Have you changed it back again? I found another of the same bag.just left the seller a message asking if it was still available. Genuine products are being sold through the website, and sellers can be paid through direct deposit, but there can also be some risk involved. I purchased not on poshmark but bonanza . Personally, I feel weird acting as if the buyer isnt in the room and pretending they dont exist. After years of selling on multiple apps, I finally mixed up the labels to two buyers on different selling apps. The item was listed as the wrong size, color, price, etc. If the seller remains unresponsive and the order is not shipped within 7 days, buyers will be able to cancel the order on their end on . Response: The item was photographed in natural light and accurately reflects the color of the item. Let me know if you have any questions! I asked her Wednesday when she plans to ship ( mind you, this is 6 days after I purchased) and she never replied. Launch the Poshmark app Go to your Poshmark account (Tap on the Account Tab) Hit My Purchases Choose the order you want to return Select Order Inquiry or Problems Tap on Order Not as Described Select the reason for returning the item from the dropdown menu Add high-quality images of the product (with good lighting) as proof for your return claim Case: The item is a different color from the pictures. The other buyer was an absolute nightmare! So the buyer cannot open a case due to fit or sizing issues that are not in your control. Select Edit to edit an address or select Add Address to enter a new address. Posh Protect does not cover trades or transactions completed off of the Poshmark platform. . Here is an example of a case that was denied due to sizing issues. I did contact Posh to get help and this is where I get confused, Posh claims that when they did their reach out to her- she said the item was never delivered, and they closed my case. I am going through that now unfortunately. They tacked on $35000 on top of my real earnings. Flakey, disorganized sellers abound. I am very nervous, I've worked very hard on closet :(, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Examples of reasons that could go either way: The color of the item doesnt match the pictures or what was described. How can she claim this after accepting the order to begin with? Rest assured that they'll be able to help you. Do your best to address the case and see it resolved, then move on to making more sales. Per Poshmark policy, items cannot be returned because they dont fit. Cases typically take 1-2 days to resolve. 3. Category Women Other Shipping/Discount Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle you can see this occurring because their prices are WAY down. Each order is shipped using 1-3 day USPS Priority Mail. Are cases annoying? Similarly, since we often associate things that are Made in China with being cheap, a buyer may doubt the authenticity of your item if thats what the care tag says. In closing, I value your partnership in creating a space fueled by the voices of our community and propelled by the work of our team. If the received item is of the wrong size, or if you change your mind about the product or make a trade offline, they will . Pin it on Pinterest to save for later! I bought a James Perse Tee, and received a Banana Republic Striped blouse. This is business to be handled like a professional in hopes of the person returning or at least recognizing that Im not taking it personal, and I greatly appreciate them as a customer or buyer and thats all. If the return is due to something questionable about the item, research the item online to pull up stock photos and retail descriptions of the items. Ive been selling and buying on Poshmark for a few months now and everything has gone smoothly. Now it is day 5 almost 6 and it has not been shipped? Learn More. Seller posted a confusing description. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. If the case is approved, the whole bundle must be returned. Outcomes are typically return approved, denied, or funds released to both parties. Super stretch/soft A.E. I purchased not on poshmark but bonanza . Yes, a Poshmark seller can cancel an order at any time between when the item was purchased and before shipping it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. makes a series of notes reminding myself to double check items. If you buy an item on Poshmark, and there's something wrong with it, or it is somehow different than advertised by the Poshmark seller, you have 3 days from the time of receiving it, to report the problem to Poshmark. And yes, I guess you could say it is in the buyers . Annoying the amount of items you go through that have been posted for YEARS! You purchase an item on Poshmark. Seems pretty rotten for the seller who sent a significantly more expensive item. If you like what you read, you can support the blog by buying me a hot cocoa. Having a case opened on Poshmark is essentially a buyer requesting to return an item. Dont beat yourself up if you accidentally missed a small stain or hole. Recommended sort takes into account sharing as well as a number of other aspects. Think about itif you were in their shoes, would you rule in favor of the unpleasant person or the one whos well-mannered? I have been very active on Poshmark and have sold a good amount of items this past year, but two days ago I shipped out a bundle of 7 items. Thats typically if you want to return an item (Ex: you got the right item and it is damaged). Sucks how