain Cook (1769-70): first came sealers, whalers, missionaries, and traders. An additional year of historic Births, Marriages and Deaths (Index entry and register image) are now available to view on the website website. Bailey. Retrieved from, Halifax Explosion Book of Remembrance | Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. come and get it STRAWBERRIES & CREAM What's the best way to update our luscious Irish cream? A second Bailey family appears in my family tree, this time on my paternal family, as the family of widower William Bailey of Botsesdale, Suffolk, England, who married my 4x Great Grandmother Mary Clarke after her two illegitimate children were born. Use of surnames as masculine given names is mostly an American fashion of the 19th century. B Genealogy > BAILEY [4] And in Newfoundland, Canada, the name Bailey is the 114th popular surname with an estimated 306 people with that name. Retrieved from, New Zealand Yesteryears Passenger Lists 1800 to 1900 (Retrieved 12th December 2018). See Terms of Use for details. The name Bailey is for a person who held the civil office of the same name in Normandy. A BAILEY makes up 94.19 of every 100k people in the population. It is first recorded in Northumberland, where it was said to have been changed from Balliol due to the unpopularity of Scottish king John Balliol (d. 1314). Mr. Henry Bailey, English convict who was convicted in Middlesex. 1923), English cricket player, Philip James Bailey (1816-1902), English poet, Sir Donald Coleman Bailey (1901-1985), English civil engineer who invented the Bailey bridge, James Hopkins "Jim" Bailey (1934-2022), American, (Another 49 notables are available in all our, Mr. George Bailey, British Fireman from United Kingdom who worked aboard the, Mr. Fred Bailey (1892-1917), Canadian resident from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who died in the, Frederick William Bailey (d. 1945), British Leading Stoker aboard the HMS Dorsetshire when she was struck by air bombers and sunk; he died in the sinking. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Bailey. Eliza Bailey, aged 3 who immigrated to Canada, arriving at the, Mr. George Bailey, who immigrated to Canada, arriving at the, Miss. And when he moved to England his marriage cert spelled his name "Neafey". Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure., Nathaniel Bailey 250 Acres Jane Bailey 50 to Husband Jannet Bailey 100 Acres Joseph Bailey 100 Acres Elizabeth Bailey 100 Acres Isabell Bailey 100 Acres Ann Bailey 100 Acres William Bailey 100 Acres James Bailey 50 to father Nathaniel Bailey 50 to father Source Immigration and Land, A Compilation of the Original Lists of Protestant Immigrants to South Carolina, 1763-1773 by Jane Revill Ancestry Link (Paid Site), --------------------------------------------------------,,, -------------------------------------------------------, Advertisement for the Brig. 11/16/00. Hood Association-Battle Cruiser Hood: Crew Information - H.M.S. Retrieved from, New Zealand Yesteryears Passenger Lists 1800 to 1900 (Retrieved 12th December 2018). Between 1940 and 2004, in the United States, Bailey life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1942, and highest in 2001. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Mr. Percy Andrew Bailey (d. 1912), aged 18, English Second Class passenger from Penzance, Mr. George Richmond Bailey, American Private First Class from California, USA working aboard the ship "USS Arizona" when she sunk during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941, he died in the sinking. In 1840 there were 466 Bailey families living in New York. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant of arms: Under most heraldic authorities, a motto is an optional component of the coat of arms, and can be added to or changed at will; many families have chosen not to display a motto. Not hard to figure out that that meant they did not come from County Monaghan. "Most Common Last Names in Australia." Retrieved from, Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 10th February 2022). GBP: Sterling dropped across the board yesterday following comments from the Bank of England's Governor Andrew Bailey that poured cold water on investors' expectations for where . Griffin notes: "When producing these maps, I use the exact spelling in the 1901/1911 Irish Census, with the following exceptions: All . Hood, 24th May 1941. The Bailey family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Bailey is a given name derived from the surname Bailey . By 2002, the historical family association, commonly referred to as the Clan Bailey at gatherings, officially adopted the moniker of the Clan Bailey as this was most appropriate. Another brother of Alexander's married a daughter of Sir Patrick Hume's in 1492, and from this union descended the Baillies of Jerviswood. Famous people with this last name include: 1) Jacob Bailey (1731-1808), Church of England clergyman and author; 2) Benjamin Bailey (1791-1871), British missionary in India; 3) Charles Bayly (17th century), the first overseas governor of the Hudson's Bay Company; and 4) Baillie of Jerviswood (died 1684), Scottish conspirator. In 1840 there were 466 Bailey families living in New York. She died during the winter of 1791/2 during what was called the harshest