dishonest people are. Want to learn how to make an extra $100-$1,000/month in less than an hour? I listed with Poshmark, and I got * responses with the prospective buyer wanting. It was a bit of a frustrating experience. Either way, make your decision and stick with it so back and forth communication remains consistent. Try digging around the brands official website and screenshot any instances where it states that their clothes, indeed, are made in China. Not knowing it fraud. Select Comment on Case. I bought a romper June 16 and I told the girl I need it for a party. Seller sent wrong item Hi. On the share window, select one of the users shown or search for a specific user and select their name. You can choose to focus on a specific category, such as beauty products or clothes, or sell various items. After that poshmark even will put a charge to you for the shipping label. Undisclosed wear or damage (no matter how small it is). If the item is just not your style or does not fit you, we unfortunately cannot accept a return. Thats righteven the most seasoned successful sellers are not immune from it. This buyer was new to Poshmark and she didn't seem to check messages I sent her that the other buyer was anxious to receive her item and she never answered them. Buyers do not care how many followers you have. So posh approves the return but give me only 2 business days to ship it back. Select your profile picture at the top-right of the page. After two days at a jewelry store, it was fixed. The given measurements dont match the buyers measurements. Buyers like to know youre sincere. Since rollout, we've seen huge improvement in the buyer experience and seller sales across the board. I open a case on Posh immediately and supply photos. Happened to me too. 122 78 r/poshmark Join 23 days ago Select More Actions. So my question is, what happens if the jeans never show up? Why is this happening? 2 1/2 weeks in, they absolutely plummeted. I was trying to contact a seller with the same issue and it posted here, apologies! Review From a Seller Whos Made Over $77,000 On The App, The Truth About Why Your Items Arent Selling On Poshmark (And What To Do About It! What they may not realize is that loads of high-end and designer clothing are made in China. I put one comment on the listing asking if they intend to ship around day 5-6 and if no response, I just cancel as soon as Posh lets me. PM knows it would be hard for the very active sellers to pull out now bc it has taken so much time, energy and money to get to where they are at PM. Ive only received them lol. She would never respond to the seller. An item is missing The item is not authentic The seller sent the wrong item However, a buyer cannot request a return because the item didn't fit or they changed their mind. on A message from our SVP of Seller Experience. Opening a case is the ONLY way to do this properly. And to add, yes, the money never really "left" me so Paypal didn't have to refund me. If youre still struggling to get the friendly juices flowing, heres a great phrase to lead with: Im bummed to hear you arent satisfied with your purchase.. She paid $100* for a reformation dress that she did not get. However, I noticed something odd that could be greatly improved. Ive heard of sellers receiving returns that were damaged in some way. You are using an out of date browser. Everything You Need to Know. If not, you can open a counter case. Because I believe you deserve to spend more time making money than stressing about it. The other, on Poshmark, paid $12 for a bundle of two dresses and instead got the reformation dress that was meant for the Mercari buyer. Theres an exception for situations like this - posh can send a label to switch out for the correct item. She paid $100* for a reformation dress that she did not get. There are three ways you can message on Poshmark. I'd message the seller and see if the two of you can work something out in another transaction. When this feature first came out, a lot of people felt it was pushy. Tagged: Poshmark, thrifting & reselling 3. Sometimes sellers (including me) make mistakes. The buyer who shipped right away definitely deserves praise and the other deserves to be publicly embarassed! Still bitter that the other girl got her dress and got to keep my jeans, but if a mix up like this ever happens again Ill make sure to hold onto the other persons item until I get mine first. I would like to return an item purchased on Poshmark please help with this proce. thanks. I have only bought a few things off Posh and had good luck. Ah, nevermind, kind PFer's..I see on Poshmark that my offer did expire on it's own! Here's the exact verbiage from Poshmark's return policy: Since most resellers are selling secondhand clothes, inserting a disclaimer in your description like, Please refer to measurements in case item has shrunken or any alterations have occurred can help protect you in the event that a case gets opened for either of those reasons. I bet if Poshmark decided to go ahead and charge that buyer the price of the jeans for keeping them she might get them in the mail a little faster. We were both sent labels, I mailed mine the next day. After a certain number of days, Poshmark automatically refunds the buyer if the seller never ships the item using the prepaid label issued by Poshmark. The majority of Poshmark sellers ship their orders within a few days of purchase. Or, you could swap out the second half [of the first sentence suggestion I gave] so that the phrase reads, Im bummed to hear it didnt fit you since that also calls attention to an invalid reason for return. Answer (1 of 4): First, I'm not sure how Poshmark can blame the courier for an empty box. @Tangie4242, I think we would all like to know what the super secret Number of other aspects are so we could make sure we have them covered, Hello, When you receive the item back, check it to make sure its in the same condition as when you sent it. A buyer opened a case stating that a sweater must be counterfeit because the inner label said it was made in China, but all items by that company are made in the US. Hello Poshmarkers! I purchased a very expensive item and the seller hasn't sent the item and it has been two weeks. Select Sent the wrong item. Sent wrong item : poshmark 25 Posted by 14 days ago Sent wrong item After years of selling on multiple apps, I finally mixed up the labels to two buyers on different selling apps. They're completely off. If you go to the My Purchases section of the app or web site, you should be able to report a problem with the order and get a refund. 3 days from the arrival of your package. All returns must be shipped back within 5 days of approval to be eligible for a refund. Does it expire at some point? I am continuing to email Posh but curious for those who have been through this with an unresponsive buyer. If you're still spending time sharing to parties, trying to gain followers, sharing other Poshmark sellers' items, or spending ungodly amounts of time completing all the . Hi so sorry I dont know why this posted here! Same situation just happened to me too! Thanks for reading The seller said it wasnt hers. Ive made over $90,000 selling clothes on Poshmark. Pepepizzazz. I received the wrong item from a Poshmark seller thewhitedaisy. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE POSHMARK TO RESOLVE A CASE? We currently host 4 parties per day with varying party themes of different brands, categories, departments, and trends. The dress is big on the breast but the size zipper does not close correctly. Shop All Electronics Cameras, Photo & Video, Shop All Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories, Shop All Electronics Computers, Laptops & Parts, Shop All Electronics Tablets & Accessories, Shop All Electronics Video Games & Consoles, Shop All Electronics VR, AR & Accessories. Sometimes Poshmark will request additional photos from the buyer, so in those instances, it might take a bit longer to resolve. I have been very active on Poshmark and have sold a good amount of items this past year, but two days ago I shipped out a bundle of 7 items. Select More Actions. Select the order. I had the same thing happen to me and I couldn't see tracking when the item was re-shipped, it just got delivered about 2 weeks later. IS A CANCELLATION THE SAME AS HAVING A CASE OPENED? Make sure your item is well-lit so your pictures dont turn out grainy. For messages specifically related to an item, you can add a comment on any listing (item in a closet) by going to the listing and clicking the comment icon. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Poshmark allows four pictures, but sometimes employees will ask for more. Then send that video to Poshmark via email with the case reference information. The reason for this is because from a buyer's perspective no matter how fashionable an item was or still is, the fact is that it will depreciate over time. Whatever it is, it's not the item you ordered. 2. You might be wondering: what does this mean? The item is different than the stock photo used. I had received an email from Poshmark stating that a case had been opened because the buyer stated that an item was "broken, damaged or stained." They mentioned the policy of asking the buyer to describe the issue and sending photos. Welcome to #thePoshLife, a blog by Poshmark! You can always re-list the item on Poshmark! Same thing happened to me! When a buyer opens a case, she submits a reason and evidence for the return request. Check it out, here! Click to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If there are any flaws present, photograph them close up and describe the flaw in your listing description. Sometimes its best to just cut your losses and accept the returnespecially if you know you are the one in the wrong. Submit these if you think it will help your case. I hope to get this one! Select My Sales. Sold by shortyx06. I purchased a very expensive item and the seller hasn't sent the item and it has been two weeks. It is incorrect by $35000. That is when Paypal releases money to seller..so if there is a problem, notify immediately. Open a case! This works well for sellers who: feel uncomfortable knowing buyers can see their responses in the cases message thread, feel uber confident the return request will get denied as the buyer is clearly citing a reason thats not accepted under Poshmarks policy. The more you sell, the higher your odds areits as simple as that. Sellers listing such essential items must offer them at reasonable prices and are prohibited from unreasonably profiting from increased demand or disrupted supply caused by emergencies or disasters. Note, this doesn't opt you into Poshmark-related emails. Tracking confirms delivery of the dress almost a week ago. I think a lot of us have mixed up orders like this, which is a human error, but at this point the blame lies with the other buyer. Hayley Peterson. Why not promote posh as a great place to shop?? I reached out via messaging and haven't gotten a reply. The buyer said, "The