winter in over a decade. The Irish Bailey, originally came to England following the Norman Conquest of 1066. Retrieved from. You can see how Bailey families moved over time by selecting different census years. Retrieved from, Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 8th September 2021). New York had the highest population of Bailey families in 1840. I have been unable to obtain a copy of this will from the Abbeville Courthouse and I am unsure as to whether this will is for Senior or Junior. The personal name, borne by the patron saint of Ireland. Clan Bailey International membership form (docx). In 1940, Laborer and Maid were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Bailey. To sign up, just submit your email here and we will send you the purchase link and the Terms and Conditions, etc. [2] And in Newfoundland, Canada, the name Bailey is the 114th popular surname with an estimated 306 people with that name. It must have been a difficult voyage! To do this we need members to provide content and their experiences. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. request your membership forms by contacting us and Go to The donate now membership is just $40 a year. Social Housing (Regulation) Bill [Lords] Clause 28. He married his wife Elizabeth Pitcher on November 11, 1679 in Bristol, England. (Retrieved 2016, July 13) . The name comes from the Gaelic surname "O'Ceallaigh", meaning warrior or fighter. Ann Bailey, aged 16 who was emigrating through, Ms. Ann Bailey, aged 21 who was emigrating through, Mr. George Bailey, aged 26 who was emigrating through, Mr. Bailey, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1907. "Most Common Last Names in New Zealand." We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Abbeville, Abbeville County, SC, United States, ************************************************************************************. Retrieved from, HMS Repulse Crew members. (Retrieved 2016, July 13) . Sunday 5th March2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire), Don't forget to share within your family whatsapp groups. Retrieved from. Bailey is the 66th most popular surname in the United States and the 56th most common surname in England. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. An early American bearer of the given name was Bailey Bartlett (1750-1830). [2]. Archaeological excavation of 13th century Kilkenny parish church, Business Post Daily Online Subscription Offer, Digital Projector for Kilkenny's Watergate Community Theatre, Kilkenny Castle Yard & Butler House Conservation Project, Kilkenny's Castlecomer Family Park Development, Kilkenny's St Marys 18th century Almshouses ('poor house') Restoration, Protect over 500 Kilkenny family burial plots, Re-plant Kilkenny's 19th century Woodstock formal gardens and arboretum, Teaching Kilkenny's 8-12 year old children about their city's medieval history, Trace 600 year old ancestors from Kilkenny's St. Mary's Church, Tribe101 gets your message to your Global Diaspora, See where your family is on the Global Leader board. Early Origins of the Bailey family Bailey has been well-used over the past two decades, mainly for girls but for boys too. Spellings of Bailey; Bayley, Baelee, Baeleigh, Baeley, Baelie, Baelley, Baely, Bailie, Bailley, Baily, and others. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. For that reason, spelling variations are common among many Anglo-Norman names. Ann Bailey, aged 16 who was emigrating through, Ms. Ann Bailey, aged 21 who was emigrating through, Mr. George Bailey, aged 26 who was emigrating through, Mr. Bailey, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1907. Mr. George W. Bailey (d. 1912), aged 46, English Fireman/Stoker from Woolston. The Chief of Clan Bailey and the family members are actively engaged in bringing back these ideals that were so important for the survival of our ancestors. This could as easily be Nathaniel Bailey's youngest son, who was 25 years of age at the time of that census. It is first recorded in Northumberland, where it was said to have been changed from Balliol due to the unpopularity of Scottish king John Balliol (d. 1314). The origin of the name is most likely from Anglo-Norman bailli, the equivalent of bailiff; bailie remains a regional Scottish variant of the term bailiff. "The following persons presented petitions to his Excellency the Governor setting forth that they were protestants and arrived in this provence in the Brig Lord Dunagannon, Robert Montgomery Master, on the encouragement and Bounty given by the Act of the General Assembly of this Provence passed the 25th July 1761 and therefore prayed to be allowed the same. [7] The United Kingdom ranks Bailey as 65th with 69,972 people. [8] South Africa ranks Bailey as 663rd with 10,265 people. Burial: Old East Cemetery, Thompson, Windham, Connecticut. Sources: Bailey history compiled by Virginia Smith of Griffin, Georgia. In reply to: Re: Diana FLOYD, N. Ireland -> Canada. The most Bailey families were found in USA in 1880. Charbonneau, Andr, and Doris Drolet-Dub. Alexander, the eldest grandson of William and two brothers fled the country after they had beaten and killed their tutor. Members are all on a voluntary basis. "Ordered that the Secretary do prepare Warrants of Survey accordingly. Mr. John Bailey, English convict who was convicted in Middlesex. 