sizing/fitting is very weird. We will re-release a new version after further test and iteration. You bear all risks associated with any such transactions. I'm a San Franciscan trying to stay true to frugal living in my native city. They may take longer if the case goes over a weekend or Poshmark requests more information or pictures from either party. The seller puts whatever they want in the package. Everyone needs to check their monthly reports. Seems logical to me. Also please, please make a share all button for the closet. I'm Arlene. Last but not least I have to say simply changing your mind and wasting the sellers time money and gas is not right. She order wrong item we. Sure. I opened a case so I could return it. After all, there is a real human being behind the scenes at Poshmark and your fate rests in their hands. Amount may vary by promotion.***. They are even lower at their discount stores. Furthermore, it may be helpful to pull stock images of the garment to prove that the raw-hemmed crop top in question was originally designed that way (and noyou didnt DIY crop it yourself). Obviously whatever youre doing to help them must really be working. After all, they can see all of your responses. To do this, in the app, select the three dot menu (.) To report the problem: In the app Go to your Account Tab (@username). Select a listing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Technician's Assistant: . Secondly, according to Poshmark's policies (see below) they don't start processing a refund until you have received the return. I never see an add regarding shopping on posh. That makes no sense. If you feel that the issue has been resolved at any time during the conversation, you can close the case to remove the Support Agent. Since Ive sold thousands of items, Id say thats a pretty decent track record! Poshmark is a social marketplace for new and second-hand style items for women, men, children, pets, home and other markets. There is know info in the envelope to help me. A few weeks later I received my package. My sales were good, not great when I first started around April 3rd. By simply understanding what you're doing wrong and making a few vital tweaks to your Poshmark businessyou could be sailing on the seas to success in no time. Darn. Head over to the Poshmark Community Toolkityour one-stop destination for mastering the ins and outs of running a successful Poshmark business, connecting with the community, and more. You wont be charged for shipping (will be reimbursed fully) but if you miss the 2 day return Poshmark will close the case. You may have pictures of the item not shown in the original listing. 286. 3. The buyer has 72 hours from the time of delivery (as noted by USPS) to accept the item or raise a case against it. Select the order with status Case in review. Yep, I've had it happen a few times. I am new to Poshmark, it's been over two weeks since I submitted a bid..and nothing. She finally did ship but by the time the buyer received her item, Poshmark had sent her a refund and paid me also, so she was able to keep the dress for free, happy end to that part of the story! The seller on Poshmark mailed my package to the wrong address and usps is sending. Ordered a raspberry macaron candle and i got this. Here you'll find everything from Posh Tips to exciting new app updates. I get the feeling that the person who received them decided to keep them. 2/3 did not fulfill the order or think to communicate this to me. For more information, please see our Answer (1 of 2): While a seller themselves can't recharge you, as they have no power to do so, Poshmark can, you are also under a contractual obligation to pay for the item and cannot cancel unless it's within a certain time period (3hrs- unless you accepted or made an offer to a seller, in which. I love the new search field !! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My order number is. I immediately used their online process for indicating that I received the. Your shipping costs are reduced to $4.99 when you do this. Following that up with, you arent satisfied with your purchase is a safe route because it highlights that the reason for their return is dissatisfactionwhich does not fall under one of the accepted reasons according to Poshmarks return policy. If you still have additional photos of the item saved to your phone, submit those to support your case. Accepting a return can build trust with your customers and increases the likelihood that theyd be willing to purchase from you again in the future. Sometimes the best route is not responding at all. Dear Poshmark Community, As you may know, we recently rolled out a new default sort option for search to launch a more relevant search experience for all Poshers. Posh makes you return EVERYTHING in a bundle sale. This is just terrible. I bought a nice coat from a poshmarker in the past. . Ive had no sales compared to my steady flow. thanks. Would you PLEASE switch me to the test group that is selling? and our From what I understand they can pretty much say anything to get a return. Press J to jump to the feed. Press J to jump to the feed. I find that most buyers want the very lowest cheapest item they nickel and dime to the bottom ,we are only making minimum money. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As a result, today, we will be switching back to just shared as the default sort option for most users. SHOPPERS BEWARE: I bought something from Poshmark and the seller sent me a different item (and sent another buyer my item).