1843), aged 60, Cornish surveyor, from Penzance, Miss Edith Bailey, (b. Please join us. [9]. Mr. James Bailey, British Convict who was convicted in Southampton. Last night we found a copy of the census of 1911 from the National Archives of Ireland. We believe this as strongly today as our ancestors did long ago. The name Bailey is also an occupational name for a steward or official, deriving from "baiulivus" in Late Latin. The records now available online include: Birth register records - 1864 to 1921; Marriage register records - 1845 to 1946 & Death register records - 1871* to 1971. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results James Bailey (1811 - 1841) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Mr. Henry Bailey, English convict who was convicted in Middlesex. Family members identified in passenger records and in the Council Journal were: Nathaniel Bailey age 50 Jane Bailey age 45 Jannet Bailey age 23 Joseph Bailey age 20 Elizabeth Bailey age 18 Isabell Bailey age 17 Ann Bailey age 16 William Bailey age 15 James Bailey age 8 Nathaniel Bailey age 6. (Retreived 3rd May 2018). He is well known for his stand-up comedy and appearances in shows such as QI, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and Have I for News for You. While the Bella connection makes Bellamy sound a little trendier and more . Andrew Pickens, a hero of the Revolutionary war, was a member of this church as well. Although the name "Holidays Creek" has not survived on any map and so far I have found no record of the land survey for their land, Jean Bailey's Will, dated 1780 and proved 1792, indicates that her plantation was located adjacent to John Bowie's. We are always looking to find Volunteers: to staff tents, to help gain new members, give information on the family history, and our organization. The surname Bailey was first found in Northumberland. Forebears. Join us, and become a member. Further Northwest, Bristol district was recorded as having Bailey as the top surname. Created by Dr. Jane Lyons MenuSkip to content Counties Connaught Galway Leitrim Mayo Roscommon Sligo Leinster: C-L Carlow Dublin Kildare Kilkenny Laois (Queen's County) Longford Louth Leinster: M-W Meath Offaly (King's County) Westmeath N.B. Thank you for your time and donations that make this possible! Share and remember important moments from your life. A Pre-1790 SC Census (1787), ostensibly done as part of the creation of Abbeville County, lists a "Nathaniel Bayleigh" in Abbeville County as an adult male head of household. Altered form of French Bailly . Some sources list Nathaniel Bailey's death as having occurred around 1780; however, I have not yet found positive proof of this. [4] Retrieved from, Lusitania Passenger List - The Lusitania Resource. He is well known for his stand-up comedy and appearances in shows such as QI, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and Have I for News for You. If you would like to help with a donation pledge, or help fundraise, just submit your email here and we will send you more information on the projects and detail on how you can help. Retrieved from, New Zealand Yesteryears Passenger Lists 1800 to 1900 (Retrieved 17th October 2018). Early immigrants include: The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. It is a great newspaper and a great way to stay connected every day. Retrieved from, HMS Prince of Wales Crew members. They sailed from the port of Belfast, Ireland, on Sept 8, 1767, and arrived at Charleston, SC, Feb 13, 1768. After reading the name lists of his Monaghan congregations who emmigrated with him, I found the Baileys not among them. This was about 12% of all the recorded Bailey's in United Kingdom. In some cases the name may indicate one who dwelt by a bailey or castle wall. Some claim he was born in Belfast, County Antrim; others claim Ballybay in County Monaghan, but no one thus far has produced any proof of his birthplace. Welcome. century. Those who emigrated to American usually did so because the landloard in Northern Ireland were making the cost of owning or renting a home totally unreasonable for the average family. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Bailey census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. Mr. James Bailey, (b. The title 'Le Bailli' was approximately equal to that of Viscount or sheriff. It seems to have originated several other names which will be found below. My husband's great grandfather was Robert Kingston Bailey. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. The title 'Le Bailli' was approximately equal to that of Viscount or sheriff. The current spelling - Daly - is an anglicized version of Dlaigh. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. They brought a centralized government to the entire island and successfully disarmed the native clans and their Chiefs. Info Share. In 1881, it was prevalent in Southeast county of Kent with 1,793 occurrences of the surname. Retrieved from, New Zealand Yesteryears Passenger Lists 1800 to 1900 (Retrieved 17th October 2018). Surname Origin English, Irish Alternate Surname Spellings CLARKE, CLERK, CLERKE Famous People With the Surname CLARK William Clark - one half of the legendary Lewis & Clark expedition to the Pacific Ocean, along with Meriwether Lewis.